Dual Pistols
Join Date: 2009-11-17 Member: 69406Members
How about when using the armory instead on showing the pistol in there, how about including a permant for the round upgrade, to carry dual pistols, shouldn't be to hard to include, have it as a instant able to buy, no need for research, just let it cost like 44points or something. everyone likes dual pistols, perhaps it'll encourage people to use it more.
But well, this one isn't(in game) so, what you think, sounds good yea?
also no i don't like the idea of dual pistols - i don't think it adds anything unique to the game, each weapon has a purpose, and other than a matrix cool factor which doesn't really belong in ns2 it just doesn't do anything that another weapon already does.
switch axe atm is pretty useless
really i dont think its possible, especially in terms of being accurate.
another use for switch axe is nice.
You get points for spelling "dual" right, though.
duel pistols = D:
duel with/of/using/by/via/lol pistols = :D
I'd be happy to have a "pistol duel" with you anyday, harimaru. *nudge nudge wink wink*
dito to DeadZone, schkorpio :D
dual pistols destroy the atmosphere.
If you want "dual pistol action" play max payne 1/2, Crysis or watch films like die hard. :D
DualPistols fits to games like COD, CSS or other FPS but NS2 isn´t a "real" FPS. NS2 is much slower.
If Natural Selection 2 gets dual pistols then UWE can implement slowmotion and a coversystem too. -.- And we have another FPS which is more like COD or other hardcore shooter.
And NS2 is slower paced than DOD? CSS? LOL, WHAT GAME ARE YOU PLAYING? The game is often much faster and hardcore than the mentioned games, which is WHY it scares away alot of players.
While I've never seen real combat, I've never seen a marine or any trained soldier favor dual pistols. Seeing that happen in NS2 would break the feel UWE's been cultivating.
But yeah I see how if you're serous on getting an accurate shot you'd go for a single pistol, exactly why an alternative of the gun would be nice & handy.
Now to end this, Dual minigun cool but probably gonna take a while to impliment, and why not have minigun singular for not having exo, yeah know what I mean.