pRes to spawn

KhyronKhyron Join Date: 2012-02-02 Member: 143308Members
edited November 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">an alternative to no pRes while dead</div><b>Summary</b>
A small personal resource cost to spawn replaces the current 'no pRes while dead' system. Prevent a player from spawning until they have enough pRes. For the sake of argument let's say 1 pRes per spawn. The actual cost could be calculated from stats in order to start of with a similiar impact to the current system.

<ul><li>decouples the resource consequences of dying from the alien's wave-spawn system</li><li>easier to explain, understand and measure</li><li>opens up some easy balance and incentive options, such as cheaper respawns for skulks* or more expensive respawns for higher tech marines.</li><li>could help with stalemates and end-game grind. Any team boxed in to their starting base would have limited pRes income...</li></ul>

*I like the idea that aliens, especially skulks, have little self regard but marines are very concerned with self preservation. The current system is basically the opposite.

This has been on my mind since RFK was removed... what are your thoughts?


  • KeldornKeldorn Join Date: 2012-05-05 Member: 151587Members
    edited November 2012
    I think it would be a clearer system than the current system in place.

    Misread the rest of your post so deleted most of mine. I'd say thumbs up to the idea.
  • MadrawnMadrawn Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166535Members
    I like this idea. Of course it should only be possible if there are eggs aviable.

    I think it gives the aliens a more alien feeling if they're able (for a cost) to churn out a lot of aliens when attacked. It might be a bit tricky to balance right so that five 50pRes players doesn't mean someone attacking the alien hive has to kill 250 skulks before they get a break.

    I know we have egg-lock but that can be avoided with a shift, shift-eggs still cost 1 res per egg that still means normally at least 50 skulks. The cost for aliens doing this should somehow equal the benefit. Maybe the cost should vary depending on how many hives you have. Like 5 pRes for 1 Hive left and -1 pRes for every added hive.

    So if you've basically won the game and have 4 hives you can insta-respawn for 1pRes and it gets easier to wear down the last turtling marines.
  • ChaosXBeingChaosXBeing Join Date: 2012-10-12 Member: 162114Members
    A pretty cool idea, actually. Though I think it should be something like "spend one pres to spawn <i>now</i>", but also have a backup spawn of, say, the current spawn time +5 seconds or so. Something that would make a difference in the event that your base is under attack, but if a marine/alien is saving up for an exo/onos, they don't have to spend their pres every time they die.
  • KhyronKhyron Join Date: 2012-02-02 Member: 143308Members
    Hm... I still want a minimum spawn delay even if you have pRes. I like the wave spawn system because it kind of reinforces the notion that the skulks have a military doctrine of <a href="" target="_blank">human wave</a>, which in turn reinforces the notion that the Kharaa don't care about losing individual skulks so long as they win the war.

    But forcing a delay based on the wave spawn system can cost you too much pRes under the current system. That's why I want to make it a fixed cost. The fact that you died and need to respawn should have meaning and consequence, especially for free lifeforms. How long you need to wait can be based on how many eggs are left and how long until the next wave spawn. It's about not mixing those two systems together.
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