A tutorial on specular maps?

slayer20slayer20 Killed a man once. Join Date: 2007-12-13 Member: 63157Members, Reinforced - Shadow
I don't mean Normal maps, I'm talking about the texture that decides how bright or dark or shiny a texture is.

For some reason when I try adding a specular map to my image, it turns out like this:
<img src="http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3918/evalogoerror.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />

If someone could just write up a quick tutorial, that would be great.

<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><material>
    <map type="texture" value="materials/logo/EVA_logo_dirty.dds" />
    <map type="bump" value="materials/logo/EVA_logo_dirty_norm.dds" />

How I made my spec map: I just took my image and desaturated it, lower the levels on it so it was darker, then I set the image in the Alpha channel and saved it.
<img src="http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2695/slphalayer.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/585/evalogospec.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />


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