INFO ABOUT sounds being played from origin (no fix yet)

FragmagnetFragmagnet Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72873Members
edited February 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Havn't found the fix. But I might have noticed the issue</div>I remembered when I was messing around with lights
that if you screwed up a rotation up with some obscene value or something or it's location with an obscene value
it would be rendered at the origin.

Could the sounds be suffering from the same problem? (Or similar problem)


  • simon kamakazisimon kamakazi Join Date: 2009-04-28 Member: 67296Members
    edited February 2012
    yeh i think this has been a problem, specifically with feedback type sounds like ricochets, bite_hit sounds but im not sure why the would be getting sent weird values, this might be what is causing some ambient sounds to get messed up 2 tho.
  • FragmagnetFragmagnet Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72873Members
    edited February 2012

    Here are the major files that deal with sound (or could deal with sound in a major way.)

    If any lua coders wish to contribute, do so.
    list which files you have searched through and not found the fix in.

    <strike>Client.lua</strike> Maybe but no.
    <strike>ClientEffects.lua</strike> seems to only involve cloaking and uncloaking.
    <strike>ConsoleCommands_Client.lua</strike> nope
    <strike>DSPEffects.lua</strike> Nope.
    <strike>Effects.lua</strike> It might be, but I don't think so.
    <b>GeneralEffects.lua</b> Parents sounds to cinematics = maybe breaks stuff somehow?
    <strike>LoopingSoundMixin.lua</strike> nope
    <strike>NS2Gamerules.lua</strike> Only involves Win/Loss music.
    <strike>Player.lua</strike> Looked through it.
    <strike>PlayerEffects.lua</strike> I looked through it. Names effects.
    <strike>Player_Client.lua</strike> Nope. Defines playerstates.
    <strike>PlayingTeam.lua</strike> Nope.
    <strike>Reverb.lua</strike> nah
    <strike>Server.lua</strike> no.
    <strike>Shared.lua</strike> loads soundeffect.lua and ambientsound.lua
    <strike>Team.lua</strike> Probably not.
    <strike>TooltipMixin.lua</strike> Nah.
    <strike>Utility.lua</strike> Nope lol.

    The three super powers huh.

    Alright I'll play along.
  • FragmagnetFragmagnet Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72873Members
    edited February 2012

    AmbientSound.lua I'm not sure. I think this might just be defining and associating ambient sounds.


    SoundEffect.lua I looked through it IT COULD BE but I don't think so.

    ..... function StartSoundEffectAtOrigin(soundEffectName, atOrigin) oh this looks fancy

    kDefaultMaxAudibleDistance = 50 **Raises eyebrow** that's kinda short.
  • FragmagnetFragmagnet Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72873Members
    edited February 2012

    I had a feeling this would be the last one.
    <strike>EffectManager.lua</strike> I honestly don't know

    I'll have some friends look.

    Not sure if this is what's broken but it could be.


    it's a C function with a lua prototype for decoda autocomplete and intellisense stuff

    so this bug is highly likely to be on the C side of things, an internal engine issue
    find a bit of code that plays a bugged sound
    tell me if it uses Shared.PlaySound()

    find a bugged sound
    find the code that tells that sound to play
    function Shared.PlayPrivateSound ( Entity , string , float ) end
    function Shared.PlaySound ( Entity , string ) end
    function Shared.PlayWorldSound ( Entity , string , Vector ) end
    if it's using PlaySound
    it should be using PlayWorldSound
    and the Vector() you give it is where the sound should originate from
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