Power Node Discussion

aeroripperaeroripper Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Unify function across entire map, or keep separate?</div>Not sure if this is going to change, but does anybody else think the entire map needs to operate in a powered vs. unpowered environment? At the moment it seems a bit counter-intuitive with rooms that by default are lit 100% of the time.

1) Every room could go unpowered. The entire map is a dynamic battlefield of powered vs. unpowered, marine friendly territory vs. alien friendly territory. This increases the importance of keeping power online and map control.

2) Secondary areas (hallways) would be under sway of the primary power nodes in nearby landmark rooms.

3) Marines could still power structures with power packs if needed until they can battle it out and restore primary nodes.

4) Aliens can spread infestation into contested areas to help the aliens battle.

This is the way I originally envisioned NS2 when reading about DI vs. Powergrid battles. I know its beta and subject to change, but what do you guys think?


  • lunsluns Join Date: 2010-12-05 Member: 75502Members
    just to add to what you said.

    main hive rooms having NO power nodes, makes no sense at all. The main hive should not be so exposed while other rooms with no power nodes at least offer somewhat good darkness to help aliens. Currently as marine, I may struggle seeing in unpowered rooms but as I step into the main hive it gets brighter? fighting in alien environment should favor aliens not marines. I strongly hate how main hives are so exposed.

    infestation needs to start doing the following:

    1. start harming marine buildings or disable them
    2. if infestation within the room, especially near unpowered nodes, marines must destroy the infestation before they build power node or repair it

    aside from this, I agree with what you're saying.
  • Dragon-GuardDragon-Guard Join Date: 2011-07-25 Member: 112159Members
    i disagree, aliens can build on either side, regardless of the powernode state.
    So as it is now marines and aliens both start on equal terrain, they both can build working structures as is.
    Now, marines can build everywhere without infestation, but they need to build themselfs (untill macs) and have a harder time defending it, aliens on the other hand have a much easier time getting map control and dont have to do anything for their com to get the buildings up, but need infestation.
    so both have and advantage and an disadvantage.

    Aliens can slightly increase this advantage by taking out powernodes and ALL marine buildings stop working or wont work if build + give darkness to hide in.

    imo, its fine to have all working right from the start.
    the hiveroom could be somewhat dimmed though, unlike summit, and doesnt require a powernode, IF marines want to build there they should be forced to use power packs as it is now as its alien homefront.

    infestation, i dont really care, it will change alot before it releases so we will see.
  • aeroripperaeroripper Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->i disagree, aliens can build on either side, regardless of the powernode state.
    So as it is now marines and aliens both start on equal terrain, they both can build working structures as is.
    Now, marines can build everywhere without infestation, but they need to build themselfs (untill macs) and have a harder time defending it, aliens on the other hand have a much easier time getting map control and dont have to do anything for their com to get the buildings up, but need infestation.
    so both have and advantage and an disadvantage.

    Aliens can slightly increase this advantage by taking out powernodes and ALL marine buildings stop working or wont work if build + give darkness to hide in.

    imo, its fine to have all working right from the start.
    the hiveroom could be somewhat dimmed though, unlike summit, and doesnt require a powernode, IF marines want to build there they should be forced to use power packs as it is now as its alien homefront.

    infestation, i dont really care, it will change alot before it releases so we will see.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    1) Aliens should be able to build hives in powered rooms, but not other structures until infestation creeps in there. Once infestation is in a room, powered or not, aliens can build structures on it.

    2) The default state at map start would have the power on all across the map, until aliens start chewing down power nodes.

    3) All areas should be under sway of the power nodes. Even in areas with a lot of outdoor lighting, the same power mechanic should apply. Places like Alien Start\Crevice would be brighter than normal, but it should still be obvious the power is out.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Personally, I'd just like to see the always powered, powernode, and unpowered rooms be more clearly designated. For example, on summit crossroads (unpowered), summit reception (always powered), and heliport (powernode) all have the same lighting look (as long as heli's powernode is built). I think it trips up new comms because I've seen unpowered RTs/other structures dropped in crossroads/crevice/alien start.
  • RuntehRunteh Join Date: 2010-06-26 Member: 72163Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think they would be a great way to end stalemates from outside of the room.

    If you are the marines, and all the power nodes outside of MS are destroyed then perhaps aliens get a morale bonus.

    I.e. All attacks increase to 150% power, so a Skulk at level 3 will take off 147HP instead of 98.

    If you are Aliens, and all rooms connected to that hive room are powered then Marines get the same sort of morale bonus.
  • IactoIacto Join Date: 2010-11-23 Member: 75209Members
    Shouldn't infestation damage power nodes?
  • shivshiv Join Date: 2010-04-11 Member: 71341Members, Constellation
    I do think the entire map should be linked to the power grid in some way at least for consistency purposes. Some areas might make sense though for them to start in a default unpowered state like alien start for example or any other area for environmental variation.
  • azimaithazimaith Join Date: 2011-07-03 Member: 107686Members
    I would really like to see a lot more darkness in the game, right now I often don't see hallways getting very dark, which I think detracts from the feel. Just imagine the game play experience you could get once DI actually deforms corridors into smaller openings and the room beyond is pitch black. I sort of feel like I'm playing on a game board at the moment.
  • BamBam!BamBam! Join Date: 2011-06-15 Member: 104527Members
    Does anyone else think that the Alien and Marine starts in Summit should be the other way around? So Marines would go from a light and open environment into a dark and restricted one. Marine start looks so cool at the end game (when aliens win) with infestation everywhere and with the lights out.

    Agree with OP, adjacent hallways should lose their lighting too
  • Taxen0Taxen0 Join Date: 2010-07-30 Member: 73357Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1869983:date=Aug 19 2011, 08:52 AM:name=BamBam!)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (BamBam! @ Aug 19 2011, 08:52 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1869983"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Does anyone else think that the Alien and Marine starts in Summit should be the other way around? So Marines would go from a light and open environment into a dark and restricted one.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I think AS will look even cooler with godrays and DI spreading across the glass.
    so, in time =)
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