First play!
Join Date: 2012-10-06 Member: 161663Members

Well, when I'm not lagging around painfully, the game is fun.
Currently, when I load a map, whenever I go into another area, I start to lag, painfully. I jerk around and freeze and usually end up getting eaten. When I'm sitting still or in the rare times I'm in a fight and I'm not lagging, my frame rate is perfectly smooth and easy, but may god have mercy on my soul if I try to follow an enemy or move into another room. I've talked to a friend who has a more powerful computer than me, better cpu, gpu and more ram and he says it's actually worse than what he's got, though both of us have it pretty bad right now.
Also, had a game that went for a little over an hour, I was on Aliens and we'd backed the Marines into a corner and killed all their high level tech so they were stuck to just Advanced Armory stuff. They'd make a push, get slaughtered and respawn, and we'd wall up again, they couldn't move out far and even with a determined push they'd get shut down but they still had some remaining arcs and kept blasting anything that got close. So we couldn't get in. Even Onos would get destroyed in a matter of seconds. There needs to be a surrender button that gives a team the option to surrender and end the match. It was getting all kinds of aggravating when we'd make a push, get slaughtered by launchers and flame throwers then smash their counter attack without even trying, over and over and over and over and over again.They weren't getting out and we couldn't get in. But we controlled the rest of the map and had every upgrade at our disposal.
Other than that, the game is fun, though some newbies don't seem to know how to command, I really wish more people would take advantage of those tutorial videos!
Currently, when I load a map, whenever I go into another area, I start to lag, painfully. I jerk around and freeze and usually end up getting eaten. When I'm sitting still or in the rare times I'm in a fight and I'm not lagging, my frame rate is perfectly smooth and easy, but may god have mercy on my soul if I try to follow an enemy or move into another room. I've talked to a friend who has a more powerful computer than me, better cpu, gpu and more ram and he says it's actually worse than what he's got, though both of us have it pretty bad right now.
Also, had a game that went for a little over an hour, I was on Aliens and we'd backed the Marines into a corner and killed all their high level tech so they were stuck to just Advanced Armory stuff. They'd make a push, get slaughtered and respawn, and we'd wall up again, they couldn't move out far and even with a determined push they'd get shut down but they still had some remaining arcs and kept blasting anything that got close. So we couldn't get in. Even Onos would get destroyed in a matter of seconds. There needs to be a surrender button that gives a team the option to surrender and end the match. It was getting all kinds of aggravating when we'd make a push, get slaughtered by launchers and flame throwers then smash their counter attack without even trying, over and over and over and over and over again.They weren't getting out and we couldn't get in. But we controlled the rest of the map and had every upgrade at our disposal.
Other than that, the game is fun, though some newbies don't seem to know how to command, I really wish more people would take advantage of those tutorial videos!
I believe some servers have a "surrender" script, but I don't think it's common. I usually like to stick it out anyway, unless we're getting TOTALLY steamrolled and the other team is just toying :/
Maybe HDD issue?
1. get other people to attack with you at the same time
2. have one alien keep the marines busy while the rest focus on the power node
3. if that does not work, pick fragile and expensive targets which cripple the marines immensely: arms lab and advanced armory are probably the best among them
4. have the commander use enzyme cloud with a drifter (speeds up attackrate by 25%)
5. have a lerk use umbra (blocks 50% bullet damage) or at least spores (cover&distraction&armories slow down their healing if they have replenish a lot of health in a short amount of time)
6. gorge has bile bomb (if researched), it is a very effective area-damage attack against buildings
7. if you dominate the entire map you are probably swimming in ressources: ask the alien commander to upgrade some eggs (e.g. onos eggs). oni are focus-fired a lot but that can be very beneficial for the rest of the attacking aliens. and if you have 3 attacking the power-nodes at once there is close to nothing the marines can do.
Also might be worth mentioning one of my friends had huge stuttering problems in combat which was just a driver issue, even though he didn't have it any other game. Reinstalled drivers and it worked like a charm. (Make sure you do a clean install).
Medium is a good setting for 1GB cards.