Map Loading time... every map arround 2mins?



  • METROIDMETROID Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165171Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    <!--quoteo(post=2009010:date=Nov 4 2012, 05:14 AM:name=Astrona)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Astrona @ Nov 4 2012, 05:14 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2009010"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->looks like your harddrive is slowing down? maybe?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I have an old one, but fast enough HDD just for games Seagate ST3500320AS (SATA-2, 7200rpm, 32MB buffer). I keep it always defragmented.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    I don't think it is HDD related problem.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Join Date: 2005-05-15 Member: 51659
    I also have long loading times, even when the game's on my SSD, so Hard Disk should not be the source of the problem.
  • DukesweDukeswe Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 166180Members
    Really hope for this problem to be solved. Makes it really hard to get to play commander since there is already someone commanding once you get into the game.
  • AstronaAstrona Join Date: 2011-10-17 Member: 127794Members
    edited November 2012
    on the issue that my mods are still visible as BLANKS see screenshot on 1 or 2 page. i looked again in my appdata ns2 and found lots of folders inside the workshop... deinstallation failed?`in steamaccount is nothing displayed, but the folder is full of things like m4fd7fd4_1342767525, is it a hash + steamworkshop id?

    - also after deleting cache folder and playing for hours and restarting ns the loading process seems to be even WORSE !!! shader loading takes a MINUTE alone, so now i am waiting for 3min -.- the ssd is brandnew, same as the grafics

    - in comparison to above hdd, this is my bench with the ssd, if this is helpfull, i dont know, just want to help getting this fixed soon
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    - this makes me very sad, but what the hell is with these hitboxes? as marine and alien i have difficulties to hit the enemy although my crosshair is ON THE TARGET, my ping is under 30 with 50fps, playing on a server with 0 loss and 30tickrate (performance 100%) is anyone having the same problem?

    - same with the shotgun, where does this delay come from, i remember played ns1 and same as the LMG the SG shots were almost instand fired after i pressed mouse1, in ns2 it takes almost a WHOLE SECOND, no it is NOT THE PING, is this by design???

    - the healing towers, i forget their names, in ns1 this was the defence chamber. are they working with % or by fixed number of +10health / sec? they are working fine.... as skulk... any bigger creature can wait for min to heal up, this is way to slooooow if u compare it with the armory on marine side

    - if using cloaking chambers on hive EVERYTHING IS LAGGY, i checked my ping fps etc as always and nothing is unusal, i cant see any difference by the screen seems to jump over some pictures, like they were missing, i read this already in another forum and multiple player ingame were asking the same issue, it seems this only happening with a hive and a cloaking chambers, espcially on ns_summit, the hive on the top, couldnt check other hives/maps so far.

    would be helpfull to hear any other comments on this by team or other players. thank you for your time and work

  • 6am6p6am6p Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165668Members
    edited November 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2010287:date=Nov 5 2012, 02:06 AM:name=Astrona)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Astrona @ Nov 5 2012, 02:06 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2010287"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->- this makes me very sad, but what the hell is with these hitboxes? as marine and alien i have difficulties to hit the enemy although my crosshair is ON THE TARGET, my ping is under 30 with 50fps, playing on a server with 0 loss and 30tickrate (performance 100%) is anyone having the same problem?

    - same with the shotgun, where does this delay come from, i remember played ns1 and same as the LMG the SG shots were almost instand fired after i pressed mouse1, in ns2 it takes almost a WHOLE SECOND, no it is NOT THE PING, is this by design???<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    There is other problem for me. I wait marine from the corner to mark him with my skulk. He see me and begin fire. I instantly go to cover, run a few meters and die. He can't see me. And this happens always. Seems it is netcode feature to compensate ping. Can't say is it good or not, but sometimes makes me angry :>

    Game is fine for me. After i fix shaders, it remains only long loading and internet crash after "connection to server failed". I noticed that it happens when server almost full. It is absolutely no my connection issue.
  • worlockedworlocked Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165828Members
    edited November 2012
    I have this same problem. Always compiling shaders and precaching takes forever. I thought people were getting stuck indefinitely precaching so in another thread I said I never had an issue.. I guess I do. Thought the game just normally had long load times.

    EDIT: I also have both my OS/cache and my steam folder on seperate SSD's so it's definitely not a drive speed issue. I have a pretty close to bleeding edge SSD as my steam drive.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Already posted a dxdiag and log here.</a>
  • 6am6p6am6p Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165668Members
    edited November 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2010479:date=Nov 5 2012, 04:31 AM:name=6am6p)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (6am6p @ Nov 5 2012, 04:31 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2010479"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->long loading and internet crash after "connection to server failed". I noticed that it happens when server almost full. It is absolutely no my connection issue.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Seems like it happens right after i search servers. And because of this i receive connection failed, cause my internet already down. After 2-3 try it's normally load serverlist and i can connect.

    My log. Hope it helps.

    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>Date: 11/05/12
    Time: 15:01:24
    Build 228
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (
    Sound Device: 8=0<8:8 (Realtek High Definition Audio) stereo
    Record Device: 8:@>D>= (Realtek High Definition Audio)
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 228
    Connecting to server
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 228
    Connecting to server
    Client : 0.000000 : Loading VM Client
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't load 'materials/descent/' (File not found)
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    Predict : 0.000000 : Loading VM Predict
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: attack overlook
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: nice
    Client : 276781.156250 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,246
    Client : 276793.312500 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,224
    Client : 276818.687500 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,224
    Client : 276823.625000 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,246
    Client : 276856.656250 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,224
    Client : 276875.875000 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,176
    Client : 276876.656250 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,246
    Client : 276877.750000 : Tried to use invalid looping flamethrower sound entity id: 1,224
    Error: Collision model 'models/marine/advanced_armory/advanced_armory.model' created with zero coords
    Error: Collision model 'models/marine/advanced_armory/advanced_armory.model' created with zero coords
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: onos egg at main
    Chat Team 2 - Pikalex: ty
    Chat Team 2 - Pikalex: I need celerity with onos
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: ok
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: done
    Chat Team 2 - Pikalex: tyyyy !²
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: stomp incoming
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: onos egg available
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: nano
    Chat Team 2 - Pikalex: nice commander
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: use onos eggs guys
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat Team 2 - 6am6p: at sub sector
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Collision model 'models/marine/advanced_armory/advanced_armory.model' created with zero coords
    Error: Collision model 'models/marine/advanced_armory/advanced_armory.model' created with zero coords
    Warning: Missing texture coordinates for selection panel icon for TechId nil
    Warning: Missing texture coordinates for selection panel icon for TechId nil
    Error: Collision model 'models/marine/advanced_armory/advanced_armory.model' created with zero coords
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Collision model 'models/marine/advanced_armory/advanced_armory.model' created with zero coords
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 228
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 228
    Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.

    As you can see it is only 3rd try that i can join.
  • ThanassosThanassos Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167101Members
    edited November 2012
    I am also experiencing this problem, not sure if it helps but I firmly believe it's a software glitch based on my Hardware;

    i7 3930k @ 4.6Ghz
    32GB Ram
    OCZ Vertex 3

    Everytime it does precaching and all that jazz again, no options help nothing. Even a full reinstall same thing.

    If it helps at all I play at 5760x1200 on Three monitors.
  • worlockedworlocked Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165828Members
    Hey guys, try turning off VSYNC in the options menu and maybe in your driver's control panel as well; While the game till compiles shaders and precaches it does so nearly instantly for me when I disable VSYNC. If I turn VSYNC back on it takes ages again. Might just be a fluke, but give it a try.
  • SebastianSwordSebastianSword Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167079Members
    Same issue.

    The load time is not unbearable, but the game has without exception started by the time I get in. Getting on the same team with my friends who don't have this issue is sometimes difficult.

    A temporary solution for now could be to lengthen the warm-up period, or make it so you can't leave the ready room (choose sides) for 30-60sec after a new map has loaded (server side).
  • PikachuPikachu Join Date: 2012-10-03 Member: 161437Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2007169:date=Nov 2 2012, 04:18 PM:name=ironhorse)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ironhorse @ Nov 2 2012, 04:18 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2007169"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You dont need texture streaming with your specs.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I had unusual load times and enabled texture streaming, now the game loads up and joins servers without hesitation. Most load time is spend on server-client handshakes.
  • worlockedworlocked Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165828Members
    Has anyone else tried disabling VSYNC? I swear it worked for me.
  • minos_minos_ Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165722Members
    Getting this problem as well. System specs:

    Win XP SP3 32 bit
    Core 2 Duo e8400 @3ghz
    6gb ram, only 3gb usable thanks to 32 bit
    ATI Radeon 4800

    I've been having this issue since launch, both with and without mods subscribed. Figured that the patch which had something about a precache fix would be this, but it seems not to have been. Was going to post the log, but forums tell me my post is too long when I try.
  • 6am6p6am6p Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165668Members
    edited November 2012
    I fixed my problem guys.
    I just tryed to fix empty server browser problem and reduced max pings in steam <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    Then i decided to check "texture streaming" option and enabled it.
    Don't know what helped but now map loading is just perfect. Also i particularly fix problem with server list. Hope it helps.
  • AstronaAstrona Join Date: 2011-10-17 Member: 127794Members
    i tried disable vsynch loading gets better but it is still VERRY LONG
    texture stream does not seem to make any difference, dunno what it does, but disable gameplay fps are worse
    also i have BIG frame drops in refinery from stable 55-60 to 10-20, no need for enemy units, mouse feeling is stuttering cause of the frame jumps which makes complete unable to navigate my view as i do it on the table. performance is quite a big topic... for a finished game there is a big need for a load of a boost. using almost highend pc setup should bring stable 30fps

  • MrDarkz0rMrDarkz0r Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167354Members
    This is very annoying, I always join the game LATE because EVERY TIME a map loads it precaches and does the shader thing.

    Seriously, wtf!
  • METROIDMETROID Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165171Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    <!--quoteo(post=2013140:date=Nov 7 2012, 12:03 AM:name=worlocked)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (worlocked @ Nov 7 2012, 12:03 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2013140"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Has anyone else tried disabling VSYNC? I swear it worked for me.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Nope for me.
  • MrDarkz0rMrDarkz0r Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167354Members
    Vsync doesnt change anything...
  • wespottwespott Join Date: 2004-02-27 Member: 26940Members
    edited November 2012
    I just figured out something that improved load times for me. I still precache every time (is that normal?), but it's much faster. I simply disabled vsync in-game and forced it on with triple buffering through the nVidia control panel.

    Edit: Back to slow loading for me. The nVidia forced vsync limited my FPS to 30 most of the time. However, I can definitely say the problem is related to vsync + triple buffering.
  • METROIDMETROID Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165171Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    The new build (229) didn't change the load time for me, still have to wait ~2:30 mins to connect to server or map change...
  • MaxMax Technical Director, Unknown Worlds Entertainment Join Date: 2002-03-15 Member: 318Super Administrators, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts, Future Perfect Developer
    In general texture streaming should improve load times, because it will load the textures as you play instead of before you are in the game. When it says "Precaching 0/..." it is generally loading textures.

    It shouldn't be compiling shaders every time you join a game. You should only see that when the shaders change, which typically would only be the first time you run the game after a patch. Please let us know If you are seeing that frequently.

    There were some improvements to load times in the last patch, but if you are still seeing 2 minute load times let us know. On a decent machine your load times should be more like 20 seconds.
  • METROIDMETROID Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165171Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    <b>Max</b>, I've already posted information on that here:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    It was for 228 build, but as I said there is no change in 229 for me.

    If it is a normal situation for my PC config then you can tell me that. If it is not, then I can make a new video, or make a demo, or provide any other info that you want to obtain from me.
  • AlchemdaAlchemda Join Date: 2004-02-01 Member: 25942Members
    Core 2 Duo 2.67
    4gb ram
    8800 gtx 1gb
    windows 7 32bit

    It takes 2 minutes for each map to load, generally though its the same for changing maps once into a server as well

    The shaders thing, I see it every time, the first time is slower, but it still goes through it (quicker though) every time. The longest time honestly is the second it connects to the server, it needs to be on precache 0/XXX but its taking 10 seconds to even start the precaching process.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    See all that "tic0" debug info in your console when you load a map? Thats map loading information that pertains to how fast you are loading.
    This was implemented to solve any future issues with map loading afaik.
    So.. grab that log.txt (see stickied posts for instructions) and post what it has to say after you load a map that has already loaded before. (to rule out first time use)
  • OrzOrz Join Date: 2010-03-24 Member: 71069Members
    edited November 2012
    I get this too, and by the time I've finished loading, the game has already begun. My computer specs are very reasonable:

    AMD 955 @ 3.6ghz, 7200RPM HDD, 8GB RAM, HD4890

    An excerpt from my log.txt:

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Date: 11/17/12
    Time: 17:20:19
    Build 229
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (
    Sound Device: Speakers (ASUS Xonar DX Audio Device) 5.1
    Record Device: Microphone (HD Webcam C270)
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.022631s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 0.198856s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.221745s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.221803s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.221853s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 2668076
    } TOC01 2.253660s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.253764s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000227s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000340s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.019926s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.060474s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.080795s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.080853s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.080905s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 0.195148s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 0.195253s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000005s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000059s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.019996s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 0.170242s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.190515s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.190579s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.190629s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 2668076
    } TOC01 2.014741s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.014849s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000005s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000057s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.020463s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.020087s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.040803s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.040859s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.040910s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 0.138681s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 0.138783s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000004s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000058s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.020463s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.019944s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.040651s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.040707s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.040757s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 0.083220s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 0.083324s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000760s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.120488s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 8.900275s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 9.021024s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 9.021071s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.010379s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.019597s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000003s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000053s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000100s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000041s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000098s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    } TOC03 0.000172s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 1.136978s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 1.137103s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 1.137154s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC05 8.445332s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 8.445448s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 8.445541s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.635484s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.020697s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000011s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 9.860117s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.015664s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_veil.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.016661s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.002350s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.015456s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000112s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000009s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.008786s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    OK! Loaded tile cache grid from maps/ns2_veil.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000191s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.020050s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000000s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 0.020501s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 0.072161s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000086s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000194s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 0.107717s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 0.163583s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 0.163638s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 0.163696s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 10.039843s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    } TOC03 10.039917s M4::World::LoadMap sections after OnPostLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000000s M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC02 20.279664s M4::World::LoadMap
    } TOC01 20.279721s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingMap
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Before PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC03 0.156965s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC02 0.157087s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC01 1.491430s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000002s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC00 30.823585s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Error: Couldn't load 'materials/descent/' (File not found)
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000004s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000060s M4::World::UnloadMap<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
  • METROIDMETROID Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165171Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Here is new <a href="" target="_blank">DEMO file</a> of connecting to server.

    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>
    Date: 11/18/12
    Time: 16:35:20
    Build 229
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (
    Sound Device: 8=0<8:8 (USB Multi-Channel Audio Device) 7.1
    Record Device: 8:@>D>= (USB Multi-Channel Audio Device)
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.025641s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 0.177497s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.203408s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.203460s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.203507s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 9890628
    } TOC01 1.496105s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 1.496197s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000008s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000048s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.045138s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.124392s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.169735s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.169777s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.169816s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 0.526984s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 0.527062s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000003s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000044s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.025725s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.014393s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.040317s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.040359s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.040398s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 0.312838s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 0.312915s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000422s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.253029s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 8.830255s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 9.083468s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 9.083505s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000373s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.002288s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000002s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000039s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000074s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000020s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000059s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    } TOC03 0.000110s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 0.736722s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 0.736811s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 0.736849s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC05 7.338920s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 7.339000s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 7.339061s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.271439s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.003561s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000007s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    Error: Couldn't load 'materials/descent/' (File not found)
    } TOC05 26.846677s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.010050s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_veil.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.006506s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.001632s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000093s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000065s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000006s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.005045s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    OK! Loaded tile cache grid from maps/ns2_veil.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000099s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.010879s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000000s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 0.011139s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 0.034684s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000036s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000104s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 0.043592s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 0.121838s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 0.121877s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 0.121916s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 26.978906s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    } TOC03 26.978960s M4::World::LoadMap sections after OnPostLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000000s M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC02 35.330475s M4::World::LoadMap
    } TOC01 35.330513s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingMap
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Before PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC03 0.100436s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC02 0.100526s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC01 0.927449s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC00 45.344978s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000003s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000073s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 9890628
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.027917s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.028016s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000007s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000045s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.080635s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 2.300267s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 2.381130s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 2.381172s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 2.381210s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 9890628
    } TOC01 6.108594s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 6.108693s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000003s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000045s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
    Error: 1 memory leaks in 'Client' (108 bytes)
    Error: 1 memory leaks in 'Engine' (108 bytes)
  • AstronaAstrona Join Date: 2011-10-17 Member: 127794Members
    can confirm, having same issues in console. loadtime is faster,

    but i still see "FIRST TIME...." also loading times are still much longer compared to computers whcih had no loading time bug
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Okay keep these logs coming if you have troubles with loading times still past the first load. (like you astona)
  • MrDarkz0rMrDarkz0r Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167354Members
    As people constantly pointed out, we are getting the Shader message (first run) and precaching EVERYTIME a map loads. Not only on the first run.
  • AstronaAstrona Join Date: 2011-10-17 Member: 127794Members
    edited November 2012
    i could NOT post log, dueto it is toooo long, so i uploaded it as txt, have fun, it hope it helps again
    <a href="" target="_blank">18/11/2012 NS2 Log.txt</a>
    see log from today, quite long, and server was on 5fps constantly after a 70min match, too many structures, very need to optimize a bit here

    also had more crashes than on last patch, but it has not freezed once so far <.<
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