I disagree. Just because a server is low on players doesn't mean the people in it want a hopelessly one sided game.
The game will often start without a comm on one side and that team is hopelessly behind no matter what. There are some comebacks from what I am seeing, but I'd rather have the timings work out fairly to start with.
OK I have written some LUA that would do what I want, but I obviously can't edit this file since it says "client and server differ" when i run it.
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--> function NS2Gamerules:UpdatePregame(timePassed)
if self:GetGameState() == kGameState.PreGame then
local preGameTime = self:GetPregameLength()
local AlienComExists = Shared.GetEntitiesWithClassname("AlienCommander"):GetSize() ~= 0 local MarineComExists = Shared.GetEntitiesWithClassname("MarineCommander"):GetSize() ~= 0 local BothComExists = AlienComExists and MarineComExists
if self.timeSinceGameStateChanged > preGameTime then
if BothComExists then
StartCountdown(self) if Shared.GetCheatsEnabled() then self.countdownTime = 1 end end
That was just a first try, but it obviously needs to be applied as a MOD to work. Can anyone help me out here?
The game will often start without a comm on one side and that team is hopelessly behind no matter what. There are some comebacks from what I am seeing, but I'd rather have the timings work out fairly to start with.
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--> function NS2Gamerules:UpdatePregame(timePassed)
if self:GetGameState() == kGameState.PreGame then
local preGameTime = self:GetPregameLength()
local AlienComExists = Shared.GetEntitiesWithClassname("AlienCommander"):GetSize() ~= 0
local MarineComExists = Shared.GetEntitiesWithClassname("MarineCommander"):GetSize() ~= 0
local BothComExists = AlienComExists and MarineComExists
if self.timeSinceGameStateChanged > preGameTime then
if BothComExists then
if Shared.GetCheatsEnabled() then
self.countdownTime = 1
That was just a first try, but it obviously needs to be applied as a MOD to work. Can anyone help me out here?