Phase Gates... Are Win

MobayMobay Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6986Members
Oki i tryed this like one time.. but it was verry cool....

oki the game were like this on eclipse the marrines got 1 hive alien got 2... som we took over the last hive from the marines... and kill all there exept the phase gate....

then the gorges put up defences arround the hive... no offence chambers at the phase gate....
the we built sensor chambers and defence chambers arround the phase gate... so when a marrine poped we would get paracited... they we had o onos to gourd the gate...this was easy cuz the hive healed him all the time + defence chambers...

Then we would all go fade and use the phase gate to go into the marrine base... witch helped us get seige down... but the the marrines sold thier.. phase gate.. or i got destroid i don't know.... but it was a god tactic i think...! what do u alle think?


  • GWBGWB Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8682Members
    I normally dont keep a phase gate. It seemed like you guys were just toying with your food. With 2 hives and the third hive going down, chances are marines are done for. Keeping a phase gate is bad because:

    a) They can sell it

    b) they can do the distress beacon then you'll see tons of marines through the phase gate before you can finish any towers.

    c) They can sell it

    Did I say that they can sell it and get resources back?

  • NinjaBurgerNinjaBurger Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9931Members
    <b>what do u alle think</b>

    I think someone needs a dictionary.
  • death1death1 Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8920Members
    the reverse phase gate rush can be very nasty at the right time of the game... plain and simple. Because they can sell it and do other crazy stuff like a distress beacon (which only brings home the dead guys, not the half dozen marines scattered throughout the map), I usually hop through and scout out whats goin on, even if its a suicide mission you'll know whats in their main base and if they have any other key locations secured and phased.

    obviously if there's a steady stream of heavily armed and determined marines coming through, you take it out. that's not always the case though...


    <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'> <span style='color:purple'>ps - thnx ninja... on topic posts are the best! keep it up.</span> </span>
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