"Rookie friendly"
Metal Handkerchief
Join Date: 2012-11-09 Member: 168697Members

Alright. I was not playing this game for a week or so, so when I came back I decided to freshen up on the game on a "Rookie friendly" server as I was feeling rusty.
What I've been finding is a lot - A LOT - of obviously very skilled players who join such servers to farm green names. This is such an obnoxious trend I just had to bring it here. What's worse is that some <b>clans</b> will actually label their server "rookie friendly" and then proceed to stack all the noobs on the opposite side and just completely reap newbies like it's some sort of morbid feeding ritual.
This has to stop. UW, you have a responsibility for your community, and what is happening right now is very ugly.
In fact, I was finding more skilled players and infallible aimers on the official green servers than I was on the official white servers. I think you need to threaten to bring out the banhammer on this one, this is personally the most abusive behaviour bar hacking I've seen in an FPS game in 10 years.
And if you don't have the resources to do this, then you have to remove the "rookie friendly" tag in your next patch. Because rape is never friendly.
What I've been finding is a lot - A LOT - of obviously very skilled players who join such servers to farm green names. This is such an obnoxious trend I just had to bring it here. What's worse is that some <b>clans</b> will actually label their server "rookie friendly" and then proceed to stack all the noobs on the opposite side and just completely reap newbies like it's some sort of morbid feeding ritual.
This has to stop. UW, you have a responsibility for your community, and what is happening right now is very ugly.
In fact, I was finding more skilled players and infallible aimers on the official green servers than I was on the official white servers. I think you need to threaten to bring out the banhammer on this one, this is personally the most abusive behaviour bar hacking I've seen in an FPS game in 10 years.
And if you don't have the resources to do this, then you have to remove the "rookie friendly" tag in your next patch. Because rape is never friendly.
This discussion has been closed.
Hey, <a href="http://unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=125248" target="_blank">this one</a> is still on the front page.
Competitive multiplayer is competitive, that's just the way the game works. The alternative, removing rookie servers, is to throw newbies into random servers that may be full of understandably angry people who resent having their balanced match destroyed by unavoidable, spontaneously appearing new players, which would in turn alienate everyone in the skill spectrum and create a quite hostile environment.
UWE is doing a great job with this community, better than many expected them to. If people want to play a peaceful game at their own pace where they can learn the maps and mechanics, they have explore mode. The sooner you stop freaking out about the fact that newbies are losing games, the sooner you'll experience a less anxious and overall healthier life.
Competitive multiplayer is competitive, that's just the way the game works. The alternative, removing rookie servers, is to throw newbies into random servers that may be full of understandably angry people who resent having their balanced match destroyed by unavoidable, spontaneously appearing new players, which would in turn alienate everyone in the skill spectrum and create a quite hostile environment.
UWE is doing a great job with this community, better than many expected them to. If people want to play a peaceful game at their own pace where they can learn the maps and mechanics, they have explore mode. The sooner you stop freaking out about the fact that newbies are losing games, the sooner you'll experience a less anxious and overall healthier life.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes, that's funny, that's the exact same excuse they made in text while they were laughing on voice chat about what noobs they were.
Or, you know, get better? And I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just a firm believer in the best way to learn is to get your a$$ kicked. Relax, don't let your nerves get the best of you. Learn what you can, or like I said, go to a different server. No need to get all banhammer crazy...
(Not to mention the fact that servers have different pings for players, and all players want the best ping regardless of skill, correct?)
Or, you know, get better? And I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just a firm believer in the best way to learn is to get your a$$ kicked. Relax, don't let your nerves get the best of you. Learn what you can, or like I said, go to a different server. No need to get all banhammer crazy...
(Not to mention the fact that servers have different pings for players, and all players want the best ping regardless of skill, correct?)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I wasn't playing against them. I was playing <i>with</i> them, which made it all the more disgusting. Like I said they were douching over voice comm to eachother all the while, laughing it up about how bad the opponents were, then being fake helpful in text chat.
I mean, yeah, it sucks....but, really?
If they were doing messed up things like kicking the comm, or interrupting gameplay, it'd be a different story.
But them just being a bunch of bro's? Whatever man, forget them.
Find a different server, you'll find most people to be genuinely helpful.
Back in the NS1 days I recall clans actually running 'newbie' servers and they had experienced players in there offering help and advice to new players. Their actions were responsible for helping to build the general public player base in a game that had no tutorial and a steep learning curve.
Nowadays, it's 'newbie hunts', and God forbid if one asks a question, they usually get something along the lines of 'learn to play'. (Yeah, that's what they are trying to do Einstein.)
I gotta admit, I've lost a lot of respect for the competitive community based on the behaviour I have repeatedly seen over the past month. Sadly, nothing in this thread is new to me.
Back in the NS1 days I recall clans actually running 'newbie' servers and they had experienced players in there offering help and advice to new players. Their actions were responsible for helping to build the general public player base in a game that had no tutorial and a steep learning curve.
Nowadays, it's 'newbie hunts', and God forbid if one asks a question, they usually get something along the lines of 'learn to play'. (Yeah, that's what they are trying to do Einstein.)
I gotta admit, I've lost a lot of respect for the competitive community based on the behaviour I have repeatedly seen over the past month. Sadly, nothing in this thread is new to me.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A few malcontents don't invalidate the good in the many. Just because you don't see people giving newbies tips and explaining mechanics doesn't mean we aren't out there. If you ever see a purple Gorge, you know you're on the right track.
Purple Gorge?
IMO, you're going to get limited support and answers in-game. I join to play the game, rather than coach, most of the time. (I also don't go on "rf" servers.)
The "rookie friendly" is a nice label, but it doesn't mean much a lot of the time... I think a lot of players join to play a game or stomp noobs there, despite the label, with little to no intention to be helpful.
Only visible on some modded servers. It indicates a willingness to teach and guide new players beyond the typical expectation. Not many people have the mod installed to show it, though, so it's a rare sight these days.
Back in the NS1 days I recall clans actually running 'newbie' servers and they had experienced players in there offering help and advice to new players. Their actions were responsible for helping to build the general public player base in a game that had no tutorial and a steep learning curve.
Nowadays, it's 'newbie hunts', and God forbid if one asks a question, they usually get something along the lines of 'learn to play'. (Yeah, that's what they are trying to do Einstein.)
I gotta admit, I've lost a lot of respect for the competitive community based on the behaviour I have repeatedly seen over the past month. Sadly, nothing in this thread is new to me.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What I've noticed with NS2 (compared to NS1) is that the public player base is generally less skilled as well as being abusive to good players. While nothing applies to 100% of a given player base, this time around the public players just don't seem to have the same 'ethics' that they did in NS1.
Back in the NS1 days I recall pubbers actually asking me how I was able to shoot so accurately as marine or move so fast as alien. Their actions were responsible for helping to recruit new players into the competitive player base in a game that had no official support for competitive play and a steep learning curve.
Nowadays, it's 'hacker hunts', and God forbid if a player says he is just good, they usually get something along the lines of '###### off you hacking ######'. (Yeah, guilty until proven innocent, right?)
I gotta admit, I've lost a lot of respect for the public community based on the behaviour I have repeatedly seen over the past month. Every server I go to, after about ten minutes half the server is crying about hacking. Sadly, the reply quoted above is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
Competitive multiplayer is competitive, that's just the way the game works. The alternative, removing rookie servers, is to throw newbies into random servers that may be full of understandably angry people who resent having their balanced match destroyed by unavoidable, spontaneously appearing new players, which would in turn alienate everyone in the skill spectrum and create a quite hostile environment.
UWE is doing a great job with this community, better than many expected them to. If people want to play a peaceful game at their own pace where they can learn the maps and mechanics, they have explore mode. The sooner you stop freaking out about the fact that newbies are losing games, the sooner you'll experience a less anxious and overall healthier life.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
He is right. I think your confusing rookie<i><b> friendly</b></i> with rookie ONLY. It is easy to get good quickly if you have a pro willing to help, myself being one of them. Find me on my server:
<a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=124770" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...howtopic=124770</a>
I was actually ejected as com because I wouldn't build sentries before getting phase gates up on a few servers after release.
Unfortunately, while there are at least a few players who are there to genuinely play a semi-serious pub game, and do their part, there is usually at least one who is whining, high, stupid, unkind, abusive, etc. etc.
It happens with most online games nowadays unfortunately, and NS2 is no exception. Hopefully those elements will gradually clear out as the player base matures a little bit more.
While I agree that such behavior is disgusting, just what can the developers do about it? You can't balance peoples behavior. That can only be the responsibility of the admins running that server, and if they are the ones perpetuating that behavior, all you can do is leave.
As much as I'd love to have a "Douchbag Filter" in the server browser (or hey, the Internet in general) that's just impossible.
Back in the NS1 days I recall pubbers actually asking me how I was able to shoot so accurately as marine or move so fast as alien. Their actions were responsible for helping to recruit new players into the competitive player base in a game that had no official support for competitive play and a steep learning curve.
Nowadays, it's 'hacker hunts', and God forbid if a player says he is just good, they usually get something along the lines of '###### off you hacking ######'. (Yeah, guilty until proven innocent, right?)
I gotta admit, I've lost a lot of respect for the public community based on the behaviour I have repeatedly seen over the past month. Every server I go to, after about ten minutes half the server is crying about hacking. Sadly, the reply quoted above is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You can thank Call of Duty, Halo and other mainstream shooters for that.
Back in the NS1 days, the amount of people playing now were unheard of. The community was extremely small compared to what it is now and what it can be. With a small community, you usually get more respect being shown, more intelligence, and more good sportsmanship. With the growth of the community comes the growth of the anonymity, allowing people to feel like they can get away with being rude, childish and just overall asshats, and so they do exactly that.
It's sad that the growth of the gaming community as a whole is what's hurting it the most. From a lot of developers just not caring anymore and pushing the same old crap, repackaged in a shiny new box because they know a lot of people will still buy it, to the rampant, foaming at the mouth, idiots who use any sort of human contact online as a way to vent their angst, stupidity and misguided views.. It's just simply destructive behavior on both ends, making for quite a remarkable crap-sandwich. It doesn't make me hopeful for the future of humanity, to say the least.
It won't be changing anytime soon either. Have no choice but to deal with it, until someone invents a way to punch offenders through the internet.
Me and my friends have tough times playing in public servers due to abusive players and especially admins. People who lambaste you for having a good score calling you cheaters/hackers etc. Yea it's fun for a while at least, not when admins ban you though, because calling you a cheater can give you an ego boost sometimes but it's gotten really annoying lately to know that you are upsetting players (even though they are stupid players) and they make other people think your skill is not legitimate and w/e, but it happens <b>ALL DAY LONG</b> in <b>ALMOST EVERY COMMUNITY SERVER</b>. In one day I was banned twice for "Cheating" and more than 4 for my friends who I try hard to find a game with and that does not seem possible unless we only play in official or competitive servers. I can't even imagine how it would be for someone who is better than me to play in these servers as I'm not close to the best NS2 player. I've never had this problem in any game before save maybe TF2 although I hardly ever pub, to see so many ignorant people in the NS2 community is really disheartening especially how it's impacting good players with how bad the competitive state of this game is at the moment.
If something could be done about this I'm not sure what, I don't really want to place names against server owners or make them never be able to administrate an NS2 server again even though I feel like they deserve it and it's not right for them to be doing this sort of thing whether it's their server or not.
Guess what? They're gonna tell their friends what a 'great' experience they had, and you can kiss those sales goodbye too.
No, it's not just a few, I see it all the time. My suggestion to those in the competitive community that don't support this behaviour is that you start calling people out on it. It's your reputation that is getting trashed, not mine.
In NS1 this kind of thing NEVER would have happened, because it would get back to 'team leaders' and there would be words with those involved. Back then people took more pride in wearing a clan tag, now it almost seems like many use it as an excuse to tell everyone else what they are doing wrong, why the team is losing, and how everyone but him is a loser who needs to learn to play.
If you're not seeing it, perhaps start floating around to different servers. I see it all the time in the high pop servers.
When I started playing the game, I read through the entire wiki, on both the marine/alien side, looked at the numbers in some detail, and then entered servers. Most of the "noob" questions in my experience can be answered by the wiki. There is some staggering lack of understanding about the tech. in the game. Just a couple days ago, half the team was surprised that arcs can shoot through the wall when I shot warehouse hive on tram from north tunnels. And that was not a "rookie friendly" server. I still see bile bomb grossly underused on pubs on a daily basis.
I'm not saying I was good from day 1. Boy, did I suck badly. However, I didn't ask 101 questions such as "what does an ARC do," and didn't go 1:10 KDR with 20 points 20 minutes into the game.
There is a severe mistreatment of new and veteran players alike in NS2, but I'd be more concerned if there was a type of player that somebody didn't feel the need to act like an ass to. I see people getting angry about newbies every once and a while, and I say something. I see people helping newbies, and I say nothing. I see nobody helping newbies, and I say I will. Dwelling on every negative attitude in the community will just leave you frustrated; what's important is to do what you can, when you can. By and large, I see more helpful people than angry ones.
Happy to see that I didn't misjudge you. The only one made to be the "butt of jokes" in this thread is you, and it is highly deserved. I really want to congratulate you on making such a thoroughly hopeless post. It takes a special kind of person to write something that useless; stereotyping an entire "group" because you've come across a some morons while playing public.
I don't stack, I don't harass newbies, I don't play on green servers, I avoid replying to the malcontents, and I reply as helpfully as possible to anyone asking me for tips, yet whenever I play public (yes, whenever, 100% of the time), I have at least one person accusing me of hacking within ten minutes of joining the server. Usually, that number grows to 5+ whining and complaining by the end of the first round, usually culminating in half the server ragequiting. By my count, there have been at least four threads on this forum posted by players whom I've played against on public, who consequently went to the forums to complain about the "obvious hacking" and how it is ruining the community.
Is this attitude from a large part of the public playerbase, that anyone better than themselves must be hacking, extremely annoying and detrimental to the community? Yes. Does it make it fair for me to judge all public players on that basis and make ridiculous posts about how I've lost respect for them? No, that would make me a complete failure of a human being.
I think we're done here in any case, I foresee the future of this thread going to hell in a hand basket. And it's not one of those fancy hand baskets either!