Make ARC deplayement researchable.
Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8263Members

Idea is simple: unbound production of ARCs from it's research
- ARCs can be produced from vanilla Robotic factory
- make the deployment to "heavy" state of ARC (which will shoot sonic wave) research-able
- once you have arc and proper research, you can shoot sonic waves.
NOTE: there is also possibility to allow ARC act as sentry turret in compact / movable state (of course ARC should stay still when fire, not during moving between places)
NOTE2: I know it sounds like tanks in SC2, but idea is perfect, why not use it ;)
- ARCs can be produced from vanilla Robotic factory
- make the deployment to "heavy" state of ARC (which will shoot sonic wave) research-able
- once you have arc and proper research, you can shoot sonic waves.
NOTE: there is also possibility to allow ARC act as sentry turret in compact / movable state (of course ARC should stay still when fire, not during moving between places)
NOTE2: I know it sounds like tanks in SC2, but idea is perfect, why not use it ;)
"...they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers."
If arcs are given a lifeform damaging gun i would suggest that it only be useable when deployed and that the Comm would have to switch between weapons (with a cool down). Having ARCs be in siege mode, then undeploy (turning into sentries) then roll away once the lifeforms are dead seems a bit much.
Also, ARCs would need a hard cap (probly 5 would be fair, or share the same AI pool as MACs)
I like how ARCs are in a heavily armored state when moving, but have no armor when deployed, and i would not be opposed to giving ARCs and anti-lifeform gun for base defense
Of course this opens up all kinds of balancing issues, like the ever hated sentry farms. Perhaps if ARCs were only given their anti-player gun when close to the powernode? This would limit their ability to be farmed, and keep static defense as a deterrent rather than area denial.
Also, not having sentry guns as a unique building would make using ARCs more of a tradeoff since you would have to sacrifice base defense for offence
this arc? huehuehue jk.
fo real doe, it's an interesting idea but not necessary I think. You don't need arcs anywhere besides late game, plus (if I read correctly) they wouldn't even have any worthwhile weaponry until the research is complete anyway.
seems more accurate IMO.
Or even the classic <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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