Burdock's PSA! Lets talk Turtling!

BurdockBurdock Join Date: 2012-08-27 Member: 156553Members
edited January 2013 in NS2 General Discussion
There has been a lot of talk on the forums, and complaining in game about....... Turtling!!. So I thought a quick PSA was due talking about easy ways to brake them buggers!

Passive : Playing the long game, a lower risk strategy - but lower reward.

aggressive : Go for it! A high risk strategy - but with high reward.

neutral : A strategy with mostly even risk and reward.

Bait and switch : A strategy that hinges upon your teams ability to fake the enemy~ can be risky

Basic power node / CC rushing rules :
Gorges: are always the support unit, but fall in to 2 roles. Early game gorges are there mostly for healing, and keeping the attack going. once you get bile bomb they are the number one building destroyer, so focus the objective. (command chair or power node)

Lerks: are the covering force, use them to ease the pressure off your building destroyers. early game just fly and bite the **** out of everything. But once you have gas, you have use your real strength! Use gas to #1 cover gorges, #2 cover armories and IP's, #3 cover onos and other large parts of the room!

Fades: are the killing force, SS and blink behind the defenders and swipe away! The more you kill, the less fire on your friends!

Onos: are the meet! your job is to attack the objective, and soak up damage..... don't ever go out of your way to kill someone, that's what everyone else is for.

Skulks: Are the all around unit, early game they are the number 1 objective smasher, but as the game go's on you will fall more and more under the "distraction" role.... so use your head when your playing skulk, see who needs your help....

Drifters: are awesome..... yeah enzyme is amazing, and they are great damage sponges. ALWAYS USE DRIFTERS!

Ideas and strats for Aliens:

Early game : 5 Minutes or less

If you end up pushing a Marine in to there base (or there base + one RT) quickly, you end up with three main options~
  • (Passive) Get Skulks and Gorges to defend the doorways exiting Marine controlled areas, while claiming as many RT's as possible. The idea is to tech as fast as you can while holding line. These game usually end with a fast onos, but any massive tech advantage can be used to finish the fight!

Warning! Taking this approach can leave a lot of time for the Marine team to coordinate, so be on your guard for an all out assault!

  • (neutral-ish) Get a gorge and 1-2 skulks on each doorway exiting Marine controlled areas. then (If you have 3+rt’s and an Upgrade if need be) drop a hive! The name of the game is getting a fast set of *Upgrades, Leap, and Bile Bomb*. These matches usually end with a gorge + skulk rush on the power node once you have the right tools!
Warning! Loosing the 2nd hive early on will get the Marine back on there feet… So guard it well, one gorge and some hydras is a good idea!

Note: Drifters enzyme ability can make bile bomb a massive hazard for buildings, so if you can USE IT!

  • (aggressive) Frontal rush on there bace! This is best done with Drifters(enzyme), 1-2gorges, and an upgrade if you can. Remember your goal is to ether win outright, or buy your self time to get map control and tech! so don't dilly dally!
Note: The easiest thing to take down is the power most of the time, but other targets include the command chair or IP. Anyone of them will work, just make sure you pick JUST ONE TARGET. The faster you can take down your target the better!

Warning! Make sure you have a back up plan~ these thing can always go very wrong!

Mid game : 5-20 Minutes

Coming very soon!

Late game : 20 Minutes or more

Just started

For the most part, there is 2 kinds of turtling Marine late game, 2 base (with a phasegate connection) and one base. So I will address each individuality~

One base

  • (Passive) Reinforce the front line (Crags, wips, gorges, and shifts) until you feel very secure. Once you feel as if your team can hold there own, build up ress. The name of the game at this point is poring as much ress in to killing that base as you can! This means Onos eggs, drifters (enzyme), and just plain building wips in there base.

Ideas and strats for Marines:

Coming soon after the very soon stuff! !


  • BurdockBurdock Join Date: 2012-08-27 Member: 156553Members
    Ok guys! Got any idea? go ahead and post them and I will add em to the list!
  • {GGs} Chicken{GGs} Chicken Join Date: 2011-11-22 Member: 134663Members, NS2 Map Tester
    One base turtling rines - Spam onos and rush cc
    Two base turtling rines - Coordinate rush on one techpoint, then read above for last tp

  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    A turtling guide that doesn't take the specific room into account is essentially leaving out 90% of the most vital information.

    A successful turtle, or the successful breaking of a turtle, is almost entirely related to what room it is in. Certain rooms cannot be defended no matter how much res you put into it. Certain other rooms become unassailable fortresses even with unupgraded marines.
  • BurdockBurdock Join Date: 2012-08-27 Member: 156553Members
    |strofix| wrote: »
    A turtling guide that doesn't take the specific room into account is essentially leaving out 90% of the most vital information.

    ...Certain other rooms become unassailable fortresses even with unupgraded marines.
    There is a way, there is always a way!
  • thefonzthefonz Join Date: 2011-06-22 Member: 105847Members
    edited January 2013
    Everyone seems to forget the bait and switch. Quit sticking your hand into the turtle's shell. Back off, Let them start to "win" and one of the entrances. Once they stick thier head out too far, move in hard and cut it off.

    This can generally be applied to various turtle situations. Sometimes you'll need to do it more than once. Or use it to kill a high value player/structure. Baiting a few marines out of the base to get a clear shot at thier last exo is a simple example.
  • sotanahtsotanaht Join Date: 2013-01-12 Member: 179215Members
    edited January 2013
    How do you deal with an end-game turtle? Marines have gone exo and been pushed back to one base. Now there are 1-2 exos in their one base with no possible way to push out, probably as far from the doors as possible. The marines have arcs to keep any forward bases at a safe distance as well. Any onos that enter the room are shredded before they can even get to the exos.

    This is the situation that happened to me yesterday in Mineshaft. Marines had nothing but Operations, we had forward bases as close as the arcs inside operations would allow them to be. There was one exo in the back of the room shooting down the big targets. This went on for at least a good half hour. In the end I'm still not sure how someone managed to kill that exo.

    thefonz wrote: »
    Everyone seems to forget the bait and switch. Quit sticking your hand into the turtle's shell. Back off, Let them start to "win" and one of the entrances. Once they stick thier head out too far, move in hard and cut it off.

    This can generally be applied to various turtle situations. Sometimes you'll need to do it more than once. Or use it to kill a high value player/structure. Baiting a few marines out of the base to get a clear shot at thier last exo is a simple example.

    I suppose that could work, but at skill levels high enough to allow a deliberate feint like that I would expect the enemy team to see it coming a mile away.
  • BurdockBurdock Join Date: 2012-08-27 Member: 156553Members
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