Some question about the editor

TunisTunis Join Date: 2010-07-27 Member: 73242Members
edited July 2010 in Mapping
<div class="IPBDescription">2-3 problems</div>hello guys !

I want to learn haw to make a map for ns2 and I already use hammer editor and other quickly, so i go on the editor with my bad habits , so I read the mapping guidelines and the editor manual to know how it works.
After what I wanted to try doing a room.
Unfortunately, problems come relatively quickly ^ ^.

first of them is to make faces ...
whatever tool that I use, the rectangle or line tool, I have trouble making appear the solid surface, or so it appears on the wrong side.
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
As you can see I juste can't create the roof of this room :/
I try to copy the floor and move it but the solid surface is not the right side ... (And it sent me to the second problem ;))

my question is: is there a way to easily make faces? (in the right direction?)
because having to created the face and turn it to put the solid face on the good side :/

Now a much more embarrassing problem:
Once the room created, if I want to change a single face, I can't.
tool rotation for example gives me this:
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

I'd like to know if I made a mistake somewhere or if it is normal?

Finally just a quick question, the props are not supposed to be solid?
I try to do a room with only props, and when I go into the game, my player is to pass through the prop which served as ground and suddenly fall ^ ^ is it normal? ( the rock prop :p)

so it should be enough for tonight ^ ^

good night and good mapping has all.

Ps : sorry for my bad English, I used google to help me translate a some passage but it is worse than me.

Ps2 : i think i have found how to create face ^^ i don't know why i don't see this alt+c and ctrl+f earlier :/ so the first problems is solved.


  • WiedeWiede Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72933Members
    edited July 2010
    Problem 1: Select all lines that describe your wanted face -> edit -> create face
    But you have to know, if you have created your room with the extrude tool, there is a "roofface" at your room, u just cant see it from the angle of your camera on the screen.

    Problem 2: Dont know, sry, i think you cant rotate faces that are connected to other faces without move connected faces, but i dont know...

    Problem 3: Probs should be solid Oo Or we get some serious problems with mapping bridges :D

    sry for my bad english

    greetings from germany ( 5 AM zzzZZZzzz )

    good luck with your map

    edit: didnt see the edit <.<
  • MastoriatMastoriat Join Date: 2010-06-30 Member: 72212Members
    edited July 2010
    <!--quoteo(post=1787275:date=Jul 28 2010, 02:48 AM:name=Tunis)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Tunis @ Jul 28 2010, 02:48 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1787275"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Finally just a quick question, the props are not supposed to be solid?
    I try to do a room with only props, and when I go into the game, my player is to pass through the prop which served as ground and suddenly fall ^ ^ is it normal? ( the rock prop :p)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Some Props are not working... but this can be a result of the enginetest... another prop that you can "run" through is the Catwalk corner mdl. it looks good but if you try to get blocked by the rails you just walk through ^^.

    But the tools and props are only in an early alpha status... so they might fix it in later releases.
  • WiedeWiede Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72933Members
    edited July 2010
    yes they have a lot to fix until the editor will be in an useable status... surely some entities are bugged too :X

    but in my case the editor crashes every 2-5mins atm and that sucks more then a bugged entitiy ^_^
  • SgtBarlowSgtBarlow Level Designer Join Date: 2003-11-13 Member: 22749Members, NS2 Developer
    If a face is created on the wrong side: Select it then press CTRL + F

    A good place to look for handy things is KEY Bindings in Setings.

    In requards to the whole room twisting when rotating one of its faces:
    This behaviour is correct for everything in your image is welded together, you are simply taking the wrong approach to constructing your geometry.
  • TunisTunis Join Date: 2010-07-27 Member: 73242Members

    Thank for all the reply :)

    SgtBarlow, but I created the face separately and I had to put them to the right place.
    So I must first make the change and only after putting them to the right place?
    or is it because I used angles to create the new face in the right size?

    Have a nice day !
  • SgtBarlowSgtBarlow Level Designer Join Date: 2003-11-13 Member: 22749Members, NS2 Developer
    The only way two Verticies can become welded is if you hit CTRL+W or have pressed Weld in edit menu instead of Flip Face/Create Face.
    If you extrude a face the new faces are already part of eachother.

    If you daw a line that completes a shape between two other shapes this new face will be part of the other two shapes (Welded)
  • TunisTunis Join Date: 2010-07-27 Member: 73242Members
    oki thank you for reply :)

    and good luck for your map :o
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