Post here if you are a newb and you are AWESOME!
Join Date: 2009-05-28 Member: 67523Members

<div class="IPBDescription">NS newbies, unite!</div>Yes, we've been left in the dark, but no more!
We are the newbs, the people who bought NS2 because it looked pretty.
The people who never played the original mod.
The people who are astonished by the negativity of this forum and the core user base, to the point of questioning if maybe the game we've bought will be bad or if the community will hate us as much as they hate and over analyze every single little bit of information released (not all of them do, to be fair).
The people who got kicked from his first NS1 game because you are apparently not supposed to turn into a Lerk or whatever, even if you are not quite sure what that is anyway (I was having fun, I could fly!).
We, the new players, are coming to populate your servers (unless they are password protected :D).
We bring new life to the game, we bring the facepalms and the so lost joy of the game, and sometimes we also bring some incredibly silly suggestions because that's what we do.
We believe in the developers, and we are happy to play the game they have envisioned for us.
We would also really really like some sort of tutorial this time around (glad to hear they are thinking about it too).
Lasty, we hope that veteran players will not alienate us, that we will not be left out of the game as many Left 4 Dead have been in the past just because this is the first time they are playing, even by myself sadly (a mistake that im slowly trying to repair, unless they refuse to listen, in which case who cares what happen to them anyway).
If you are new, and if you haven't played the original mod before (or maybe just a little) then post in this thread, because we are awesome!!
We are the newbs, the people who bought NS2 because it looked pretty.
The people who never played the original mod.
The people who are astonished by the negativity of this forum and the core user base, to the point of questioning if maybe the game we've bought will be bad or if the community will hate us as much as they hate and over analyze every single little bit of information released (not all of them do, to be fair).
The people who got kicked from his first NS1 game because you are apparently not supposed to turn into a Lerk or whatever, even if you are not quite sure what that is anyway (I was having fun, I could fly!).
We, the new players, are coming to populate your servers (unless they are password protected :D).
We bring new life to the game, we bring the facepalms and the so lost joy of the game, and sometimes we also bring some incredibly silly suggestions because that's what we do.
We believe in the developers, and we are happy to play the game they have envisioned for us.
We would also really really like some sort of tutorial this time around (glad to hear they are thinking about it too).
Lasty, we hope that veteran players will not alienate us, that we will not be left out of the game as many Left 4 Dead have been in the past just because this is the first time they are playing, even by myself sadly (a mistake that im slowly trying to repair, unless they refuse to listen, in which case who cares what happen to them anyway).
If you are new, and if you haven't played the original mod before (or maybe just a little) then post in this thread, because we are awesome!!
The people who never played the original mod."
HuH Ray! for that.
That's not going to happen. In any team game you're going to have people who get upset when their teammates suck and most teammates suck because they're not playing with the rest of their team. A perfect example of this is Heroes of Newerth (a dota clone that's in beta but virtually anyone can get in) in where I'd say 8 out of 10 games has someone raging against someone else because they're off doing their own thing and 'feeding' the enemy team.
It's important for the game mechanics themselves to encourage teamwork instead of just relying on the players to communicate to each other. A example of this in practice would be a power grid that's under attack flashing on the FPS players' minimaps. This would allow the marines to respond to the threat and work as a team naturally.
This type of attitude is present in EVERY game of Empires (HL2 mod) I've ever played. There's such an attitude of entitlement and "OMG, you retard you're supposed to know how to play and know every single tactic and strategy of the map! Wait, this is your first game? You ARE a retard! F off back to CS!" It's almost sickening and the mod is dying on the vine because new players come, get yelled at before they can have fun, and leave after one game.
So frustrating.. I've only had this happen a handful of times in NS before though (but I do admit that I didn't play non-siege or non-combat maps very often).
I don't even remember where I got hooked on NS1, but I remember reading a comment like "aliens have a hivemind vision, which allows players to coordinate attacks without talking and effort". Aliens and intuitive teamplay, what else do you need?
I don't even remember where I got hooked on NS1, but I remember reading a comment like "aliens have a hivemind vision, which allows players to coordinate attacks without talking and effort". Aliens and intuitive teamplay, what else do you need?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I believe I saw the first teaser on voodoo extreme ( and I thought it looked great. Some people commented that the mod was great so I decided to get the special edition, mostly because I enjoy suporting indie developers.
Wait, are you claiming that there is an online gaming community that isn't?
Oh, and sod off n00bs.
Oh, and sod off n00bs.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
you have over 10,000 posts sir. I am terrified of you.
I <3 noobs!
Let's just put it this way.
1) Noobs are inherently good things to have
2) Noobs who refuse to listen to tell the vets to sod off are morons and should be persecuted
3) Vets on pub servers who complain that they have newbs on their team and it is making them epic phail should be persectued
4) Vets who help newbs should be elevated to awesomehood
also the negativity most likely won't affect you, you'll enjoy the game regardless. Ever see the infatuated immigrant with his new land? Every where he goes he is amazed by new opportunities. So when he sees political lobbyists rallying and holding up signs, he wonders why they can't just love this place as much as he does? But it's not that simple - those people have played a core part in the place he knows now, and though it may not seem so to him, they are continuing to play a key part in its political process and hopefully make it a better place.
Skimming over the threads that have cropped up the past month, I would say the NS community is getting hostile to <i>everyone</i>. It is not a great hostility, but the topics that are discussed seem almost cyclical and that's causing some people to rub on each other the wrong way. I am mainly referring to the low vs high skill debate.
Two things to help with that could be:
The search feature is a much loved tool which needs to be used a whole lot more.
Patience is a virtue.
If you actually use both of those, you'll probably get a less angry community.
We are the newbs, the people who bought NS2 because it looked pretty.
The people who never played the original mod.
The people who are astonished by the negativity of this forum and the core user base, to the point of questioning if maybe the game we've bought will be bad or if the community will hate us as much as they hate and over analyze every single little bit of information released (not all of them do, to be fair).
The people who got kicked from his first NS1 game because you are apparently not supposed to turn into a Lerk or whatever, even if you are not quite sure what that is anyway (I was having fun, I could fly!).
We, the new players, are coming to populate your servers (unless they are password protected :D).
We bring new life to the game, we bring the facepalms and the so lost joy of the game, and sometimes we also bring some incredibly silly suggestions because that's what we do.
We believe in the developers, and we are happy to play the game they have envisioned for us.
We would also really really like some sort of tutorial this time around (glad to hear they are thinking about it too).
Lasty, we hope that veteran players will not alienate us, that we will not be left out of the game as many Left 4 Dead have been in the past just because this is the first time they are playing, even by myself sadly (a mistake that im slowly trying to repair, unless they refuse to listen, in which case who cares what happen to them anyway).
If you are new, and if you haven't played the original mod before (or maybe just a little) then post in this thread, because we are awesome!!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
no one will alienate you. No one cares if youre bad. Just at least try to take advice and better your game. NS2 is a team based game, and if youre not working with the team, as in "taking advice" then you are working against it, and should be considered a griefer, and thus you SHOULD be kicked.
Not only that but if the game is great, and the NS2 players are raving about the game and how amazing it is...whether you are kicked or not, and whether you deny this or not, you WILL be back, and you WILL get better at the game, even if its out of spite.
And coming to think about it, we are so much more awesome than anything else around. Pure awesomeness.
I excuse myself for this second post, was a bit lazy, but I find this statement to be pretty extreme. The best way to learn is to play. People aren't robots, its not because you are saying 'do this' or 'do that' and they don't automatically react the way you want them to, that they are going against the team. I understand that if each player isn't perfect it won't go as well but there's got be to a bit a freedom and easygoingness. If you get kicked all the time how to you learn?
'back in the days....[old timers rant and experience to get to]' you kids got the best of games but you don't know how to play.
'back in the days....[old timers rant and experience to get to]' you kids got the best of games but you don't know how to play.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
i didnt mean it that way. But there are a lot of times where players are legitimately trying to help new players, but they dont want to hear it. "I'm just trying to have fun!!!" is what they think. However, they are detracting from everyone on their teams fun. Is this fair? Should this be ok? If someone on your team tells you, "hey you should do this, or try this....etc" and the person does just the opposite, what are you supposed to think? "oh, youre a gorge? You shouldn't be trying to kill marines, head back to the hive and build support."
Im not saying they should be kicked for making a mistake, hardly. But if they aren't willing to learn then their fun shouldnt take precedence over the entire teams. You disagree?
I don't think its much of a big deal if people do stuff they are 'not supposed' to do, everybody eventually learns what works and what doesn't. And sometimes you've got to learn the hard way.
You'll see with your kids, they are going to do exactly what you told them not to do, you going to kick them from the house? The best (well im biased i was brought up that way) education is no education, teaching you to learn from your actions rather than to simply do what someone told you to do.
I don't think its much of a big deal if people do stuff they are 'not supposed' to do, everybody eventually learns what works and what doesn't. And sometimes you've got to learn the hard way.
You'll see with your kids, they are going to do exactly what you told them not to do, you going to kick them from the house? The best (well im biased i was brought up that way) education is no education, teaching you to learn from your actions rather than to simply do what someone told you to do.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
its hard to argue with that...
the only thing i can bring up is that when you are raising kids, if you tell your kid fire is hot, other children's hands aren't going to burn when your kid puts his hand on the flame.
I don't think its much of a big deal if people do stuff they are 'not supposed' to do, everybody eventually learns what works and what doesn't. And sometimes you've got to learn the hard way.
You'll see with your kids, they are going to do exactly what you told them not to do, you going to kick them from the house? The best (well im biased i was brought up that way) education is no education, teaching you to learn from your actions rather than to simply do what someone told you to do.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
There are times when it's okay to let people learn from their mistakes, but there are also limits, times where the penalty is too harsh if a mistake is made. You should keep your guns locked in a safe if there are kids around (when I was young I went into my parent's bedroom with my sister and we found a pistol in the turned out to be a fake, but it still made a helluva loud bang when it went off).
You also don't sign a trillion dollar "stimulus" package into law without reading it (oh wait...)
As well you should be.
I'm just kinda curious.
What veterans and boobs are we talking bout?
Did I miss the alpha being launched? I would be kinda ticked if I did...
Or are we talking about people who have been following NS2's development? All of what, a few months worth of actual information being available?
I just need to know who I should be condescending at, if I can't figure it out I will have to go back to defaulting to everyone again.
More fresh blood please ;D
If you are going to play Marines, don't use 25.0 sensitivty and shoot everything but the enemy. Friendly Fire rage, I'll admit it. Some people are just really bad at aiming in first person shooters, and such they should be designated the guy to always enter first into a room and be the bait, and not complain about it, if they are really that bad at aiming.
/10endrant? (Never)
If you are going to play Marines, don't use 25.0 sensitivty and shoot everything but the enemy. Friendly Fire rage, I'll admit it. Some people are just really bad at aiming in first person shooters, and such they should be designated the guy to always enter first into a room and be the bait, and not complain about it, if they are really that bad at aiming.
/10endrant? (Never)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Get over yourself.
... Back on topic, New people rock! It's about a ten times more fun playing with someone who is still amazed at the game itself, instead of playing in the routine skillmongering pissing matches that some games devolve into. Getting angry over the fade dying is way less fun than showing a new person how to skulk or lork on the clorf. Just don't have high expectations for their performance and one will be a lot happier.
... Back on topic, New people rock! It's about a ten times more fun playing with someone who is still amazed at the game itself, instead of playing in the routine skillmongering pissing matches that some games devolve into. Getting angry over the fade dying is way less fun than showing a new person how to skulk or lork on the clorf. Just don't have high expectations for their performance and one will be a lot happier.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It is not like it is not the truth though.
There's no friendly fire in Natural Selection, so I don't what you're talking about there. Honestly, I don't think you get the whole "have fun and get better" part of online gaming. You know, <i>the entire part</i>. Shooting skulks off of new player bait is not fun or interesting. You also don't get better at shooting skulks that way. Being bait and knowing you're going to die is not fun, either. You also will not learn how to shoot skulks if you omgwtfpwned by a good skulk by yourself.
The situation should be opposite to what you prescribed. The old players should go in first and give the new player an easy shot. The new player gets some experience helping teammates and sees how to take out skulks in melee range. The old players get a challenge and might be able to improve their skills. It's more fun and more rewarding for everybody.
If you can't seem to get along with new people, you need to get over yourself and help them to get better. Being negative and insulting towards them helps them become skilled less quickly than being positive and helpful. You don't want to play with unskilled players, right? Do something about it.
I bought it because I think the game has massive potential and I think the developers could use my money to make this game legendary. I also bought the domains domain and I plan on creating a fansite where players can upload and download their custom content, just like I did for Left 4 Dead (
I am a newb, but I won't be for much longer.