<div class="IPBDescription">Rename taser</div>Brainstorming new name for the taser. I'm bad with naming things so this post will just start the thread.
Let the ideas flow!
I'll start: -electroshock capacitor side arm : ESCAR
"Wow you guys have very strong opinions about the taser weapon. We are strongly considering replacing it with the vanilla knife/pistol. #fb1:37 PM Jul 27th from TweetDeck "
Weaponized Amplifying Tesla Triangulateor (WATT)
Xeno Static Repulser (XSR)
Volt Amplifying Repulser (VAR)
Ranged Stun Baton (RSB)
These are fun, although I still think they should keep the knife.
Standard Amplification Mechinism
No, seriously.
EWA - Electrical Weapon against Aliens (Ewa is a hebrew name meaning life)
or just
futuristic underestimated Taserweapon
Electronically Induced Pain