Make medpacks heal over time
Join Date: 2012-04-30 Member: 151345Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

Medpacks should not heal immediately. They should heal over time. This duration can be short, as long as it doesn't heal immediately. Please investigate this!
My suggestion is that medpacks should heal the damage done by one skulk bite for the duration of perhaps 1 - 0.75 times the skulk attack duration.
Since the later evolution of alien lifeforms, causing more damage, is a threat to this approach, there should also be a marine upgrade available to improve the efficiency of medpacks by e.g. 1.5x - 2x.
As the introduction of Heavy Armor approaches, this is becoming an even more important issue. HA-marines, accompanied by insta-healing medpacks would be impossible to repel for the aliens! As medpacks are not based on the usage of resources, like in NS1, and instead costs energy (in B208 from the armory), medspam is a much larger problem.
I noticed the devproc design task "Move med/ammo packs to Command Station", and I'm not sure what this means. But if you've limited the spawn of med/ammo to a perimeter around the command station, I believe you're not going at the best approach.
My suggestion is that medpacks should heal the damage done by one skulk bite for the duration of perhaps 1 - 0.75 times the skulk attack duration.
Since the later evolution of alien lifeforms, causing more damage, is a threat to this approach, there should also be a marine upgrade available to improve the efficiency of medpacks by e.g. 1.5x - 2x.
As the introduction of Heavy Armor approaches, this is becoming an even more important issue. HA-marines, accompanied by insta-healing medpacks would be impossible to repel for the aliens! As medpacks are not based on the usage of resources, like in NS1, and instead costs energy (in B208 from the armory), medspam is a much larger problem.
I noticed the devproc design task "Move med/ammo packs to Command Station", and I'm not sure what this means. But if you've limited the spawn of med/ammo to a perimeter around the command station, I believe you're not going at the best approach.
It means that Meds and Ammo are being moved to Command Station energy rather than Armouries.
while it is essential to support your marines on the field as well as at the base, healing always was abuseable.
the only reason that comes to my mind why it never has really changed since ns1 is the eventual complexity and its resulting confusion to new players. but a proper medpack-spam can make a marine close to immortal, that's why it needs a change.
ideas like that have been suggested many times before, but surprisingly never were heard. and i think there are 2 main-ideas that are simple and fair:
1. healing over time (e.g. 50hp over 5s, not or just slightly stackable)
2. a medpack cooldown so a marine can only consume 1 medpack every few seconds
so +1 for that
another issue is the base-medding. in NS1, you originally did not get any free HP from the armory. in later versions, it was available by using it. 10hp every 1s and no armor-recovery at all. so comparing this to the NS2 one makes the new one imba. it is healing faster, it heals by just standing next to it, and it even heals your armor.
i do not know what's being planned on that, but it is definitly too strong. it completly downgrades the worth of welders and medpacks (slightly controverts the above topic because meds can be very powerfull too). however, just dropping a random armory or going back to base to fully recover within a few seconds does not sound fair at all. that should be a previlege of the hives and it counteracts the marine's teamplay. why should you weld eachother when you could just go to the armory?
possible solutions that came to my mind:
1. make the armory's "recovery-feature" a researchable and not a free function. so if you want your armory to heal players, spend some time and res and it will.
2. make the armory heal HP only (and possibly slower)
you might think this disadvantages the marines but please keep in mind, before you balance marines vs aliens, you have to balance all marine weapons, functions, resources (etc) compared to eachother(/another?). and yes, the team-internal balance not finished as well as the marine vs alien balance isn't, but i'm looking forward to that!
sorry if i went too far off-topic
I would kind of like a large boost heal with slight additional heals over time which do not stack. Additional med-packs would again give the boost heal, but replace the 'over time' with its new heals (i.e. they don't stack).
Kind of a best of both worlds thing.