[Project] The South-East Asian NS Scene
Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow

in Squad Five
<div class="IPBDescription">There are absolutely no SEA servers to play on</div>The Natural Selection community here in Singapore used to be really strong back in the days of NS1. We had 6+ fully competitive clans here who participated in regional competitions (with Hong Kong, Korea, etc.) regularly.
A local group of gamers even used to go out to gaming events to setup NS1 servers and install NS1 on the systems to play pre, post and in-between matches. I myself was part of the crew managing the server and mini-tournaments we had at those events.
But then it all slowly died out towards the end of 2006.
Therefore, a <a href="http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NS2SG" target="_blank">small group of us</a> have gathered and we are trying to revive the NS community here and in the region with the coming release of NS2.
One key problem we have here in (South-East) Asia is that there are absolutely NO SEA servers. The closest we have is a server based in Japan, in which none of us English-speaking players can understand what the players are saying (I am sure we all know the importance of voice chat and communications in general). The next-closest we have is Australia, where the servers in Monash are all around 250+ ping.
As such, my brother and I have decided take the next 2 weeks to piece together a dedicated overclocked i7 server on our Fibre line running ns2 servers of different flavours (mods, vanilla, classic, etc.) as well as (possibly) an NS1 server for those looking to relive those days of ns_siege or co_tetris.
We have also recently started organising games over the weekends. Our last game on Friday night last week saw 4 games with about 16 unique players. (Up from the 2 the previous week - my brother and I haha)
We plan to make these weekend events a weekly one and eventually (hopefully) get a community started where we do not need to schedule these events and let the servers fill themselves.
Until we get a stably and decently overclocked dedicated server, we are running 2 servers on weekends only on my custom i7 rig, on which I play NS2 on (due to power consumption issues).
Yup! Here's hoping the local and regional NS scene can get back together!
A local group of gamers even used to go out to gaming events to setup NS1 servers and install NS1 on the systems to play pre, post and in-between matches. I myself was part of the crew managing the server and mini-tournaments we had at those events.
But then it all slowly died out towards the end of 2006.
Therefore, a <a href="http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NS2SG" target="_blank">small group of us</a> have gathered and we are trying to revive the NS community here and in the region with the coming release of NS2.
One key problem we have here in (South-East) Asia is that there are absolutely NO SEA servers. The closest we have is a server based in Japan, in which none of us English-speaking players can understand what the players are saying (I am sure we all know the importance of voice chat and communications in general). The next-closest we have is Australia, where the servers in Monash are all around 250+ ping.
As such, my brother and I have decided take the next 2 weeks to piece together a dedicated overclocked i7 server on our Fibre line running ns2 servers of different flavours (mods, vanilla, classic, etc.) as well as (possibly) an NS1 server for those looking to relive those days of ns_siege or co_tetris.
We have also recently started organising games over the weekends. Our last game on Friday night last week saw 4 games with about 16 unique players. (Up from the 2 the previous week - my brother and I haha)
We plan to make these weekend events a weekly one and eventually (hopefully) get a community started where we do not need to schedule these events and let the servers fill themselves.
Until we get a stably and decently overclocked dedicated server, we are running 2 servers on weekends only on my custom i7 rig, on which I play NS2 on (due to power consumption issues).
Yup! Here's hoping the local and regional NS scene can get back together!
Well currently we're trying to sort out the financial side of things to have some funds to setup the dedicated box. We have life matters to attend to as well so we haven't been able to commit to this full-time yet.
Slowly, but surely! :) -|WaD|- NS2 Social Server
P.S. You may even know some of our old NS1 avid fans - <b>Cindy </b>aka <b>Unicorn </b>, <b>slayerds </b>etc ;)
However, those are fully public servers and cannot be locked down. Thus, some of us have decided to still carry on setting up dedicated server instances for private training servers or modded servers.
Just purchased a 2500k. Hoping to clock it up to 4.4Ghz tomorrow :)
Don't mind contributing financially as well. Let me know.
for future use as well; match server and pug matches.
and thanks for the official servers, the whole singapore and asian scene thanks you
if you need financial help, just drop a paypal donation and im sure some of us will donate to help out in the servers.
P.S. any word on any local clans being setup?
the best would be to talk to the hosters/UWE about it to use the resources more efficiently such as maybe using the bandwidth for teamspeak hosting or something for the pug match....etc
Currently at a stable 4.7Ghz overclock, seeing if we can push it further. We're also running this so we can lock it down for clan trainings (assuming we get clans up soon) and modded servers.
Running one server to see if there are any issues first. Adding another server instance tomorrow to see how it goes :)
First game went smoothly (10v9, 3 spec/afk average) with an average of 25-30 tickrate.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ngcQb.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/NoVla.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Leaving the server overnight to see how it performs. Hoping for the best! :)
(Server title says 4.7GHz but its actually 4.8GHz, blame my poor math hahaha)
Server worked very well, just occasional desyncs for 5 seconds or so, not sure why, but other than that was very smooth.
We shut the server down around 2am to 8am to save on electricity $.
P.S. There are 5 more Singapore servers. 4 by SpawnPoint gaming (spgaming.org) and 1 by Yagam1Hayate, who is running on an i7 Sandy. His is purposed more for mods.
As for SpawnPoint, not sure what their server specs are like but they are hosting 16p servers, not sure if that's needed seeing as we have 20 official 16p servers in SG as well.
We're going to be promoting and supporting this game on our <a href="http://www.spgaming.org" target="_blank">website</a>, <a href="http://www.spgaming.org/forums/index.php?/forum/12-spawnpoint-game-servers" target="_blank">forums</a> and the server browser itself. Our written reviewer will be looking at NS2 ASAP!
As Whosat pointed out, we had 4 servers showing up by accident last night due to my extensive knowledge on steam.cmd... no-one could join them. I awoke this morning and there was one in the browser and it was accepting players in! Whosat's advise on teamspeak also helped tweaked a few things... thanks again buddy! ;)
I'm testing out our server right now to see how it runs.... the specs are not top of the line but feel free to populate it and leave feedback whether good or bad <a href="http://www.spgaming.org/forums/index.php?/forum/109-feedback-suggestions/" target="_blank">here</a> please.
We have a bunch of clans and clanless players from South East Asia in SpawnPoint Gaming and it would be awesome if we could get them to stick their teeth into NS2. Right now everyone is still playing BF3 but I am doing my best to change that! :)
I think one of the main things holding us back in Singapore (and M'sia, and South-East Asia in general) is that because NS2 has no marketing, nobody really even knows it exists. Or what it is. So tell your friends and family all about it. Then walk around downtown wearing big "NATURAL SELECTION 2" billboards taped to your chests.
Maybe not the last one, but still. Consider changing your Steam IGN to advertise NS2 in some way, or give it a glowing recommendation via the <a href="http://store.steampowered.com/app/4920/" target="_blank">store page</a>.
TF2 here 5 years on has a strong community that's still going here thanks to local support from StarHub and e-Club. If any of you are in a position to proposition them to endorse Natural Selection 2, you should do that.
<i>edit: Not just StarHub and e-Club, of course, I believe Garena is interested in spreading the whole eSports scene here and Natural Selection 2 is a prime example of skill-based gameplay. So really, if you've got any "ins" with the industry or people with marketing dollars, try to pitch NS2 to them in some way.</i>
Garena's Community & Event Specialist and Leader of Bf.Nut "Gen3sis" is one of our BF3 Tournament Managers... I will talk to him when he gets back from DreamHack. The majority of active clans in South East Asia know about it via our social media platforms and forums. I have even posted info about it on clans fb pages who are not part of our organisation so I suppose one could say I am going the extra mile to promote NS2.
I have e-Club's "Frosty" on my steam list... I will drop him a message as well about putting some servers up and promoting it. A post on Lowyat and MeleeMissile wouldn't do any harm either. Fragnetics is dead so let's forget about that one!
[quote]As much as I would like to help you. Our company only host games for Valve as we are the distributor for Valve games in SEA. However, I could try to get a server for NS2. I will get back to you will more details soon.[//quote]
I asked if they could provision some servers for NS2 during the launch week (before the Official NS2 servers were launched).
No harm trying again :)
No problem, Cask!
i know 24 players aren't UWE's choice for number of players (i believe they think 16 is the most balanced) in a server, BUT the fact is 24 players server i guess is more popular?
i suggest UWE remove some of their 16 p servers and add 1 or 2 24 p servers, i won't be surprised to see a huge difference
a noob's 2 cents anyway, not like UWE will read this
The NS2 server is highly dependent on the core clock speed as opposed to the number of threads available on the server now. A 16 player server needs around 3.5GHz (which are around what the official servers are clocked at), while 24 player servers need around 4.4GHz to hold steady into the late game.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think UWE decided to go for 16 player servers because they were the most cost efficient. (Cores > 4GHz still needs good overclocking and Game Server Providers don't provide such servers)
BTW, before the release, almost all servers were 24 players.