NS2 must be hilarious
Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">truth</div>Anybody else hoping that NS2 will be as funny as the first? NS is pretty much the only game where I was LOLing a lot because there was so much random stuff that happened. Things like knife/flashlight of peace, gorges being funny, and aliens getting creative with killing the comm to name a few. Other shooters I've played just don't have the comic appeal that NS seems to have. Not sure if this makes sense...
I think ns2 will have these moments, too, and thanks to lua there are completely hilarious mods possible.
Prepare for evil alien commanders sending out clouds of glowies to distract the view of marines until they stumble into a pit of doom.
What still happens today is a bilebomb setting off all the mines and killing all the lifeforms in the area.
Actually, one of my funniest events was on marines. I needed a weld, desperately calling for it on mic. One guy says sure, and comes to base. I toss him the welder and someone runs between us right as I do. That jackass ran off with my welder and died to a fade.
That is quite humourous :)
But then I'm easy to please. I still get a giggle out of mine kills that happen 10 minutes after I laid the mines.
Ha! That cracks me up every time. It's even better when you're completely out of ammo, totally helpless, and some random hallway mine takes out the skulk and saves the day.
thumps up!
What still happens today is a bilebomb setting off all the mines and killing all the lifeforms in the area.
Actually, one of my funniest events was on marines. I needed a weld, desperately calling for it on mic. One guy says sure, and comes to base. I toss him the welder and someone runs between us right as I do. That jackass ran off with my welder and died to a fade.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
hahaha!!!! thats a good one!!
Too bad my half lief 1 mods dosent works:( (stuck at establish connection to server) sure do's miss it
All you see is MS on nancy filled with laser lines and the text: fade f4
Anyone who played then will know why this is funny.
But after 4 or 5 years of playing it daily 1 - 2 it is still funny sometimes. Like gorge rush :D
I was just thinking the exact same thing... was about to create a similar thread on my findings lol.
After playing on the bad clan server and seeing their new "gorge rush" maze map where marines watch aliens try to do alot of jumping on weird structures... well at some point we got drunk in the retardation and after an hour of stargate xt9 all hell broke loose and we couldn't stop laughing at random ######.
Now i applied my amazing problem solving brain to the question "WHY THE HELL AREN'T WE JUST PLAYING THE GAME AND ENJOYING AND LAUGhING IN STOCK GAMEPLAY... STOCK MAPS".
Answer: NS1 is to hard. (for marines this is true... sorry i don't play aliens so i don't know if same circumstances apply)
Yes that's it... NS1 is so hard and marines die so ###### much that we get tired of even trying... at some point we're just doing stupid ###### in base and laughing at any news of our eminent "win" as revealed by the following mic chatter: "commander we need more CC's".
So like i said... because NS1 is so ###### hard on marines... it contributes to the funky and fun ###### you describe.
now if NS was easy on marines... then their would be NO fun...just tactics, teamwork, and fast paced fighting and winning would keep marines 100% focused (like COD4 essentially)... but luckily some weird new science called game balancing dictates that by dieing all the time (every other second to 1 asian alien fade player)...we are playing "fairly"... and the unexpected byproduct is ###### THIS ROUND... COM GIVE ME MINES SO I CAN GET SOME RANDOM SKULK KILLS AND PISS OFF THE ALIEN TEAM.
So there you have it... unless NS2 is ungodly hard and overly nerfed... fun ###### will never everrr occur on a game to game basis.
Aliens Win.... i blame the com! ... ###### you wolf... <everyone laughs>...someone says "go wolfie" xD
/on topic
My personal funniest moment was while playing on marine, and losing big time on... Mineshaft, I think. The game was over, and we were bracing ourselves for the final stand in MS. All hell breaks loose as the aliens start charging in, the room is filled with Onoii, and the server starts playing the funniest song I've ever heard. I don't remember the song name or anything, I wast just laughing my ass off as onii were devouring us, fades dicing us, and of course the gorgies were all over.
Something about the chaos and the music together just made it the single best moment I've had in NS1. :P
Ah I've witnessed some funny moments :P I remember playing NS 2.0 as marines, and there was this Onos that had been raping our base a bit but was escaping through a revolving door (I forget the name of the map). I had no ammo left from trying to kill the damn thing and the armory was gone, and the only thing I had left was a welder. So I ran after the Onos and just managed to get inside the revolving dor with him and started welding him. He obviously didn't have much HP left since he died from one weld :D And the fade that was in there with me just... stared at me for a few seconds before killing me.
I also remember a pcw where clanmate of mine was trying to kill this really annoying Lerk who was doing the "bounce up and down a lot with celerity" thing. So he decided to do a jump and landed right on top of the Lerk, wich stopped him dead in his tracks, and managed to kill the lerk... mario bros ftw :)
And there's just to many funny gorge moments to count I think...
Omfg.. Now I want them to be able to send out little fireflies with an orange glow for marines to play with!! XDDD
me on comm
Marines clear final hive
Gorge Hideout
Beacon to base
Mass suicide into pit
Recycle IPs
Aliens win
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-IHoPeyqjs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-IHoPeyqjs</a>
I got a heavy party video in my sig. Pretty funny, I think that was the game that got me hooked on NS classic.
I dunno if anyone here from the 1.01-1.04 days remember flashlight tag in the readyroom?
While we're at it... i know you all know of people that use bullet impacts to draw or spell out hilarious messages in game... so what if we just had a ###### marker or piece of chalk or paintbrush for using our mouse to do the same grafitti... YES WE NEED ALL THE TOOLS FROM MSPAINT AVAILABLE IN GAME!!!!!!
I mean i can see an entire marine team writing ###### on the CC and the walls... It's sure a lot more fun and dynamic then just having one single solitary "Spray" to express yourself with.
Definitely a good idea here lol. (###### YOU COMMANDER I"M GONNA WORK ON MY PICASO LMAO "draws painting with marine reaching out and touching the finger of a gorge...takes like 20 minutes of gametime to do lol")