Situational Chambers?

KhazModanKhazModan Join Date: 2003-04-14 Member: 15500Members, Constellation
edited June 2010 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">A chamber with limited life-span</div>From the twitter am i mistaken in thinking there will be at least 4 chambers for gorges now?

Offense - range
Offense - melee


If so perhaps it would be cool if one of the offense chambers had a cooldown and was limited in time once deployed.

probably would be best to be the "Whip".

Imagine yourself as a gorge building away and having a fantastic time! then some nasty marine jumps in and shoots you! you bang out your handy whip which might flail and entangle the marine slightly giving you a chance at flight.

I dunno if i am being dumb and this is the case or something already is happening with it, i havnt seen anything so i am hoping i aint looking dumb here


  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    Well, it's unclear what is the Gorge versus the Alien Commander.

    It sounds like perhaps things like the Defensive and Sensory chambers, and maybe the Whips as well, are placeable by Alien Commander only.

    However, the "Gorge's Hydra" is like the TF2 Engineer's turret. One that is tied to them and they can only build a few of them to amplify the defenses.

    Back to your original idea, perhaps calling it a situational chamber is the wrong way to go about this. Are looking at the game mechanic of temporary chambers? Are you looking for a temporary quick entangle for the Gorge to use?

    Please clarify and then we can flesh out your idea a bit more.
  • JimydJimyd Join Date: 2003-02-08 Member: 13289Members
    edited June 2010
    I think Gorges should not have to spend resources to build defenses(chambers).

    And that they are limited only by where the Dynamic Infestation is.

    However, make a no-build radius like Turrets in NS1. So you really can't make "unlimited defenses" in the same spot, they just have to be spread out across Dynamic Infestation.

    I am talking about the Hydra not costing resources(just make it have a semi-long gestation time like the Spine Crawler from SC2).

    It is much better that way. Resource Towers should cost res, and any other "Bigger Structures;Tech Structures" that are built by the Gorge.

    Pure defensive/offensive structures built by the Gorge should be free.

    If anything, building a Hydra should cost energy/adrenaline to build. That way you can't just chain spam them across the floor(this is a much better workaround than costing recources). Include this with the no-build radius and the gestation time, its perfect. Gorges need to be an actual threat/nuisance to the Marines, and not just a "OH LOOK FREE KNIFE KILL YUMMY!!!" to them(as much fun as it is to knife the Gorge though).
  • KhazModanKhazModan Join Date: 2003-04-14 Member: 15500Members, Constellation
    Totally overlooked the whole alien commander thing.

    so i suppose it would be more of a gorge ability than anything else.

    i suppose i like the idea of a "toolkit" of different towers that work well in different situations like fake attack towers that will make it look like an alien rush on marines minimaps could treat them like Ruses from the game Ruse.

    since i overlooked alien com's my whole idea is out the window though :P
  • brownymasterbrownymaster Join Date: 2009-07-11 Member: 68110Members
    A gorge ability would be more viable, being able to mobilized and set up a sentry like the engineer in TF2. The question is what will make that tower effective in place of another skulk or fade? What makes being gorge a necessary and important lifeform? I could see a mobile healing station/energy station and potentially defensive "chambers" (an OC, but I never got why OC's were OC considering they were immobile and clearly a DEFENSIVE structure, but there was the DC so whatever), but it'd have to be spawnable outside of dynamic infestation to be useful considering the alien commander will be able to create the upgrade chambers.

    That's actually given me a pretty good idea though, make gorges able to spawn certain structures/buildings outside of dynamic infestation. Possibly even create infestations for alien bonuses like creep tumors/overlords in SC2, except being limited and costs resources instead of energy. Needless to say, I don't think chambers should really be that temporary; it should be useful for a considerable amount of time considering the many paths in a map. In TF2, an engineer could move his sentry up because there are very few set paths, but in NS there are so many paths and vents that a temporary structure would be severely limited in effectiveness and not useful since it does little to lockdown an area if the marines can just sidetrack to another route on a whim. And yes I did take it to another place, but I don't like crutches very much. Good gorges were always pretty annoying to kill as they can outbunnyhop a marine and had some self heal so that unless you could close the gap on an unsuspecting gorge they would get away.
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