Linux Server Progress Updates

gallomimiagallomimia Join Date: 2012-10-17 Member: 162580Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Begging and Apologies</div>Alright well there's been lots of raggin' on you guys over the lack of a linux server, and on behalf of all the others who have done so as well as myself, I'd like to say sorry about that. I've heard there was an announcement that it's being worked on, but some suspicions of how much priority it will/should get besides things like the precache bug that was fixed recently.

So, I'd like to post a request for some regular progress updates on this project. Just a sticky thread where you post some basics like:

It won't compile yet. Having problems with xxx library.
It compiles now but the program crashes on load.
It runs for a few minutes but crashes after a minute or two.
It runs without crashing but there's a bad memory leak I can't find.
It's pretty stable but has some security issues.
It's almost finished!

Please just some basic progress reports. You have so many people interested in this project. Best not to keep them in the dark!


  • Omega_K2Omega_K2 Join Date: 2011-12-25 Member: 139013Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah, need linux server ASAP.
  • Apollonius999Apollonius999 Join Date: 2009-09-09 Member: 68725Members
    Don't you think they have more pressing stuff like fixing the client side and game optimization so the masses don't shun off the game before it gets a real chance at market?

    Regardless if someone is paying hundreds of dollars for their OC'd 4.4 ghz and hundreds more for 2008 server / other windows licenses. I think linux can wait a bit. On the other hand while they have multiple people on optimizations but the excess are working on linux. Ok acceptable.
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