b211/b212 Incomplete Unofficial Change Log

GORGEousGORGEous Join Date: 2012-02-19 Member: 146762Members, NS2 Map Tester
edited June 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">comment and add your own changes</div>(Edits are added to the bottom of the post)

Skulks have 50 armor with carapace.
Lerk has 100 armor with carapace.
Upgrades (like cara) cost 1 pres to evolve on your lifeform.

Carapace slows you down. (skulk 7 -> 6.45,) ~8%? This speed penalty is removed as you lose the bonus armor from carapace. When you regen your armor, you regain your speed penalty. The speed penalty is proportional to how much carapace armor you have. (ie if you have half your bonus armor then you have half the speed penalty)
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->kSkulkCarapaceSpeedReduction = 0.08
kGorgeCarapaceSpeedReduction = 0.08
kLerkCarapaceSpeedReduction = 0.15
kFadeCarapaceSpeedReduction = 0.15
kOnosCarapaceSpeedReduction = 0.25<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->

Celerity drastically changed -- 0.5s startup, 0.5s ramp up, so full celerity going after ~1s of attacking/getting hit. Speed is much lower (9.11 for skulk, down from 14).

Camouflage seems to allow you to move faster with skulk than previously (~2x faster?, 4move speed, base skulk is 7). When cloaked, you stay cloaked until you physically break it. You don't have to hold shift continuously. If you jump, attack, or get hit then it breaks and you move at full speed again.

Initial pres is 20 (down from 25)
tres income ticks are 6s (down from 5s). 20% tres income reduction.

Delay from blink->swipe (fade) and leap->bite (skulk) removed.

Mac EMP - AOE depletes alien energy in an aoe (about whip attack range, maybe slightly larger) for 3 tres. 8s cd. Mac EMP drains ~45% of total energy from aliens.

Jetpacks - cannot regenerate energy while in the air. Full tank of energy seems to last longer than in b210.

Nanoshield has a meaningless six second cooldown.

<!--quoteo(post=1947465:date=Jun 28 2012, 07:14 PM:name=Laosh'Ra)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Laosh'Ra @ Jun 28 2012, 07:14 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947465"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->updated charts to b211/b212 two-in-one-patch.
they have the official patchlog ready but as i just noticed the servers are not running it yet so people might want something to read in the meantime...

please keep in mind that it is inofficial and probably not complete while also having a chance of error.

some cooldowns were added:
NanoShieldCooldown : 6
EMPCooldown : 8
CystCooldown : .333
InfestationSpikeCooldown : 5

ressource interval from 5 to 6 (meaning 20% slower resgain), starting pres from 25->20
grenades now last 2 seconds instead of 1.5 until they detonate (i guess hitting a target is still instant-detonation)
MAC armor from 50 to 150, maybe EMP is now avilable
healspray damagetype from light to biological
ARC damagetype from StructuresOnly to Splash

things that are apparently also changed somehow (not sure!):
stomp, spikes, poisondart, umbra (maybe available for lerk now?), alien spawning, enzyme, welding, possibly shotgun, Tech EMP, several alien costs (research but also other things, apparently 1 pres cost for an evolution now), several changes to sentry guns

here is a different inofficial changelog you might also want to read: <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=119198" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...howtopic=119198</a><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

kARCDamageType = kDamageType.Splash // splash damage hits friendly arcs as well
So arc self damage made it in.

(Jaweese) Weird pricing on the alien chambers:
Veil 5, spur 10, shell 15
Shade 10, shift 10, crag 15

(DGH) Added correction to carapace speed reduction.

(rantology) Adrenaline is researchable at the shift, but once researched does not appear on the b-menu for aliens to evolve it. It doesn't seem like aliens can use it.

Leap 15->25 tres.
Alien abilities researched show up on evolution menu.
Infestation spikes cost 3 tres, last 10s, have 5s cd, can only be oriented vertically.

(rantology) Mac EMP drains ~45% of total energy from aliens.

<!--sizeo:7--><span style="font-size:36pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->1 click buy is back on the armory!<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->


  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Any changes to structure/tech costs?
  • RyneRyne Join Date: 2012-02-25 Member: 147408Members, NS2 Map Tester
    Streaming B212 now: <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/rwryne" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/rwryne</a>
  • GORGEousGORGEous Join Date: 2012-02-19 Member: 146762Members, NS2 Map Tester
    <!--quoteo(post=1947486:date=Jun 28 2012, 07:44 PM:name=Xarius)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Xarius @ Jun 28 2012, 07:44 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947486"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Any changes to structure/tech costs?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I skimmed but did not notice any.
  • NakorsonNakorson Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140253Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1947481:date=Jun 28 2012, 05:40 PM:name=GORGEous)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GORGEous @ Jun 28 2012, 05:40 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947481"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Mac EMP - AOE depletes alien energy in an aoe (about whip attack range, maybe slightly larger) for 3 tres.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Nice so it will be suicide to attack a marine base with macs in it if the commander is decent... Set aliens on fire and burn their energy with the MAC.... i wonder how that will turn out...
  • rantologyrantology Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143750Members, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    edited June 2012
    Adrenaline is in!!!! as a shift hive upgrade

    But it does not work or appear at all so do not fall for it's lies and research it, you will be sorely dissapointed :(
  • Laosh'RaLaosh'Ra Join Date: 2011-12-09 Member: 137232Members
    edited June 2012
    here's my inofficial changelog (let's have them both linked to each other):
    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=117569&st=40&gopid=1947465&#entry1947465" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...p;#entry1947465</a>
  • SpizikeSpizike Join Date: 2012-04-01 Member: 149794Members
    Fades with carapace with 80 armor?
  • JaweeseJaweese Join Date: 2006-11-04 Member: 58356Members
    The bug where the rifle's firing rate is affected by performance is back.

    The alien upgrade structures' costs are different (5 for veil, 10 for spur, 15 for shell)
  • DghelneshiDghelneshi Aims to surpass Fana in post edits. Join Date: 2011-11-01 Member: 130634Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited June 2012
    Apparently, you regain your lost speed with carapace if lose your extra armor:
    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->function Alien:GetCarapaceFraction()
        [... shortened for readability ...]
        return currentCarpaceArmor / maxCarapaceArmor
    function Alien:GetCarapaceMovementScalar()
        if GetHasCarapaceUpgrade(self) then
            return 1 - self:GetCarapaceFraction() * self:GetCarapaceSpeedReduction()    
        return 1
    So, a skulk will only be slowed by 4% if he loses half of his extra armor (not total armor).

    <!--quoteo(post=1947491:date=Jun 29 2012, 01:48 AM:name=rantology)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rantology @ Jun 29 2012, 01:48 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947491"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Adrenaline is in!!!! as a shift hive upgrade

    But it does not work or appear at all so do not fall for it's lies and research it, you will be sorely dissapointed :(<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    From taking a look at the code, I can't really see how it should not work, as it's all set up correctly. It should double energy regeneration from 10 to 20 (per second probably).
  • Cee Colon SlashCee Colon Slash Join Date: 2012-05-25 Member: 152581Members
    edited June 2012
    Most of the changes are on the alien side. There are a few cost tweaks on the marine side, <strike>but no new tech</strike> (I may have missed EMP on Macs).

    Grenade launchers seem to take longer to reload, and there are the cooldowns as mentioned. Also some cost tweaks on the alien side: Shells cost 15, Veils cost 5, and Shades cost 10. Possibly to encourage non-crag hives?

    There are a few tweaks to offset some exploitable items: Alien abilities can still be researched right off, but Leap is a bit more expensive (25 instead of 15).

    A great change is that when an alien ability is researched (leap, blink, etc) it now shows up on the evolution menu, so you don't have to ask, "Is blink researched yet?"

    Infestation spikes cost 3, last for 10 seconds, and have a five-second cooldown (probably to prevent spamming). Unless I'm missing something, it seems they can only be placed in the "vertical" orientation, which kind of sucks (they should be rotatable like turrets or phase gates to accomodate different areas).

    Is friendly fire a server option? The game I played locally to test out new items had friendly fire on both the alien and marine side.
  • DeadzoneDeadzone Join Date: 2003-07-03 Member: 17911Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Thanks for putting this together!

    I just want to say that a 6-second cd on Nanoshield is in NO WAY meaningless. This means when a fight starts the entire squad can't be shielded within 3 seconds. Likewise for buildings when a base is hit. If aliens take the opportunity to kill the stuff that isn't shielded, they can still perform well.

    Of course if you're talking a solo guy, that's different... but I don't think that's too bad.
  • rantologyrantology Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143750Members, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    <!--quoteo(post=1947497:date=Jun 28 2012, 05:58 PM:name=Dghelneshi)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dghelneshi @ Jun 28 2012, 05:58 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947497"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->From taking a look at the code, I can't really see how it should not work, as it's all set up correctly. It should double energy regeneration from 10 to 20 (per second probably).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    From messing around on my own listen server, you can research Shift hive, get a spur and research Adrenaline and everything but sadly no adrenaline icon/upgrade shows up when you go to get it as a lifeform. It's just not there :s
  • GORGEousGORGEous Join Date: 2012-02-19 Member: 146762Members, NS2 Map Tester
    FF is enabled when you turn on cheats. Try rifle butt on your marine friends!
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    My performance is noticeably better, but unfortunately I now get occasional freezes for a few seconds :(
  • ChalarieChalarie Join Date: 2012-05-03 Member: 151459Members
    A few map changes in docking:
    - Terminal RT has been moved away from the hole in the glass to the other side of the room
    - Landing Pad power node has been moved onto a vertical surface
    ... I do believe there are a few more, but that's a start!
  • LocklearLocklear [nexzil]kerrigan Join Date: 2012-05-01 Member: 151403Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, WC 2013 - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1947515:date=Jun 28 2012, 04:27 PM:name=Xarius)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Xarius @ Jun 28 2012, 04:27 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947515"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->My performance is noticeably better, but unfortunately I now get occasional freezes for a few seconds :(<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Same actually. Dun dun duuuuuun. :\
  • IndustryIndustry Esteemed Gentleman Join Date: 2010-07-13 Member: 72344Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    <!--quoteo(post=1947518:date=Jun 28 2012, 06:31 PM:name=Locklear)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Locklear @ Jun 28 2012, 06:31 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947518"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Same actually. Dun dun duuuuuun. :\<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Could be the shaders caching again.
  • ChalarieChalarie Join Date: 2012-05-03 Member: 151459Members
    Also, found this video in my subscriptions... Changelog! <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0YhQNoTZ3Q&feature=g-u-u" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0YhQNoTZ3Q&feature=g-u-u</a>
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Yea, the official patch log is out! Looking great!
  • DghelneshiDghelneshi Aims to surpass Fana in post edits. Join Date: 2011-11-01 Member: 130634Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    Undocumented changes:

    <i>I have cross checked everything so the changes below <b>should</b> be actually in the game, not just random unimplemented ideas in the files.</i>

    Sentries now ramp up their damage over a 5 second time period which resets when they switch targets. Their range was also decreased by 25%. I don't see any of the mysterious changes that make them more powerful with marines nearby, but I may have missed them.
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro-->+kSentryMinAttackDamage = 5
    +kSentryMaxAttackDamage = 20
    +kSentryDamageRampUpDuration = 5<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->-Sentry.kRange = 20<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
    <!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro-->+Sentry.kRange = 15<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Heal spray now does "biological" damage, which should behave like <b>normal</b> damage (i.e. it does more damage against armor now).
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->-kHealsprayDamageType = kDamageType.Light<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
    <!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro-->+kHealsprayDamageType = kDamageType.Biological<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Wall jumping was changed a bit, not sure what all of the changes mean exactly. From the values below I get that the range for the jump to work off the wall was massively increased, your guaranteed speed after a walljump was slightly decreased along with a decrease in overall strength of the jump and there is now a speed cap at 12. There are more changes but I can't quite figure out what they mean.
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->-Skulk.kJumpWallRange = 0.06<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
    <!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro-->+Skulk.kJumpWallRange = 0.4<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->-Skulk.kWallJumpAmbushForce = 8.9<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
    <!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro-->+Skulk.kWallJumpAmbushForce = 8

    +Skulk.kMaxWallJumpSpeed = 12<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->-Skulk.kWallJumpForce = 3<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
    <!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro-->+Skulk.kWallJumpForce = 1.3<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
  • MisterNubsMisterNubs Join Date: 2012-03-01 Member: 147912Members
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Carapace changed so it gives more armor, but slows down aliens a little (it's more of a tradeoff and changes how you play, instead of simply making you better in all circumstances).
    Reduced Shade and Shift cost from 15 to 10 to encourage more use of them.
    Upgrades now cost 1 personal resources again.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Seriously? Why? Band-aid fixes and terrible ones at that.

    Stop ######footing the gdamn hell around with these dumb changes. Remove Carapace from Crag tech and give aliens a damn equivalent to Arms lab. Acting like a parrot squawking "Asymmetry! Asymmetry!" is going to kill this game. Starcraft 2 is pretty damn well asymmetry game, but guess what? Each side still has damage/armor tier upgrades for their units. This fixes the aliens are so op early game, and mind numbingly frustrating late game.
  • WheeeeWheeee Join Date: 2003-02-18 Member: 13713Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1947542:date=Jun 28 2012, 09:18 PM:name=MisterNubs)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (MisterNubs @ Jun 28 2012, 09:18 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947542"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Seriously? Why? Band-aid fixes and terrible ones at that.

    Stop ######footing the gdamn hell around with these dumb changes. Remove Carapace from Crag tech and give aliens a damn equivalent to Arms lab. Acting like a parrot squawking "Asymmetry! Asymmetry!" is going to kill this game. Starcraft 2 is pretty damn well asymmetry game, but guess what? Each side still has damage/armor tier upgrades for their units. This fixes the aliens are so op early game, and mind numbingly frustrating late game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    excuse me what? no thanks. your solution is boring and doesn't even work - aliens have low RoF high damage abilities, percentage damage increases don't scale the way they do on the marine side with the exception of maybe bilebomb and lerk spikes, unless you vary the percentages by lifeform abilities, which is overly complex. NTY,
  • MisterNubsMisterNubs Join Date: 2012-03-01 Member: 147912Members
    edited June 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1947545:date=Jun 28 2012, 09:30 PM:name=Wheeee)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Wheeee @ Jun 28 2012, 09:30 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1947545"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->excuse me what? no thanks. your solution is boring and doesn't even work - aliens have low RoF high damage abilities, percentage damage increases don't scale the way they do on the marine side with the exception of maybe bilebomb and lerk spikes, unless you vary the percentages by lifeform abilities, which is overly complex. NTY,<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    And these changes do? My cremated grandmother moves faster than an Onos with carapace now. I'll be back to ignoring upgrades as a skulk because they cost p-res again, which was the whole reason why they were made to being free in the first place. I'm pretty sure Marine armor upgrades don't slow them down, nor do they have to "purchase" the armor upgrades with pres. To add some balance, they had to add a Alien commander, they need to do the same with damage/armor and it needs to be done though a mechanice similar to Arms labs. Whether it be through increasing the rate of fire, or damage. Or increasing the damage aborption per armor or some other means. Just because YOU find it boring, doesn't mean it's not needed.

    Nanoshield still needs to go.
  • SkiTSkiT Join Date: 2012-05-22 Member: 152452Members
    Leap early game again... hate that :s
  • Squeal_Like_A_PigSqueal_Like_A_Pig Janitor Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 66Members, Super Administrators, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Developer, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Developer
    Closing this thread, since there is now an Official Change log and related thread. Please post there. Thanks.

This discussion has been closed.