Crashing when I join a team

DragonKnightDragonKnight Join Date: 2010-04-12 Member: 71353Members
I didn't see a tech support forum, so I figured I would start here...
I can launch the game and join a server now, but when I join a team it crashes...
one time it said connection problem detected... the other it just hung up... when I alt-tabbed I saw the debug report app, but switching to it just gave me a black screen, so I think that was hung too...
Is there some magic I need to do on my end?



  • memnoch666devilmemnoch666devil Join Date: 2003-06-10 Member: 17174Members
  • OPIEOPIE Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8343Members
    Yeah we need your specs to be able to help you. Also something helpful. What Resolution and graphics settings are you running it on. Horridly bad, Medium, High?
  • DragonKnightDragonKnight Join Date: 2010-04-12 Member: 71353Members
    okay cool. I was more expecting "yeah that is still normal", or "here a link to where you should post that"... :)

    Intel core 2 duo, e6850 4gb ram
    win xp home sp2
    on board sound
    nvidia geforce 8800 gt

    running on a 24" monitor...
    1920 by 1080
    running on high.

    I think that is all the usual info...


  • DragonKnightDragonKnight Join Date: 2010-04-12 Member: 71353Members
    Since your responses gave me the idea to turn down the graphics setting... When I put it on medium I was able to play... Hopefully it will stay that way. :) Though it still crashed on exit.

    what are the sweet spots for the setting so that it works the most consistently?

  • SN.WolfSN.Wolf Join Date: 2010-03-29 Member: 71115Members
    I still get the crash on exit on my other quad core, 8Gb ram machine but only if i am actually connected to a dedicated server.
    I never had an exit crash on a listen server even runnin my primary AMD game rig but for me it seems to only happen when exiting game after playing on a dedi server, could just be me but seems to be a pattern. I also run windowed mode at a lower resolution and that seems to help a bit also.
  • OPIEOPIE Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8343Members
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Intel core 2 duo, e6850 4gb ram
    win xp home sp2
    on board sound
    nvidia geforce 8800 gt<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I have a similar system that you do. It's an HP

    Intel dual core
    6gig ram
    on board sound
    Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS 512mb

    I can run on high settings at the cost of a performance drop. Currently I run medium and I don't experience these crashes on joining a team or on exit. Very weird. Not sure what exactly is wrong.
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