Weapon Scrolling

DarkATiDarkATi Revelation 22:17 Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17532Members, Reinforced - Shadow
<div class="IPBDescription">It's the Little Things...</div>Why is it that the weapons scroll order is reversed from almost every major FPS on the market in NS2? Scroll up takes me to weapon 2 and then 3, while scroll down on my mousewheel takes me to 3 and then 2. You know what I mean?

I am used to scrolling down once for my secondary but in NS2 my secondary (pistol) is scroll up. I realize I can probably fix this in my personal bindings but why is it this way to start with? It's really confusing. Am I the only one that thinks so?

P.S. I have been away for awhile and just used an Exo for the first time. It was breathtaking - so very super cool!!!! Great job UWE.



  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    Heh in any case it should be customisable. But I can guess at the logic behind it. Scroll up goes up in terms of weapon slot number?
  • Jman117Jman117 Join Date: 2012-08-03 Member: 154698Members
    That irritates me so much, I immediately tried to rebind it on the first game... And it's one of the few things for marines that seems it can not be rebound >.>

    An option to rebind it would be great :D
  • meatmachinemeatmachine South England Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177858Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    First thing I did was train my brain to think 'scroll UP for the thing you are most likely going to use next', so from rifle to pistol once you run out of ammo, or down to go from rifle to axe for structure killing. But yeah, it doesnt feel like a logical order compared to most FPS.
  • PinocchioPinocchio Join Date: 2012-11-09 Member: 168633Members
    edited January 2013
    Didn't notice yet after 150hrs :D
    Im using Key 1,2,3,4, the only fast enough way to survive out there.... ;)
  • DarkATiDarkATi Revelation 22:17 Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17532Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Let's be honest, NS2 has a hard enough learning curve. Changing the "standard" scroll order found in pretty much every FPS on the market doesn't help. At the very least, please allow the user to rebind this in the options menu UWE.

    Is there a workaround in console for the time being?

  • nsguynsguy Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69869Members
    This still gets me today so I support this. A more general problem with NS2 is key bindings. They should really work on a patch that permits players to bind keys for everything.
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