Servers Griefers
Join Date: 2012-11-17 Member: 172145Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Its gotten real, real bad.</div>Not sure where to put this, but since its about new server features. Please make this a priority.
Theres absolutely no way you'll get an established player base when all night i go from server to server seeing them emptying by 2 trolls. They go in, get the marine comm, spam meds, recycle buildings, eject anyone and everyone else and completely destroy server, after server, after server.
Its gotten extremely bad.
-Possible features:
Comm votes before game start,
Longer cool down on game starts,
Required min play time before game start,
Rating your commander at the end of the round.
Heres last nights, one of em anyways.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Theres absolutely no way you'll get an established player base when all night i go from server to server seeing them emptying by 2 trolls. They go in, get the marine comm, spam meds, recycle buildings, eject anyone and everyone else and completely destroy server, after server, after server.
Its gotten extremely bad.
-Possible features:
Comm votes before game start,
Longer cool down on game starts,
Required min play time before game start,
Rating your commander at the end of the round.
Heres last nights, one of em anyways.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Add him to your banlist.
Not sure there is much that can be done, if someone gets in the comm chair they hold the power. However, being able to change the eject comm ratio would be good.
Theres alot that can be done to alleviate greifing, request CDs, comm ratios, comm votes, vote kicks, etc.
I'm not sure what can be done about it, a "commanding history" would be about the only thing that could work. Each steamID is able to record 1 vote on the commander at the end of a match, perhaps a 5 star rating system, with 0 stars representing "this guy was a troll" . After a certain number of "troll" reviews in the same day (10-20?) that player is not allowed to comm for a week or something. After 3 weeks of temporary comm bans that player is banned from commanding for a month etc.. if they continue on like this then perhaps a permanent comm ban is in order. Also these trolls "eject commander" votes should not count.
Saw this once, two people joined spammed orders and ejected two different commanders simple and fast ban.
If UWE had admins who frequented their official servers it might improve so maybe they could get a volunteer team and give them a set of guidelines.
Then you of course have the problem of admins on UWE servers favouring certain players or taking a personal grudge against another, which would require other people to govern them and so forth.
A voting system would be a good project for a mod, similar to a map vote as servers have the option of recording player name and NS2 ID. However everyone on the server rating everyone else at the end of every match would take a considerable amount of time and probably empty a server at the end of every game. Adding a mod that gives players an option to vote another at the end for bad or good performance would have the same issues as the above method while also most of the community wouldn't know how to use it.
Increasing the required votes from 25% to 50% would be a good place to start or limiting the number of eject votes that anyone player can have per game to one might be a second solution. Both together are obviously impractical.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Just play on community servers with admins on.
Theres nice things like afk kicks, random team votes, and rtv on other votes, but its all useless if i can't hit what i'm shooting at.
That being said, the last patch has made aiming at anything nearly impossible with 3fps in-combat... So i just end up gorging or comming every game now anyways: (
Feel free to go on our web site and browse the player lists on each server, and join one where you see an admin (admins have the []><[] tag). Also, we are on the forums at all times, in you need to report anyone take a screenshot and make a post in the pest removal forum. Feel free to also add admins to your steam friends and message whoever is online if you need immediate help.
We try to maintain a civilized community free of trolls.
And about hit registry, if you play on servers 1 2 or 3 that should not be an issue (they are running on a 4.65Ghz oc i7 3770k). Servers 4 and 5 work decent, but they are on an older machine and there are occasional hiccups.
See my signature below for more info.
I get in and command for about 30 seconds, I get ejected. the offending people wont get in the chair and original commander cant get in either.
Is there a way to see who ejected comm? in the server command screen? How many votes does it take? I thought it had to be 50% of the people on the team.