Natural Selection 2 News Update - ESL Tournament and 7 Days of NS2
CameramanSan Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts

Congrats UWE!
When you click on the graphic, you will see a little magnifying glass pop up. Click on that for full size. It's all on the Facebook page :)
It's awesome to see Iceland there on the list. I'm just at this moment working on getting that community started again, seems to be going well.
Iceland ftw!
Don't even have to fly people around. You can either pick a server location that has relatively the same latency from EU and NA, or you can do a series where the server location alternates between NA and EU.
Congrats, you guys are officially big time. This is a victory for persistence and sheer bloody-mindedness. It is a lot harder to get a good, working game out the door after 7 years of development than after 2. The path behind you is littered with big failures.
This is also a victory for the little guys. It is very inspiring for other game developers and dreamers when one man with a vision can attain a significant milestone of success against the Call of Duty's and Assassin's Creeds of the world.
Now I hope that UWE can build on this momentum to take NS2 to the next level with some substantial updates, not just balance but I hope significant new content as well. The game still needs a lot of work and polish if it is to be comparable to a masterpiece like Starcraft, if there is a hope to have a similarly successful e-sports scene.
Edit: nevermind i'm an idiot. I forgot that multiple people play the same game.
but i suppose that could be because good old fashioned, classic, competitive-style PC FPS games are my favourite type of game. most people seem to prefer braindead dopamine-inducing games like borderlands, world of warcraft and trade fortress 2.
Did that, but it only expands to be a little big bigger. I clicked the link off the development tracker and it brought me to the full size version. Freakin javascript image viewers.
absolutely - i guess its also a lot to do with advertising budget. This is where I think a free weekend trial on steam might help sales. (probably a good idea to do it before the XMAS sales start where NS2 will get lost in the sea of deals).
ns2 is just so much fun now that its been polished, i really hope the sales quadruple at the very least, ns2 does so much that no game has ever done, and whats more does it very well. its kept the fundamental PC things in there as well that many games have slowly been forgetting.
- Add the launch trailer!!
- Add link to buy the game from Steam, or at least make it more obvious that people would get a key to use on Steam after they purchase (there's a little Steam logo now and that's it).
- Add quotes from reviews.
I'm even dreaming of NS2 in the evenings... maybe I'm playing too much? I was a fade last night and in the previous dream I was commanding aliens and dropping hives everywhere! :P
NS2 could have a better success if more gamers would know how awesome it is! Dont understand why these sites are not mention your game on their homepages. Did they ever played NS2 ? If they did they must noticed that it is nearly perfect.
Also, congrats on the sales. Fully deserving of the money you've made, this really is one of the most brilliant games I've brought this year.
Im from Spain and looks like here many 4 packs bought!! hehehehe.
I bought single deluxe edition, hope you sell a lot more units!!!!!!
Cant wait for the tournament!
It's November 10th, at least that's what the application site is saying. But i agree, having the day in the news would be more handy.
And gz UWE for having these great sales! But it's kinda sad that we only got a player-peak of 7.135 players, with 144.000 copies out there that feels kinda low, let's hope it's gonna reach new peaks every day.
Now let's think about ways to get the top-seller spot on Steam again :D