Starcraft Lineup!

McGibsMcGibs Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8094Members
Hey all. For all of yous that want to pop zerglins with gause rifles or consume tasty marines (crunchy on the outside chewy on the inside!) Ill be starting to make a total conversion over the next month or so. However i need some tuts or something on how to actually get a milkshape model into halflife (skeletons and animation and all that.) Ive made this list on what ill probobly include.

Marine: CMC-300/400 Powered Combat Suit (standard terran marine)
Heavy Armor: CMC-660 Heavy Combat Suit (firebat armor)

Knife: probobly a bigger knife
Pistol: Marine handgun as seen in one of the zerg cinimatics
LMG: 8mm C-14 "Impaler" Gauss Rifle
Shotgun: Something simmilar to the gause rifle (only shotgun like)
Welder: Fusion cutters (as on the SCV)
Mines: Spider mines
HMG: Belt fed form of Gauss Rifle
Grenade Launcher: 25mm C-10 Canister Rifle (ghosts use them)

ps. Ill also reskin all the buildings to go with the color schime (probobly black and red)

Skulk: Zergling (of course)
Gorge: Drone (requires new animations)
Lurk: Scorge (or maby a tiny queen)
Fade: Hydralisk (requires new animations)
Onos: Ultralisk (smaller version)


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