Fundementals, Problems, Fixes...
Join Date: 2003-06-05 Member: 17028Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Thoughts on how NS2 can give players what they expect</div>I’ve been playing the beta, hit a few annoyances and yet still found the game to have a great spark of fun and originality, so I thought I’d give voice to some ideas it’s triggered.
The Kharaa are clearly ambush predators, geared up for hit and run and harassment (excepting the Onos), yet they often don’t seem like it. I’ve always thought this was an issue, from NS1 too. Primarily the problem comes with the Skulk – the first person melee is erratic and confusing. With leap, the Skulk can close the gap to the marine, but once there the Frontiersman jumps around like a jack rabbit and goes out of frame. That, combined with the bite cutting off the player’s view as the mouth closes completely disorientates the player. I can’t count the number of times I’ve jumped on a marine only to end up getting blown to bits because I slightly over or undershoot.
Besides the fact that animals like the Kharaa shouldn’t have this problem, Frontiersman random jumping looks stupid. Obviously there ought to be evasion, but the constant bouncing is emersion breaking. Gameplay > realism, but there should be a solution that achieves both.
With the Skulk, I’d like to see more emphasis on the ambush and improve it in close combat, instead of the frontal assault. The alien vision was the perfect start to this (though I have other issues on that subject I’d like to address further down). I have a few thoughts:
Likely controversial, but let aliens play in third person. Most games with melee do it this way, and I think it would work for NS. I realise it’s not tradition, but I really think it would fix lots of situational problems close combat brings. If not this, at the very least making the Skulk’s teeth transparent as it bites down would greatly improve things.
Turn off skulk’s glowing eyes when they go into alien vision. They’re going into ambush mode after all, helping them be more stealthy makes sense.
Make surprise count. As it is, a sprinting marine outpaces a running Skulk. This can mean they get hit once, then get out of danger. A lone marine in close combat with a lone Skulk ought to die virtually every time. Currently, this isn’t the case. I’ve seen fights last for 10-30 seconds with combatants hopping around each other. Some of this is hitreg related, I’d bet, but not all of it.
I’d suggest one or more of a few possible changes. First, a knock down attack when the leap connects a marine from behind. The Frontiersman takes a moment to get up, giving the skulk time to chow down. I’m not a fan of this, though it fixes a few things, because it removes player control. Perhaps it could simply slow the marine instead?
Second option, a kind of ‘lock-on’ bite. The Skulk holds RMouse instead of clicking and the marine under the reticule glows. If the crosshair is held on the marine for 1-2 seconds (and they remain in range), the Skulk auto leaps at them and does a focus/critical hit style bite when it connects. It would be basically impossible to achieve from the front, but highly useful from behind, side or above.
Third, give Skulks a very brief sprint that drains energy upon pressing shift and combine this with increased damage if they bite a marine in the back or from above. Pursuing fleeing marines would be much easier like this, as would ambush.
Fourth (and I think this could be combined with any other) the Skulk regains energy upon a kill. This would allow better hit and run – leap in in, bite to death, leap out with the energy they just won.
To counter these changes the Skulk could simply loose some health (though I don’t know how much). More specifically though, I’d like to see the rifle butt both do knock back and slow the skulk momentarily, punishing skulks attacking from the front.
On a final note, I’d like to see parasite either not affect buildings or have a different, smaller symbol for them on hive sight. It confuses intelligence gathering and it can’t be removed without destroying the building, leaving marines no recourse to deal with it. Also, I thought the armoury was going to remove parasites from players? It doesn’t seem to currently… maybe just a bug, I don’t know.
This was longer than I expected, so I’m going to split other thoughts into separate posts, but finish this with a note on power node lighting. I’d like to see the lights flicker on and off completely when the power’s under 30% or so and the red emergency lighting kick in slower and more gradually, maybe even staying slightly darker than currently. Not much, but a little. Marine flashlights give great atmosphere since they can see each other’s lights. More darkness means bigger groups needed to keep awareness, promoting teamwork. I’m not advocating it staying pitch black by any means, but in alien territory, they ought to have the advantage.
For anyone thinking this would make aliens too overpowered, I’d just like to note I’ll come to marines at some point too. What I suggest here would need to be balanced in other areas.
Next: Lerk, Fade, etc.
The Kharaa are clearly ambush predators, geared up for hit and run and harassment (excepting the Onos), yet they often don’t seem like it. I’ve always thought this was an issue, from NS1 too. Primarily the problem comes with the Skulk – the first person melee is erratic and confusing. With leap, the Skulk can close the gap to the marine, but once there the Frontiersman jumps around like a jack rabbit and goes out of frame. That, combined with the bite cutting off the player’s view as the mouth closes completely disorientates the player. I can’t count the number of times I’ve jumped on a marine only to end up getting blown to bits because I slightly over or undershoot.
Besides the fact that animals like the Kharaa shouldn’t have this problem, Frontiersman random jumping looks stupid. Obviously there ought to be evasion, but the constant bouncing is emersion breaking. Gameplay > realism, but there should be a solution that achieves both.
With the Skulk, I’d like to see more emphasis on the ambush and improve it in close combat, instead of the frontal assault. The alien vision was the perfect start to this (though I have other issues on that subject I’d like to address further down). I have a few thoughts:
Likely controversial, but let aliens play in third person. Most games with melee do it this way, and I think it would work for NS. I realise it’s not tradition, but I really think it would fix lots of situational problems close combat brings. If not this, at the very least making the Skulk’s teeth transparent as it bites down would greatly improve things.
Turn off skulk’s glowing eyes when they go into alien vision. They’re going into ambush mode after all, helping them be more stealthy makes sense.
Make surprise count. As it is, a sprinting marine outpaces a running Skulk. This can mean they get hit once, then get out of danger. A lone marine in close combat with a lone Skulk ought to die virtually every time. Currently, this isn’t the case. I’ve seen fights last for 10-30 seconds with combatants hopping around each other. Some of this is hitreg related, I’d bet, but not all of it.
I’d suggest one or more of a few possible changes. First, a knock down attack when the leap connects a marine from behind. The Frontiersman takes a moment to get up, giving the skulk time to chow down. I’m not a fan of this, though it fixes a few things, because it removes player control. Perhaps it could simply slow the marine instead?
Second option, a kind of ‘lock-on’ bite. The Skulk holds RMouse instead of clicking and the marine under the reticule glows. If the crosshair is held on the marine for 1-2 seconds (and they remain in range), the Skulk auto leaps at them and does a focus/critical hit style bite when it connects. It would be basically impossible to achieve from the front, but highly useful from behind, side or above.
Third, give Skulks a very brief sprint that drains energy upon pressing shift and combine this with increased damage if they bite a marine in the back or from above. Pursuing fleeing marines would be much easier like this, as would ambush.
Fourth (and I think this could be combined with any other) the Skulk regains energy upon a kill. This would allow better hit and run – leap in in, bite to death, leap out with the energy they just won.
To counter these changes the Skulk could simply loose some health (though I don’t know how much). More specifically though, I’d like to see the rifle butt both do knock back and slow the skulk momentarily, punishing skulks attacking from the front.
On a final note, I’d like to see parasite either not affect buildings or have a different, smaller symbol for them on hive sight. It confuses intelligence gathering and it can’t be removed without destroying the building, leaving marines no recourse to deal with it. Also, I thought the armoury was going to remove parasites from players? It doesn’t seem to currently… maybe just a bug, I don’t know.
This was longer than I expected, so I’m going to split other thoughts into separate posts, but finish this with a note on power node lighting. I’d like to see the lights flicker on and off completely when the power’s under 30% or so and the red emergency lighting kick in slower and more gradually, maybe even staying slightly darker than currently. Not much, but a little. Marine flashlights give great atmosphere since they can see each other’s lights. More darkness means bigger groups needed to keep awareness, promoting teamwork. I’m not advocating it staying pitch black by any means, but in alien territory, they ought to have the advantage.
For anyone thinking this would make aliens too overpowered, I’d just like to note I’ll come to marines at some point too. What I suggest here would need to be balanced in other areas.
Next: Lerk, Fade, etc.
What happened to roost? It’s a great concept for the Lerk, able to perch somewhere unexpected and make a nuisance of himself (his primary role, being a nuisance). I also like (I think it was Charlie’s idea) the concept of the Lerk flying over spreading spores like a crop sprayer instead of the current system, which I think gives him a bit too much area denial. I’d like to see the crop duster spores as the primary fire, but the current spore cloud bomb as secondary, but costing most of the Lerk’s energy bar. This would preserve versatility, but promote a more active role, as well as one that the Lerk is forced to take a few more risks for their rewards.
As to spikes, I think we all know it could use a rebalance. I would suggest that the Lerk is intended as anti-infantry, therefore spikes ought to do greatly reduced damage against buildings, preventing turret and power node sniping. To compensate, I’d not downgrade the sniper shot against regular marines (though perhaps increase energy cost a bit), and perhaps increase damage of the primary spikes the closer the Lerk is to the target. I love the idea of the Lerk flying over strafing targets and that would be encouraged by this.
Speaking of flying, I know the flight model is going to change, but I would love two changes in specific. First, glide is great, but can we have it kick in on the first flap? Or have the second flap be a little less powerful if space is held. Something that stops the take-off crashing into the ceiling, or the top of a door frame. Maybe I just suck, but I end up doing this a fair amount. I’d also like to see shift being held giving the Lerk increased forward thrust (or change the flight model). As it is, a sprinting marine keeps up with a free flying Lerk, which seems a little silly.
Perhaps if it changed the model, holding shift would make space propel the Lerk in the direction it’s facing instead of up. Could be a movement skill, timing flaps for maximum affect. I’d have this increased speed come at a cost of energy, whichever option was used.
I don't understand this idea. Why not just leap at their back as they run away and bite? It is accomplishing the exact same thing as this sprint ability. Seems like redundant game mechanics.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Fourth (and I think this could be combined with any other) the Skulk regains energy upon a kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I could get behind this or at least add it to test out.
I agree with everything else, except the third person view point. I would rather just have transparent teeth or a normal view point.
You have a point with the leap at their back, but the idea was more flexibility - an in between running and leaping for a marine just a hair beyond biting range
But on to the Fade.
I honestly think it’s broken at the moment. The Fade LOOKS great, skin, animations, (blink in particular is very pretty), but it doesn’t play like the ninja warrior it’s meant to be.
I see there being two major problem to solve. One, Fade blink is cumbersome and disorientating. I rarely know where I am or where the enemy is when I come out of blink and it’s not that natural to begin a blink in the first place. Two, chasing down marines, even very close ones is unbelievably difficult. For a ninja, the Fade is awfully slow.
Solutions: Fades ought to be deadly to single marines, unless they’re both lucky and carrying a flamer or possibly shotty. To facilitate this, give the Fade an ability like that in the reveal trailer. Like the lock-on leap for Skulk earlier, a charged lock-on blink ending in an impalement that kills any marine. Possibly longer lock-on or impossible on exosuit Frontiersmen?
With the blink, I’d like the smog cloud to be transparent to Fades, and you to have an option for either blink as it is now, or the ‘re-orient’ blink they used to have. Weapon 1 would be normal blink and slash, weapon 2 would be reorient to target blink and lock on impale attack. I’d also make it only reorient to players, not buildings. Lastly, I’d prefer blink to be single click instead of double. You hold RMouse to bring up the blink image, release RMouse to blink, and cancel blink with LMouse. It’s been said before, but I think it needs reiterating, because I can see no real downside to it.
Lastly, I’d like Fades to have a short NS1 style speed blur blink tied to shift that consumes energy quickly. It’s unbelievably frustrating not being able to catch Frontiersmen that are just outside claw range. Things like Fades not being able to blink into vents have already been stated as coming in, so I think this is all it would really need to feel right. I doubt much of a downgrade would be needed to balance this, Fades are quite fragile currently and have a looooong egg time to evolve, so I’d say it wouldn’t take much.
Next: Gorge
Skulks already leap around like a versatile ninja, no need for a sprint or similar. And I dont think that just because a marine is in close combat to a skulk, the marine should die. I think that (unless the upgrades are in such a way that a skulk only needs 2 bites to kill) if the skulk doesnt succeed to ambush the rine but yet get close, the rine should stand a fair chance by unloading a pistol/rifle clip into the skulk.
I like the current flight model, the only thing I dislike about it is how easily you lose all your momentum when trying to fly trough a door (its to slow on opening) and that you cant flap to accerelate downwards decently (diving).
I also like the fade single click idea, altough I would prefer if it had the effect of making the fade go to limbo (drains nrg) while you hold the teleport button.
I also think the smog should be more transparent to fades, that they should have easyer to kill targets they actually get the jump on or silently stalked right behind while swinging like mad from one side of tram to another.
But it is already deadly to single marines imho :P.
Skulk leap is powerful, but not very versatile. Once you're in the air, you've got no control, and it's quite easy to overshoot, or hit level geometry and get off balance. It's not BAD per se, I just think it needs something more.
I think we agree on the flight model, I love the glide system, though collisions a perhaps a bit too punishing and there's no way to boost your speed when you really need it.
As to close combat, I just think it's like fighting a small tiger when you're standing next to one another. Sure, with a weapon you've got a chance, but if it gets the drop on you, the Skulk ought to be rewarded, and a tiny overshoot or turn too far completely disorientates you with relation to where the marine is. The vision concealing bite down animation doesn't help either.
The marine ought to have a chance when the SKulk's up close - just not much of one.
Now, the Fatty.
To my mind, the Gorge is on exactly the right path, but simply unfinished. This is perhaps to be expected, but I do have a few changes I like the sound of that might help him fulfil his role better.
What is his role? Field medic and engineer. The Gorge ought to be able to deal with any problem that doesn’t involve direct combat. Belly slide is a great assist for him as was his ‘hold ctrl for defence’ ability (though I’m not sure that’s there anymore? Wish it was, looked hilarious and made sense). Hydras kick ass, though a bit of rebalancing damage/cost/health will likely be needed. Heal spray is again dead on, given the recent changes to it, but I’d make some changes to spit and DI puke.
I’d like to see most of the damage removed from spit, and instead make it a low damage ball of web that slows the target down. The Gorge could use it to help escape, or slow marines from getting to his Hydra farm that’s going up, buying precious seconds. With the decreased damage, the projectile speed could be increased a little, to make it a bit easier to hit your target. The other thing I’d like to see return would be web from NS1 – it offered great strategies and the flamethrower would be given another great utility. Perhaps charge a spit web ball and fire at a wall then charge a second for the second contact point? This may be too much extra coding work, I don’t know - but it’s great for atmosphere and the Gorge’s character.
The DI puke, I would like to see work slightly different from regular pustules. It would need to be slightly different in looks to distinguish, but not much. As well as letting buildings be placed on it, the puke could damage marines buildings, including power nodes. On a related note, power nodes ought to repulse regular DI in an area around it. Gorges would then be able to relieve Skulks from their tedious biting of power nodes and maybe RTs too. Gorge drops puke, leaves, a minute later the offending building dies.
I would also love it if Gorges could build every building (except Hives) out of their personal res. The cost would be much greater than if the commander does it, because the comm risks time and drifters with each build. It would offer another route, and further differentiate the two sides. I expect this won’t happen, but I can hope.
Last thought – if the Gorge was using pustules too, and his DI was special, perhaps it would be allowed to stay rather than disappearing when not connected to a Hive? Probably would make him too powerful, but I would certainly support raising the quantity of time before his puke disappears.
Next: Alien Commander/Hive mind
Bile Bomb on the other hand, is an arc projectile, making it possible to avoid and promotes more skill-based usage. Just make it deal huge damage to armor and structures, but low splash damage for players. The infestation radius can be tweaked.
I'd like to see bile bomb as an upgrade for the gorge, mid-late game.
In NS1, the chamber per hive thing made for interesting strategy, but a single rogue gorge could screw the team by dropping something they didn’t want. I propose that the alien comm works like a hive mind when a new hive goes up, a ‘call vote’ button is offered to the alien comm. When they press it, the team is offered a choice of chamber to unlock. When they pick, it unlocks automatically, without the comm doing anything. Since there are 4 chambers now instead of 3, the Crag would be given at the start of the game without a vote, and players could pick a second one as soon as the game started. The DC which the crag replaced was the primary chamber for most of NS1’s life, so it makes sense that it’s your primary chamber now – healing is always going to be useful.
I’d like to tie this in in any other upgrade choice too – the comm picks WHEN to call a vote, so he can tell the troops his plan, but they get to make the final decision. Want armour or wep upgrades? Call a vote. Want that upgrade ability or this, call a vote.
I also like the RPG spell casting bar idea, with modification. All activatable abilities (umbra, bombard etc.) available would appear on it no matter what was selected, and when one was clicked, a radius around all the appropriate chambers would be shown within which it could be cast. E.g. Click umbra, all Crags have a green circle drawn round them, umbra can be dropped anywhere in the circles. How many times it could be activated would depend on the number of that chamber – the energy of all chambers of one type would pool together.
This is almost certainly too much work, but it would be very cool – if the comm could assume direct control of Hydras, Whips, possibly drifters and fighter with them (likely in third person). Marines would be less complacent with alien buildings and they would appear more organic and less predictable.
Side note: I definitely think alien lifeforms ought to be unchained from hives. Number of hives should affect upgrades/abilities on aliens, not what aliens are available, or their options get cut down too much.
I hear Shift is going to provide phase gate like movement to hives under attack, so that solves that, but I’d like to see aliens (and marines, actually) have a choice of spawn. When you’re dead, you ought to have a menu of what hives/ips are available instead of being dumped out at on unceremoniously. Perhaps aliens could even choose which egg to spawn in?
Next: Marine Comm
I would make tech points act as multipliers for marines, perhaps for Team res, or personal res, or something more abstract like build time or ability recharge speed.
It’s been maintained so far, but I’d like to note I’m in favour of marine ‘spells’ all being personal – medpacks, ammo etc. all work on one player. This is in contrast to alien spells, which are area effect. Scanner sweep is area, but I can live with one exception.
It seems to me like the MAC’s role is slowly becoming ‘commander’s tool when marines aren’t cooperating’. That doesn’t seem enough to me. The mines ought to help, but more utility would be great. Firstly, I’d seriously consider making only MACs able to repair power nodes again – or at least fully broken ones. Marines build, sure, but the repair bot should repair. It also frees marines from standing around holding e. I’d also like MACs to have more combat utility – drifters have flare, so something different for MACs - how about an ability (purchased?) that provides passive repair to armour in a radius around the MAC. The comm could then send them as part of a marine assault team.
That said, I think MAC repair rate is a little quick. They can repair a building faster than a Skulk can kill it, which can be frustrating for the alien if the Commander’s babysitting a building. If it was perhaps 30% slower, that would be plenty. I’d keep the current rate for destroyed power nodes though.
Sentries don’t seem to work well currently – even Skulks can kill then easily. I’d be tempted to say something like electrification – nothing that would bother a Fade, but would seriously injure a Skulk. That, and/or increased damage – they have arcs and slow spin up already, they ought to hit harder.
Next: Frontiersman
A lot of basic marine kit works very well. The axe, pistol and lmg primary work great, the shogun isn’t bad, as is the GL. Balancing required of course, but there’s no big changes needed.
Rifle butt, as I said earlier, ought to be a foil for a Skulk frontal attack. I’d change it to do very little damage (marines killing aliens with melee ought to be rare) and knocking and ideally slowing them a little. I’d increase cool down too, so marines are more careful where they’re swinging.
Flamethower currently is the marine weapon with the least definition. Is it for structures? Players? I think it ought to be for lower lifeforms of both types. Massive damage to Skulks, Lerks and Pustules, medium to Gorges and Hydras and low to the rest. That way, a marine assault will want Shotguns for Fades, GLs for structures (perhaps Onos when it comes to that?) and flamers for clearing the way of smaller threats.
Lastly, you may have gathered I think marine movement needs work. One, sprint should have a cool down, instead of being able to constantly sprint. I suspect that’s coming anyway, but I’ll mention it still. More importantly though is the combat movement. Instead of bouncing around everywhere, there would be a small cool down, but better than that, when a marine ‘jumps’ left or right, they don’t jump - they sidestep dodge. This would look much less ridiculous and be more useful for dodging frontal Skulk attacks through timing.
I think I’m done for now, but there’s probably more that will occur to me at some point.
Skulks are just as fast as a sprinting marine and they have leap which is much faster than a sprinting marine.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->As it is, a sprinting marine keeps up with a free flying Lerk, which seems a little silly.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What do you get that from? Lerks are much much faster than sprinting marines.
-1 on the third person aliens
-1 on your ideas for the skulk, they simply make it too easy to kill. (And require no skill at all)
+1 on the adrenaline for kill idea though
agree with just about everything (3rd person would be insane to control considering the world view model jumps around ALOT for skulks, just try it. transparent teeth when biting is a MUCH better idea)
i hope the devs read that first /2nd post all the way through and consider the points.. your observations have merit and seem to express what others have been mentioning on and off throughout the forums for the past year etc.
my biggest concern for gameplay is exactly that big issue: the skulk has become a rushing front force and cannot be utilized as a small, sneaky, stealth alien. maps like summit make me wish for a smaller, darker skulk without glowing eyes, that can hide in nooks and crannies and destroy that sprinting bunny hopping marine.
All in all though, transparent teeth when biting would likely please the majority more.
I may have exaggerated the movement speed thing slightly, as I was working from memory. Skulks definately cannot catch sprinting marines without leaping though and while Lerks may well be faster, the marine can keep up under most circumstances. Lerks have less of an issue with this than Skulks do anyway, so they need less of a change.
As to the Skulk changes making it too easy, I respectfully disagree. Proper stealth and ambush planning requires skill, and the lock on leap (which I think is becomming my prefered idea, combined with the energy for kill) would require aim (holding the crosshair over the marine for a period untill it locks) and timing, so the marine is in range when it goes off. Skulks would have to plan their attacks more - forward rushes would be much more difficult with the new marine rifle butt and sidestep dodge (and the Skulk could well be more fragile in general). This would also have the benefit of encouraging squad mentality in marines more, which is definitely useful.
On that note, I've been thinking if bonuses for staying with your squad might be a good mechanic? Not increased attack - focused fire from guns already provides a bonus, but perhaps something like armour regeneration - or even ammo regeneration. Something passive that rewards working closely together.
The way I see the sides is - aliens work together on the big picture, spreading, holding ground, but are individualisic fighters, while marines have an individual commanding them and controlling the battle, but fight in groups. One of the best things about NS is its asymmetry, and anything to promote that it generally good, I think.
Last thought - I'd like the ability to check in weapons to the armoury when I'm done with them. Other marines would then be able to take them out of the pool as needed.
I think we're getting somewhere with this - thanks for the positive (and even otherwise) comments so far - if we can build some consensus, perhaps the devs will take note. I'm looking forward to seeing what else they give us :)
^ This will still require alot less skill than the current skulk. A lock-on on marines is simply silly in my opinion, i agree that the skulk needs some work, but not in the direction you want to take it. This game should still be skill-based, not hide and seek -> lock-on marine -> marine dead.
Don't like the third person idea.
Skulks view is fine imo, but as for marine vs skulk combat i think marines should have reduced speed while firing weapon (especially flamethrowers), OR be slowed down after a jump. Or we can do the typical war game thing and have a stamina bar? but i always hated that.
I like the adrenaline for kill idea.
I really disagree with that hive voting system because of a few possible circumstances
1: it can stall the game when players don't vote (afk, new, just being plain ass's)
2: personally when I'm busy killing sh*t i don't want to be bothered by a little voting thing popping up on my screen and hearing everyone talking about it.
3: the commander has the *master plan* behind what he wants his team to do therefor should decide on the upgrades they need.
i kinda like your alien lifeforms ought to be unchained from hives idea, but what you're suggesting is pretty much the other scale of things, it would still balance out imo.
and to be honest its like skulks do more damage than fades right now :/
Now with the fade talk i agree the blink view from fades needs work. Its very disturbing and to be honest i hate using it. I also agree they need more speed, possibly more damage.
What i would like to see from the fade play tho- Is they can charge up a double swipe attack (dunno what its called? #2) and blink during it, continuing the animation and attack to finish it off afterwards, Thus introducing more skillful play from fades since a properly placed and timed blink would be awesome execution. - Prolly give it critical blow kinda stuff and make it a 1 hit kill on normal marines, cause right now its so slow i really don't like using it.
I like the gorge spit causing slow effect that's cool.
As for the web i think it should just be a normal skill they can use like in ns1 when certain requirements are met.
Possibly make it so only flamethrowers can destroy the web and not grenades.
Gorges building crags is just going to result in structures everywhere, i don't like it.
I like the rifle butt slowing whatever is hit idea. (maybe a .03sec stun, i dunno)
Thats all i can think of right now :/
Ah with lerks i like your idea behind the raining spores and shooting spores on left and right mouse buttons. But energy use out of them both should stay the same imo, Its still the same weapon.
And the only other things i agree with you on lerks is the flying, i as well find it difficult to take off from an ambush, make it more like the ns1 lerk imo.
And lastly the roost, i like that idea, although i didn't play this game soon enough to experience it
asssbda: I think a fraction (say 1/2) second cooldown would be enough to stop the jumping looking silly, particularly if combined with the sidestep dodge I mentioned. As to voting, it would have a short time limit, and the commander would decide in the event of a draw. People already vote on map changes in games, perhaps three votes per game (often less) shouldn't be TOO tasking. If it was regularly more than that, I'd agree with you.
I guess I just wish alien comm was more a different class than a comm - the marines are told what to do by theirs, but the aliens are assisted, and nudged by theirs... just a thought.
The fade attack you describe is almost exactly what I was thinking for the impale attack - though yours requires releasing at the right time after the blink, which might be better, I don't know.
Gorges wouldn't be able to build everywhere, because they'd be buying from PRes, which they'd run out of quickly spamming chambers. Wouldn't need proper costing of course though. As to Lerk gas, I see the secondry gas throw as needing more adrenaline to throw the gas ball - it is the more effective attack after all, it ought to cost more.
I'm thinking of striking out a few of the less well thought out ideas in the first posts and popping in modifications that improve others. Might help correlate what people find consensus on. No eyes while in alien vision and kill gives adrenaline seem to be popular, for example.
I like the leap lock...alot...just because it would have that startling effect when it happened.
It would not even have to be a huge hit point hit but it would start the fight and be dramatic.
I like the concept of marines getting some sort of buff for grouping
If it was implemented it should have some sort of notification on the HUD (Squad Ammo Regen) so people see it come and go.
or floating sprites appearing when it occurs (like Brink's buff notifications)
I like the 3rd person camera ... but they are hard to implement...
just look at all the existing 3rd person games that suck simply because the camera sucks.
so maybe post 1.0
Definately would need a visual cue for the buff - but there needs to be a better one for whether you're in a squad too, anyway.
You're right that 3rd person is hard to implement well. I wouldn't want the devs to take loads of time only to abandon it. I'd support trying it, but only if a prototype could be coded up without much difficulty. The transparent teeth and other improvements might well be enough to fix the issues without it anyway. Would just be nice to test that.
I think this is a simple fix for bunny hopping marines.
The new fade blink was disorienting but I've gotten use to it now and I executed a blink right behind a marine. It was pure awesome.
I can't seem glide easily as a lerk now, sometimes it just does a second jump rather than glide.
Love the energy regen on kill
Energy regen on kill definitely seems popular...