Spark Editor: Environment Art Asset Requests



  • FortuneFortune Join Date: 2009-04-27 Member: 67290Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1740869:date=Nov 27 2009, 04:49 PM:name=Squeal_Like_A_Pig)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Squeal_Like_A_Pig @ Nov 27 2009, 04:49 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1740869"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Tycho is right, in general we will be avoiding blood and gore, such as body parts, corpses, pools of blood, etc.

    Oh well, I guess the fact that everyone is missing with no signs of struggle is a lot creepier (Why I asked for simple things like food trays, soda cans, cups, ashtrays... personal items etc. To be placed on tables and such as though people were in their normal day to day and just vanished). I kind of just imagined a guy in a space suit , nothing messy, just clearly not alive..

    I thought of a few more things watching Alien just now though.

    - Medical equipment, maybe enough to make your own sickbay. Just a few medical cabinets, an x ray machine, a tray with some future surgical instruments etc.

    - Breathing apparatus, gas masks, helmets, officer caps etc.

    - Science equipment, scanners, hand held equipment, just gadgety stuff in general.

    - More lockers with jumpsuits, for sure.

    - NS has cryo chambers in it's fiction right? Those would be really nice.

    - For glass textures consider doing patterned or tinted glass, stuff that actually looks like it's keeping you safe from the vacumn of space and the glare of a sun.

    - Enviromental effects, such as snow, rain or ash perhaps?

    - Also how about the inclusion of lens flares? They can be used for some really nice effects.

    - Hanging chains would also be nice too.

    But really, anything like you've made so far would be amazing, I'm pretty much in love with these props.
  • FortuneFortune Join Date: 2009-04-27 Member: 67290Members, Constellation
    Some spacecraft cockpit chairs + console would be kinda nice too, you know the real sturdy ones.

    Something like this

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
  • DrownDrown Underwater Join Date: 2002-12-02 Member: 10392Members
    *various misc technowizzles for wall, ceiling and floor flavour.
    *more versions of the same props we already have but colored and/or functioning, damaged, destroyed states.
    *personal items (as mentioned above)
    -- cigarette cartons, individual cigarettes, etc
    -- fire extinguishers, fire extinguisher stations (with smashable glass?), fire hoses (similar to the wire props already in there)
    -- various misc yellow alert light fixtures with rotating functions (ie: aliens final scenes)
    -- destroyed weaponry and or machinery such as cargo lifers, etc
    -- destroyed or damaged armor sets, perhaps in piles maybe even burned as though alien germs might be infectious.
    *cargo crates of various colors and types - preferably without words so we can manipulate with ease
    *rusted or malformed versions of already existing assets
  • BreadManBreadMan Join Date: 2002-12-15 Member: 10854Members, Retired Developer
    Fortune that's a sweet pic. Source by chance?
  • douchebagatrondouchebagatron Custom member title Join Date: 2003-12-20 Member: 24581Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    it would be nice to have destroyed versions of the marine buildings, and dead versions of the alien buildings. i've got an awesome idea for revisiting an original ns1 map and being able to see old destroyed buildings and a dead hive somewhere.
  • FortuneFortune Join Date: 2009-04-27 Member: 67290Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1741279:date=Nov 28 2009, 06:24 PM:name=BreadMan)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BreadMan @ Nov 28 2009, 06:24 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1741279"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Fortune that's a sweet pic. Source by chance?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I can't say for sure but I think it's from Alien. It really looks like the kind of picture the spaceship concept artist would produce (His name eludes me). See he was the original concept artist for Alien, but sucked at drawing Aliens, which is where Giger comes into the scene, but they kept the original artist to design the spaceships and equipment.
  • crodecrode Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7876Members
    edited November 2009
    By chance has anyone looked into what format those .model files use? I use maya and xsi but I think UW is mostly using 3dsmax? The textures shouldn't be much problem as both can convert textures to .dds

    Oh and I will for sure be making consoles and cockpit chairs and etc much like that pic for my map's update for NS2.
  • ArkArk Join Date: 2009-08-15 Member: 68489Members
    Wish they'd release the model exporters so we start on some props!
  • CoolCookieCooksCoolCookieCooks Pretty Girl Join Date: 2003-05-18 Member: 16446Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation
    Theres nothing stopping you from making the models up to the point of export, would be nice to see some props people have come up with. :)
  • FortuneFortune Join Date: 2009-04-27 Member: 67290Members, Constellation
    I'd like to make some props too but, well I was never as good at 3d modelling than I am at level design, though I'm still trying.
    I can draw the concept art though no problem, well, I could if I could find my damn tablet pen. I put it somewhere 6 months a go before I left for Canada and now I'm back I've no idea where it's gone.
  • 7th.Wrath7th.Wrath Join Date: 2008-05-31 Member: 64363Members
    Not an asset, but a feature: simple physics, so we can drop props onto the floor to make them look like they were thrown or scattered.
  • Lord SchnitzelLord Schnitzel Join Date: 2008-11-04 Member: 65377Members
    I'd really like to get some "inward" versions of the wall-corner-props so you can have room covered in prop-walls without them intersecting in the corners or having to use trims/girders to cover the corner. Also it would be nice to have props for seamless connecting two props in a 45° angle.

    Other rthings I'd like to see:
    - different (spot)lights
    - cables that things can hang on from the ceiling
    - windows/glass
    - longer (catwalk-) stairs so you can cover more height with one prop without an obvious point showing you used two.
    - catwalk-stairs with railing only one one side.

    - bigger pipes
    - pipes with "interiors" so you could use them as "vents" (and parts that are either broken or have a regular outlet so skulks can get in and out)
    - Pipes and corners that can be arranged/connected in any angle so we can create "pipe mazes" (think of the old "pipes" windows screensaver)
    - Parts that connect 2-4 pipes. possible
    - bends in 45° steps
  • MetroMetro Join Date: 2007-09-15 Member: 62316Members
    I was messing about in Spark and I realised that I'd love to see robotics.

    Like - manufactoring/robotic arms (like in a car-assembly-line), and things like that. Cranes, etc. Essentialy so one can make an assembly-line sort of room. Or any other kind of heavy manufactoring.
  • brechtosbrechtos Belgium Join Date: 2008-04-18 Member: 64100Members, Reinforced - Gold
    As allready requested inward corner props would be very nice.

    Other things that would be great are all those generic things like monitors, messhall props, toilets (people also have to go the the toilet in space).

    Other things that might be interesting: chains, baricade props (can be anything), generators, life support,... .

    Foliage?(is probably allready planned?)
  • The_Real_QuasarThe_Real_Quasar Has the I.Q. of 12,000 P.E. Teachers Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 9998Members
    I'm worried that everyone's going to use their own custom vehicle models, which would obviously be different from map to map. Would be nice to see some standardised, 'official' TSA/civilian vehicles... Not just space vehicles, but ground and air vehicles too.

    The inclusion of crashed versions would be even more awesome, especially for those landscape views I'm hoping to see... Plus, what better way to spice up a dull room than by crashing a dropship into it? Anyone who's played Quake 4 knows that this can be awesome :D
  • DrownDrown Underwater Join Date: 2002-12-02 Member: 10392Members
    edited December 2009
    agreed, standard TSA vehicles would be cool.
    also, variations on those groups of 4 pipes that twist vertically, not just horizontally, and also a version of pipes that emerges from/submerges into walls.

    also, rubble with metal and crap mixed in ;)
  • slayer20slayer20 Killed a man once. Join Date: 2007-12-13 Member: 63157Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    All I want is a skulk model and the ability to walk around my map.

    But mainly the skulk model.

    And an Onos model...

    So we know how big our hallways and stuff should be.
  • spacedanielspacedaniel Join Date: 2009-11-11 Member: 69348Members
    Many nice suggestions out there, looking forward to this game! :D

    About evidence of death:
    The idea of static body props is interesting but IMHO would make a negative impact on immersion. If you know it's gonna be there it just don't serve no purpose. And if you run around the corner and see a dead body that's always there you'll be like "Hey Hector, how's it hanging, you ol'e zombie" the effect is totally lost to all but to new players on that map. I'd like to see a few alternative spots at least and let LUA randomly pick 1 of 4 possible positions. Is this possible? Because it would open the door to randomizing whole sections of a level, extending map life by several factors. As a casual gamer I think this would be cool as h*ll. N o t k n o w i n g exactly. There is however another solution to the body-issue: set the engine to keep the bodies of the fallen during the game. Maybe a max set of bodies and a short "decompose" time if no one is around to see it for a while. No end to the possibilities.

    What I would like to see:
    With that said about corpses I'd love to see <b>props broken up in elements</b>. Take one screen, add a wall computer, connect with wire no.4, add box, insert pipes et viola - a custom prop that can be saved as a new prop. And shared on UW's NS2 site where I assume one will be able to download sanctioned script custoimizations, models and maps etc *HINT HINT*. That would be nice, and important in order to keep some coherence on the custom servers far from vanilla games. I want to scan the server list and <i>see and recognize which mods are active</i>.

    Also, will there be a <b>set of core files / rules for creating your own assets?</b> To all who's interested, the free but very capable 3D modeling software Blender was just released (early alpha, this is the year of the pre-alphas) with a brand new UI in version 2.5. Collada is supported but to what extent I am
    not sure due to the alpha status. But hey, for free and more than capable for creating asset type geometry, texturing and animating it.

    -End of line
  • brechtosbrechtos Belgium Join Date: 2008-04-18 Member: 64100Members, Reinforced - Gold
    Something that I would find very very helpfull is having backfaces on certain models.
    Especially on the lights and some of the grates.

    Atm you can only really place them against a solid wall unless you start messing around with adding small planes to match the back of the models.
  • CrispixCrispix Join Date: 2007-01-10 Member: 59543Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    I remember there was a concept art piece with a bunch of terminal stations, and some CHAIRS at them. I would like to see some of those.

    Because I find that some of the missing props are to show that there is actually a civilization that exists in the refinery. The tools, briefcases, lockers are great though. I love them. I just find that there needs to be a bit more of that.

    Thanks Cory for hearing us out! :)
  • rsdrsd Join Date: 2003-02-11 Member: 13405Members
    edited December 2009
    Nevermind, been covered.
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    edited December 2009
    This isn't a model but it would be rather cool.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Induction is the effect caused by large amounts of power nearby, basically there are power cables nearby and they are creating such a strong electromagnetic field because of the amount of power running through them, that all electrical surfaces nearby are building up static charge.

    So, I was thinking if NS2 has things like high power cables or generators, you could have some sort of environmental effect which creates random low level arcs between close-together sections of metal geometry, as well as causing minor hud glitches like faint flickering of heath displays or low-level pixellation of areas of the screen, not enough to disorient but enought to hugely boost the immersion, and you could then optionally combine it with perhaps a periodic EMP burst which disrupts things more, so marines have some specific hazards in that area.

    Effects like this which run on areas of the world could be useful, for example the same entity could be switched to create small icicle detail geometry on ledges or vertical hanging points, and maybe overlay a frost texture on the walls nearby, like you would grass models in source, for cold areas, as well as turning on things like breath misting for marines and faint misting from alien structures and bodies, reducing the friction slightly, maybe slowing marine reloads due to cold hands and slowing alien energy regeneration due to slow metabolism at low temperatures, as well as affecting the flow of the infestation, slowing it down, making the area harder to colonise by aliens.

    You could also go with things like an ashfall effect whereby all upward facing surfaces open to the sky get an ash overlay on them, if you did a volcanic setting and you could combine that with an ashfall particle.

    Some of these you could do by hand but having an entity to place them according to rules would make it much easier and would mean you don't have to store the data in the level, and you can do things like fading detail model or effects out based on distance, emitting more of them in closer areas, which would be hard to do if you placed everything by hand. It also means the effects could be switched, for example a room could be normal until the marines do some magic with a fusebox to slow the alien encroachment by freezing it, or it could occur when the aliens take over part of the area because the environmental controls went offline.

    It would really fit with the idea of dynamic infestation changing the levels, and presumably would not be hugely difficult to do because it's all done with decals and basic geometry checks and model/effect spawning.
  • The_Real_QuasarThe_Real_Quasar Has the I.Q. of 12,000 P.E. Teachers Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 9998Members
    That's a BRILLIANT idea, kinda like DI but for environmental effects. They wouldn't necessarily happen every time the map was played, and would be different every time...

    If this is included I will actually wet myself.
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1742689:date=Dec 6 2009, 05:13 PM:name=The_Real_Quasar)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The_Real_Quasar @ Dec 6 2009, 05:13 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1742689"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->That's a BRILLIANT idea, kinda like DI but for environmental effects. They wouldn't necessarily happen every time the map was played, and would be different every time...

    If this is included I will actually wet myself.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Well you might be able to do it with Lua, but you'd need to be able to analyse the local geometry and also project a texture onto geometry within an area, or at the least enable and disable a set of decals (preferably fade them in and out).
  • botelhoruibotelhorui Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58192Members
    nice idea Chris0132 :D that would add so much diversity to the game!!!

    offtopic: what about singing electric arc :D:D:D:D <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • The_Real_QuasarThe_Real_Quasar Has the I.Q. of 12,000 P.E. Teachers Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 9998Members
    A fade in/out set of decals would be a very dry way of implementing such an idea, I interpreted it more as a procedural, interactive effect like the DI. For example, a cold chamber in a research lab could burst, filling the room with snow, which would cover not only the geometry of the room, but any players or structures that were also in the room. This would melt off with time, quicker if a snow-covered player left the room.

    This is just one example, it could apply to anything (Chris gave examples of ash, or ice)
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    edited December 2009
    <!--quoteo(post=1742701:date=Dec 6 2009, 05:49 PM:name=The_Real_Quasar)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The_Real_Quasar @ Dec 6 2009, 05:49 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1742701"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->A fade in/out set of decals would be a very dry way of implementing such an idea, I interpreted it more as a procedural, interactive effect like the DI. For example, a cold chamber in a research lab could burst, filling the room with snow, which would cover not only the geometry of the room, but any players or structures that were also in the room. This would melt off with time, quicker if a snow-covered player left the room.

    This is just one example, it could apply to anything (Chris gave examples of ash, or ice)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yes that would be a preferable way of doing it, having to hack it together out of other components would be rather irritating, but perhaps easier to implement.
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