Noob's Very Basic Training

EejootEejoot Join Date: 2002-12-19 Member: 11119Members
edited December 2002 in New Player Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">or How to be a betterNooB....</div> I will not show you how to drop a Fade with a knife or eat Skulk for breakfast but I may just show you how to "fit in" with the people who can. After all I am just a NooB (4 days into basic training ) and I have a few idea to throw at people. Some may be good, some maybe bad and some may just help other NooB's feel better at being shot six times in three minutes. Some may even make a few Vets stop and think about how they treat us poor Noob's.

<u><b>How to be good NooB Marine</b></u>

If you have time read this whole forum, it is full of masses of useful information. Treat <i>here</i> as your manual for NS not the sci-fi booklet enclosed in the game, that just gets you into the "feel" of NS. Here is where you learn. Here on this forum and in the field, dying in a shady corner covered in Gorge spit and Fade acid.

<b>Get a mike</b>... It really can't be stressed enough how two words on comm is far better than two on keyboard. Don't chatter endlessly. Short clear responces or requests mean other messages are not drowned out.

<b>Right, so you are now in the game</b>, 1st, 2nd .... 10th game. You are the NooB. You are the one who runs around like mad shooting everything. STOP! Pause take a breath... Maybe you shouldn't shoot that tower just yet...

<b>NS is not CS</b>, Quake, Unreal tournament or like any other game you have played before. Trust me, I have played most and I am re-writing my gaming style day by day. NS is about senses... Sight, sound and maybe intuition as well. So you just shot that tower, an alert has just told the aliens you did it. Count to ten and they'll be on you chomping on your a**e. <i>If your not sure ask your commander.</i> Use your eyes and ears. Listen for the scitter of Skulks (unless they evoled silent running) make them pay for the noise they make. Stand still when not activly doing something, DON'T jump up and down, one it alerts Aliens to where you are (sound travels well in NS) and two it masks Alien sounds allowing them to close on you undetected.

<b>Running off</b>... DON'T! When you spawn wait there. This not only makes it easier for the Commander to give you a waypoint. It also makes you look less like a NooB. He'll appreciate you more for being there and being available for orders. All Commanders like troops they can order around and will (with luck) give <i>you</i> the benefits of armour and guns.

<b>Equipment</b>.... Only take it if a) it was meant for you or is in abundant supply and b) you know how to use it. I have seen Commanders cursing a NooB who has just run off with the only welder available. In time equipment will be there for you to learn with until then watch the Vets, see how they do things so when you do get that Jet pack you don't zoom off into the ceiling first leap. (I did, looked a right NooB for first five minutes as I pinballed down the corridor).

<b>Portals</b>... If your commander has the forsight to place jump portals between important defensive positions use them. <i>You</i> could be the one who saves the day gaining the respect of fellow troopers rather than the one who turned up just too late and has to face a hoard of hostiles alone.

<b>Know your route</b>... Learing maps is always time consuming. I am still finding better routes and I have had the good fortune to be able to play 12hrs or more a day for four days. I can recommend downloading RCBot and setting up a LAN game for a quieter enviroment for a few hours scouting (use this time to also jump in the commanders chair so you realise how hard it can be.)

<b>Commander's Chair</b>.... STAYOUT!! In time you will learn how to use it. For now be content to know it is not for a NooB no matter how good you think you are. The first five minutes of a game are the make or break time. If three of those minutes are taken voting you out of the chair it time to shout "Game Over Man!". Use LAN games (using RCBot) to learn the basic principles involved so when you do get your chance you are confident enough to make those first five minutes count. If however no-one else is there to take it or they are more NooB than you just make sure you build two respawn portals first. Anything else you can learn from many other threads on this forum.

<b>Building</b>... There are two ways to look at this. One tell them you are NooB and volunteer to build (USE key = E by default) or if someone else is building cover them. Never let a Skulk kill the whole group of Marines because they were all building one turret. If <i>you</i> save a fellow marines butt while he builds he will repect you more, NooB or not.

<b>Be Prepared</b>... Use LAN games to play as Skulk. Find out their rat runs, work out where they are likely to attack from and watch there. Load up with ammo from the armoury (you don't always need full ammo but try to get some) unless your Commander orders you immediaty to waypoint. He <i>needs</i> you there with the ammo you have!

<b>Be Alert</b>... If a fellow marine has just left the room you are in and dies suddenly due to Fade attack then there is a Fade close by. It may sound obvious but know who is with you, watch who is dying, listen to comm signals.

<b>The rest</b>... I'll leave that up to you for now. I have missed much. Barely touched on things that should be taken further and not even thought of some others. Don't blame me though after all I am NooB too and have still a lot to learn.

<u><b>How to be a NooB friendly Commander</b></u>

How some Commanders make a NooB grow while others don't.... Learnt from four days of watching and listening.

<b>Don't cusre the NooB</b>... explain what you need and maybe he'll do it.

<b>Don't place waypoint too far out</b>... NooB's need to learn the maps so work with them a bit. Shorter staged waypoints (more work for you yes but Noob's do learn maps quicker if they are not lost). Use jump Portals. It's easier to send a NooB directly to defended hive via portal than have him wandering around looking confused.

<b>Help Train NooB's</b>... NooB's are tomorows Grunts and hopefully Vets. The better you train them the better they will play. The better they think you are as a Commander the better they will follow orders.

<b>The NooB from Hell</b>.... So okay, you got the CS NooB who wants to go it alone and wants guns and armour and all the goodies for his one man war. It'll take too long to explain the game to him so just tell him to visit this forum and let him learn. Until then do your best to bring him into the group but if he still wants to CS the fades let him try and die, who knows he may even kill one! After all it's his game too and maybe he enjoys the hunt. You have control of equipment so if you don't want to keep losing guns don't give him any. Treat him as a scout, maybe suggest he "looks there" he'll take it as a challenge if he thinks he's doing something important and may play a more group role next game. Worse case senario, just ignore him and let him play his game.

<b><u>How to be a good NooB Kharaa</b></u>

I have no idea.... I have tried a few times and still think I have far to much to learn to even suggest how to fit in. Maybe only one.... Don't be a Gorge if there is already one. (Look around this forum for a more informative answer if required.)

<i>Well I hope this has been helpful and not to inaccurate. I am not trying to tell people how to play, more nudge them in the right direction. After all 4 days isn't enough time to make me a Vet but more than enough time for me to have a few ideas.... </i>

<!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> .......................... <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • KboTKboT Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9436Members
    Thats some nice left out some very important stuff tho...
  • EejootEejoot Join Date: 2002-12-19 Member: 11119Members
    It is a thread.... you can add to it... I won't mind at all infact I need all the tips I can get.... <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> ............... <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Ph0enixPh0enix Join Date: 2002-10-08 Member: 1462Members, Constellation
    Heres a link to a alien Noob guide: <a href='' target='_blank'>Alien Noob guide</a>

    It's not quite as basic as your marine one but it should help.
  • Hobo_BobHobo_Bob Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11218Members
    well, i'll have to write some more stuff on the alien topic that i know from experience:

    <b><u>Quick Noob Guide to Aliens:</b></u>

    <b>Foreword:</b> For Christ's sake, and your own too, don't give yourself a newb name. If you have to, make up a clan and wear the tag, just don't have a name like "IMMANOOB" or "noob here, need help". This type of name is going to lead to mockery and harrasing from your peers.

    <b>1. Do not become a Gorge</b> unless ur team is full of newb's or a**holes that don't wanna be gorges. In this case, i can only give u a couple of pointers. Build two resource towers at the beginning, and make sure that they are close to the hive. Do not bother to build much defense around it as the marines have weak weapons right now and won't kill them right away. Once you have two resource towers, find an empty hive spot and just wait there, preferably with a buddy skulk to aid u in your troubles if marines come by. save up for teh hive and then build it. At this point, with two hvies, your team will have fades, and the most important thing on your agenda is to get defenses up around your hives and resource towers. From here, build 1 more resource tower, and then another at the third hive, and start saving up for the last hive. When in combat, cross your fingers, and hope that a skulk come by. If you have a second hive, use your web attack, it will immobilize the enemy, and will give u enuf time to either eliminate it or run away. That is about all i can say for gorging n00bs. i would write more, but i am lazy. learn how to gorge from peers and from experience (create lan games with bots)
    <b>1b. Gestating:</b> Whenever you gestate, for whatever reason, evolving, upgrading or whenevr i say you will gestate, do so in a place where you will not be seen, as you are defensless when you are gestating.

    <b>2. Your main objective at this point (starting the game) is rush</b> and keep the marines isolated within their base. If you are a newb, then u will most likely get killed a lot. if you do not want to get killed as much, then wait <u>outside</u> of the marine base either on the ceiling or next to the door ie. preferably where they will not notice you. when they come out, pop from your hiding spot and munch on them (make sure that they do not notice you running up to them, or else they will probably kill you.)
    <b>*Exception to the rush rule:</b> If you have many people on your team (being something like 7 or more), especially if they are good at rushing, then you, as a newbie, can mosie around the map trying to find a hive. Once at the hive, <b>climb to teh top of the ceiling</b> and wait there. as boring as it may seem, it will be important if some marines decide to take the hive. Being a noob, if you happen to see them take teh base, you will most likely die if u try to attack them (if it is a sole marine, go for it, you will most likely kill him out of surprise), instead, tell your team that they are building in "place name of hive here" (to find out where the heck you are, look on the bottom of you screen, bottom left i believe, and it will show you where you are, for example "Ventilation 3C" or "Mess Hall"). That just about covers the whole "rushing" part.

    <b>3. Later in the game, once the marines expand a little</b> (because they will most likely expand, no matter how hard you rush them) your job, as a newb, is to focus on moving from hot spot to hot spot. Again, since u are a newb, you will most likely not know your way around the map. that is ok: there is this little thing called "hive sight" that will help you find your way around the map. While using hive sight does not directly show you the way, it'll tell you if you are getting colder or warmer. Let me explain a little about hive sight: it is a system that enables you to see things thru walls, except not the actual models (like hacking) but little cirlces that indicate <span style='color:gray'>white: your temmates/hive spots</span> <span style='color:orange'>yellow:enemies that have been parasited</span> and <span style='color:red'>red: enemies/building that are hurt/gettin hurt</span>. NOW, knowing this, your sole purpose is to move to any place that has a red cirlce on it. You are there to aid in attacking/defending a position. Here are a couple of hints on what to attack/defend:
    <b>Attack:</b> in groups, first off <--- is the most important fact ever. a sole skulk is usually a dead skulk. ok, so the marines are building a res tower somewhere, and your buddies are attacking it. What do you do? well, your main objective is to attack any marines in the area. quite simple. once those are eliminated, go for the turret factory. (if you do not know wat it looks like, go to, and go to the screenshots section, and click on teh marine structures link. look for "turret factory") Turret factory chomping is really an art. Your main goal here is to find a spot where no turret can shoot at you. In the situation where you cannot find this spot, parasite (2nd skulk weapon) as much as you can, usually before dying. At this point in time, there is another option for you: you can lerk. Now, as afraid as you may be of doing this so-called "evolving" business, it may be needed, <b>but only if your team asks you, or there are no other experienced players that want to</b>. A lerk is a small, weak (and by weak i mean no health whatsoever) and flying alien. If you happen to become a lerk (which by the way is <b>not</b> advisable) you need to find a dark, hidden corner; somwhere you will not get shot at or seen very easily. you have the advantage tho: you can fly to that spot. Flying is an art, and the only thing i can say is practice in a lan game. (to fly tap the jump button repeatedly) anyway, if you are in the correct spot, and you have the turret factory in you sights, use your 2nd attack and just keep on using those spikes on it, be forewarned tho, u will most likely spend days trying to destroy it. you are just there to clean up, or damage a little while your buddies get back to do some more chomping. Now, if the marines have a smart commander, they will most likely have a phase gate. What is a phase gate u ask, well, a phase gate is a big, blue, glowing pad type thingy (u can't miss it) that will transport marines (and aliens) around. the travel is simply one phase gate to another. This structure is also high on the priority list, as marines can just pop thru and keep on attacking/building. When attacking this structure BE CAREFUL!! because it can transport you as well, if you get too close that is. attach it with your bite (if your a skulk) but make sure you are not on it. At this point in the game, they will most likely not have seige cannons <!--emo&::siege::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo--> , but if they do, go for those as well, but they should be immobilized anyway if you destroyed the turret factory. (There could be some argument here, but if the seige is attacking your hive, i personally would go for the seige cannon, again, making sure to stay out of the line of fire of turrets.) Well, this should hold the marines back for a while, or at least for enough time to build a second hive. Always remember tho, the closer the marine's forward base is to your hive, the more dangerous it is, and the more priority it has.
    <b>Defense:</b> while defending a point usually does not happen with aliens, there are some ground rules to follow for this type of deal. First off, always guard your gorge. if he is building a res tower, and you pass by him, stay a couple of minutes to make sure he doesn't get beaten up. Also, make sure you kill any stray marines. Again, the closer a marine is to you hive, the more dangerous he is. make sure to kill stragglers and strays. and finally, protect res towers over anything; they are what brings in the resources (duh!).

    <b>4. Now you have two hives</b> and up until this time, the skulks have done their hit-and-run jobs, but you need firepower to combat the marine's new weapons (most likely shotguns, and maybe heavy machine guns). This calls for Fades. To evolve into a fade, (default) Right-click, then move up twice and then once to the right. This calls for gestating, and a long one at that, so find a cumfy place and make sure you are not seen. Now, remember, this is a more advanced alien, that requires more advanced strategy. You can no longer rush gung-ho and sacrifice yourself; Fades cost quite a bit of money, and their lives are quite precious to the team. So you're the newb that wants to play ruff now, huh. Well, i'm not gonna say don't do it, like some other guides tell you to, i'm gonna say, "if you have the resources, go for it." A fade is QUITE a bit stronger than a skulk, but not invulnerable, by a long shot. There are a couple of things that you need to know. First off, this new alien has a very powerful RANGED attack that is very useful in many situations. The only problem is that it sucks up energy like a chinese hore sucks cok. This attack can only be useful with the aid of the "Adrenaline" upgrade. Hopefully, your gorge has put up some (preferably 3) movement chambers, but that is no worry to you at all, you don't even know how to tell, so don't even bother. Anyway, to activate this upgrade, you will have to gestate. *find good spot* You right-click and move your cursor one to the left, one up, and one to the left again. Now that you have adrenaline, i will illustrate something that you should *not* do: You go to a marine base (forward or main) and stand at a doorway/entrance and start firing with your ranged weapon (the 2nd weapon). you attract a lot of attention, turrets and marines alike start to fire at you, and you start to run low on energy and life, so you retreat for your energy to come back to full power and maybe run away to get healed( which you can do if you are close to a hive or a defense chamber). Now, you think you are out of there, when all of a sudden a marine starts to chase you. You frantically turn around and start firing the weapon you last used (the ranged weapon). of course, since you had little energy, you get 1 shot off. so now, you are frantically running around trying to switch to the slashing weapon (1st weapon) but, since you had little life after your attack, you die. BIG WASTE. No life huh, bummed out, well, there is a savvy little upgrade called "regeneration" that is under the defense category (right-click, left, down, and there are your options) With these two upgrades, adrenaline and regeneration, you are ready to go out and do the *right* thing. First off, before you engage the enemy/base, choose your slashing weapon, and then your ranged weapon. Now, with a stroke of a key (default q) you can switch between the two *remeber this, it will be useful* Now, you start at the entrance, and begin firing the ranged weapon. you once again attract fire and attention. you are now running low on health and energy. Now, when you run away, just duck aroudn the coner or hide right outside of the door. press q, and wait for the marine to come out to attack you. When he comes out, u will have a little more life (because of regeneration) and a little more energy (because of adrenaline) but now, you are using the slash attack instead of the ranged attack. The slash attack does more damage, and takes much less energy. so when he does come out, surprise him with your aggressive attack, and wait till your energy and health get back up, then repeat teh process. In regards to blink, i would say, being a noob, you shouldn't use it. once you become more experience, you can try, but it's not worth frustrating yourself with.

    This about concludes my little guide to the attacking aliens. I will not address the third hive and its situations because by that time, you will most probably have won, or are winning the game. The only last notes i have are practice, get better and learn from mistakes and other people. Formulate your own startegies, and make some things up that are more compatable to you playing style. Again, i would like to say that the most important thing to get rid of are the things closer to your base. If there is a seige cannon attacking your hive, then destroy it; focus all your energy on that, or if it is safer, the turret factory. and if there is a seige cannon that is restricting your building a new hive or res tower, destroy it also. Never attack a heavy armor guys with a skulk, and never wander alone unless you are a fade and know where you can retreat to. becaue you will get <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Butt_monkey_saladButt_monkey_salad Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 11006Banned
    good strat. Jus one question/examination:

    I notice that in a duel between a basic marine and a skulk, the skulk wins most of them ( cept for the ones where they are outnumbered and the ones in large areas) is that what part of the big "TEAMWORK" in Marine strat is? Do they mention it specifically cuz a group of marines takes out a equal group of skulks easier than a 1 on 1 due to ranged attacks and therefore focus firing without having to move around much to do so? Well actually it obviously IS I guess...forget I asked <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Just that when I play marines I always say to myself "A lone marine is a dead marine" and I win cuz of it <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • SirusSirus Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8466Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    No, A marine should be able to kill a skulk alone, if not 2 or more. The teamwork comes in when calculating sieging hives and also killing tier 2 and 3 aliens. Plus listening to your commander, although its hard because most of the time they suck, but even if they do suck they see the "bigger picture". Frankly, if you have an experienced commander, listening is very important.

    Also, skulks are used for ambushing, thus them being effective...a marine with any decent distance between him and a skulk is at an advantage.
  • Ph0enixPh0enix Join Date: 2002-10-08 Member: 1462Members, Constellation
    A lone marine vs a lone skulk astonishingly enough will be decided by the skills of those two players.

    A fight that lasts more then a couple of seconds is between two evenly matched opponents. When i'm playing as a marine or a skulk it's usually quite easy to spot those with skill and those without.

    An important point however is that most of the time, it should be the skulk picking where the fight is happening, and so should be able to maximise his/her chances by trying to attack in dark confined areas and when marines are alone.
  • JasperJasper Join Date: 2002-04-08 Member: 390Members
    and what noobs going to read your rant <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->? lolz
  • VoronweVoronwe Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11297Members, Constellation
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    <!--QuoteBegin--Hobo Bob+Dec 20 2002, 10:30 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Hobo Bob @ Dec 20 2002, 10:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Let me explain a little about hive sight: it is a system that enables you to see things thru walls, except not the actual models (like hacking) but little cirlces that indicate <span style='color:gray'>white: your temmates/hive spots</span> <span style='color:orange'>yellow:enemies that have been parasited</span> and <span style='color:red'>red: enemies/building that are hurt/gettin hurt</span>.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Nice guide, m8, but to get one error right:

    red circles indicate FRIENDS or ALIEN BUILDINGS gettinghit/hurt.
    So, dear n00b, if you see a red circle on the hive sight your help could be required.

  • K_K_Ripl3yK_K_Ripl3y Join Date: 2003-01-18 Member: 12436Members
    when I'm Alien, I usually get to the spawn asap and parasite first, bite later!
    this helps noobs cause it gives them a general direction to try for rather then running around aimlessly..

    I rush, though I don't like those victories.. I do this to make the one who's playing marine com next sh1t his undies so he keeps his team at the base while he spends inordinate amounts of res on 4 - 5 turrets !!!

    usually, when a good gorge is on the team, by the time they finally get to move out hive two is either started or we have so many res points that it becomes a matter of seconds to put one up (well, maybe not seconds but u get the idea.. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->)

    when they're on the move in group, parasite at least one of them ! this way you either know where the whole group is moving, or u force one of the marines to go of on a suicide mission in order not to compromise the team's safety !
    if he sticks with the group, all skulks should home in on a search and destroy mission.. if he wonders off, let him, or assign him to another player, because otherwise the main group can move undetected ! try for another parasite, and remember a skulk has to be really good if he wants to survive against the massed fire of 3 - 4 rines , so if you're considering an attack on such a group u better make sure its a SURPRISE attack !

    hanging over doors u know they'll pass , skulking on a pipe where u suspect the rine will move to next, waiting in a lowered section to jump in someone's back.. these tactics prolongue your outlook on life !

    Jump often, but not as quickly as possible.. this is a predictable pattern making it easier to be aimed at.
    make use off walls and the ceiling, cause new players will have a very hard time adjusting to the 3d feel of this fighting stylen which is nothing like Counterstrike.

    use the light (and especially the darkness) to your advantage, many players have a less then perfect monitor making it v?ry hard for them to spot you if you hang silently!

    make use of the vents, get to know where each one leads, as many times the vents will be inaccessible for marines for at least the first 5 minutes ! also, these provide excellent entrys for a surprise flanking manouvre!

    Get to know the upgrades, and use the combination that is most suited for that tier creature (fades would use adrenaline / regeneration, while skulks use silence/ cloaking

    react to the hivesight, and good luck..

    marines... I like them... especially with mayonaise! <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
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