New Alien Character

MrMojoMrMojo Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9882Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">chest buster</div> Now, I got this idea from watching Aliens .

A new alien class : Chest buster
Cost : 3 resources

1)teeth and claws attack - very low attack power
2)explosion - similar to skulk, only much lower
3)chest hugger - see below


1)chest hugging - Basicaly, you have to jump or touch a human for this to work. In a few seconds, you spawn "in" him. The human shouldnt feel this and for maximum effect, not see it. Now, if the human does see you, he can just die, killing you as well. Once you are "in" the human, you see the world at his chest level through a sort of a window ( like when you're evolving). You can travel pretty much forever, or until he dies.
Now, when the human dies or gets killed, you die as well as his kill and nothing happens. However, if you dont die, you have a number of things to do :
1)Break out - which means you basicaly break out of his chest, killing the human automaticaly. This could be good for traveling in places you otherwise would die trying to go to.
2)Explode - This is also like the skulks explosion. You die, blowing up the person inside you and causing damage to anyone or anything near you
3)I havent really worked this out, but you should have to have 2 hives for it to work. Suggestionts here
4) Taking over the human - this would only work if you have all 3 hives. Basicaly, for a limited amount of time, you take over the human you are in. This means you can point and shoot things, but you can cause damage to teammates and other structures as well. Now, if the humans shoot you, they get a kill, and no tk. This might be tweaked, because it might lead some people to banning the said person.

Also, as the chest buster in the human, you can evolve to anything exept the ono. When evolving you basicaly break out, killing the human and beeing in the midst of wherever he was.

Now, this is a very hard to master skill, and class, but it will be fun to newbees and experts as well. Since it's fairly easy to take you out if humans see you, it wont be exploited much, but for people who can hide on top and drop down unnoticed, this will be perfect. Damage and attributes can be tweaked for no explotation

Well, what do you think?


  • 2Fatal2Fatal Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4153Members
    Aliens spies!! This is a good idea! Post this in the Suggestions and Ideas forum too!
  • LegionnairedLegionnaired Join Date: 2002-04-30 Member: 552Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--MrMojo+Nov 30 2002, 09:56 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (MrMojo @ Nov 30 2002, 09:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Now, I got this idea from watching Aliens .

    A new alien class : Chest buster
    Cost : 3 resources

    1)teeth and claws attack - very low attack power
    2)explosion - similar to skulk, only much lower
    3)chest hugger - see below


    1)chest hugging - Basicaly, you have to jump or touch a human for this to work. In a few seconds, you spawn "in" him. The human shouldnt feel this and for maximum effect, not see it. Now, if the human does see you, he can just die, killing you as well. Once you are "in" the human, you see the world at his chest level through a sort of a window ( like when you're evolving). You can travel pretty much forever, or until he dies.
    Now, when the human dies or gets killed, you die as well as his kill and nothing happens. However, if you dont die, you have a number of things to do :
    1)Break out - which means you basicaly break out of his chest, killing the human automaticaly. This could be good for traveling in places you otherwise would die trying to go to.
    2)Explode - This is also like the skulks explosion. You die, blowing up the person inside you and causing damage to anyone or anything near you
    3)I havent really worked this out, but you should have to have 2 hives for it to work. Suggestionts here
    4) Taking over the human - this would only work if you have all 3 hives. Basicaly, for a limited amount of time, you take over the human you are in. This means you can point and shoot things, but you can cause damage to teammates and other structures as well. Now, if the humans shoot you, they get a kill, and no tk. This might be tweaked, because it might lead some people to banning the said person.

    Also, as the chest buster in the human, you can evolve to anything exept the ono. When evolving you basicaly break out, killing the human and beeing in the midst of wherever he was.

    Now, this is a very hard to master skill, and class, but it will be fun to newbees and experts as well. Since it's fairly easy to take you out if humans see you, it wont be exploited much, but for people who can hide on top and drop down unnoticed, this will be perfect. Damage and attributes can be tweaked for no explotation

    Well, what do you think?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    It's called paracite to track and follow him, and if you are close enough to latch on, you are close enough to kill him.
  • SinSpawnSinSpawn Harbinger of Suffering Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8359Members
    or you are close enough to get kiled
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    This was taken from the ideas forum FAQ, under ideas that would never be included:

    "Aliens that infest marines to either make them explode, take over their bodies, or just link that marine to the hive mind."

    This idea has also been posted many times before, try a search and look at the FAQ's before posting ideas that have probably been brung up before.
  • Speed_2_DaveSpeed_2_Dave Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8788Members
    cute idea, but I think we should stick with the (controversial) 5 classes we already have... I mean, the kharaa already have. Parasite pretty much covers it, and walking bombs pretty much include all 3rd hive skulks, slap'em with celerity and carapace and hear the screams after you take 4 marines and their IP out with you.
  • MrMojoMrMojo Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9882Members, Constellation
    Oops, didnt see that ;o

    However, I think that both teams should have a certain edge so they balance out. Marines could have the technology and weapons and aliens should have sheer strength ( read, not taking so long to blow up a damn turret), and abilities, but not much else.
  • CommandoCommando Join Date: 2002-05-22 Member: 657Members, NS1 Playtester
    More like, "I blatantly stole this idea from Aliens with no real thought about the idea, it just sounds cool so it should be in!"
  • DunsbyDunsby Join Date: 2002-08-01 Member: 1042Awaiting Authorization
    If this was to happen ( I doubt ) I think you should only be able to bite and go inside their chest, you wouldnt be able to get out but you could tell teammates when they are approaching. You could get in their chest by dissolving into air and going inside their mouth but the air is a light purple colour so marines can spot it and kill you.
  • ShingyBoyShingyBoy Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9086Members
    Not really a good idea in my opinion needed a little more flava
  • MrMojoMrMojo Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9882Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--Commando+Nov 30 2002, 05:40 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Commando @ Nov 30 2002, 05:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->More like, "I blatantly stole this idea from Aliens with no real thought about the idea, it just sounds cool so it should be in!"<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Hey, hey, hey, who are you? James Cameron? Geez
  • triskadekatriskadeka Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2262Members
    Worst. Idea. <i>Ever.</i>
  • GeckoGecko Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3432Members
    doing this would completly remove the amount of trust in your team-mates - i mean look at team fortress (/me cringes) having a Spy class (that could basically disguise himself as being on the other team) just made you not trust anybody

    Chest burster .. hmmmm - sorry but no, that'd be coming too close to completly copying the Alien movies and AvP2 - therefore u want chest bursters, go play AvP2 <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
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