Great Alien Strategies

ireValireVal Join Date: 2002-09-30 Member: 1390Members
<div class="IPBDescription">From Beginning to End Game</div> Well i hope this will help some people out, i was on a server and someone inspired me to write this post

FIRST OF ALL i have to explain the perfect exaple of..........

What Not To Do: rush both unbuilt hives early and go gorge while skulks defend the otherwise defensless
hive to get early onos

this is a few reasons why that is not going to work
1) first id like to mention that i have personally never seen this done EVER in any game
2) this leaves your hive defensless except for the skulks, if marines rush hive your screwed unless youve got some dang good players
3) marines almost allways go for 1 hive to secure, if all skulks are back in the base whos going to defend the gorge in the hive that they go for

My Strategy: 1 gorge builds defense at hive, other one goes out and builds RTs on his way to another hive
so he can gain the res quicker when he gets there, meanwhile skulks harass and maybe one
of them escorts gorge to hive, then gorge builds second hive and secures it and maybe other
gorge comes to help if done securing first hive, once hives are well secured we take 3rd hive
which marines most likely secured by now (which should be pretty easy with the 2 gorges
healing and lerks using umbra while fades attack with the now working bile bomb) then we get
3rd hive up and have like one gorge secure it while others evolve and go take out marine
outposts and game is pretty much won

Everyone, please post your own strategies on this thread, maybe itll get stickied and all those people thinking about making one of those 'MARINES OVERPOWERED' posts will change their minds and go try out our strategies <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->



  • J2002RJ2002R Join Date: 2002-10-29 Member: 1694Members
  • Nemesis_ZeroNemesis_Zero Old European Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 75Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    <span style='color:red'>***Moved to Kharaa strats.*** </span>

    Also, let me point out that Bile Bomb is a <i>three</i> hive ability.
  • recursioNonemanarmyrecursioNonemanarmy Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 9976Members
    I'm going to have to go with J on this one. Early in the game I would put 2 oc's up at the first hive and then cap some resource nodes. Have a few skulks either ambush marines when they exit their spawn (because most will stay for a while building turrets) or have a few hang around another hive. Once you get two hives and go fade you pretty much have control of the game. Assuming they dont have phase gates in place you can have a fade or two harrass their spawn, keeping them close to home while another fade or two regains control of the third hive. Generally speaking u wont even need the third hive as long as u keep them from upgrading their armory, which takes quite a while.
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