Cloaking with a hint of heat.

M00_cowM00_cow Join Date: 2007-03-02 Member: 60180Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">You know! Like the snakes do it!</div>Now, I'm kinda ninja'ing this concept from the whole snake world, but bare with me for a moment because this would be cool, and yes i realise they already kind of have this implemented with the whole flash light thing, but i dont really like the fact that aliens can just click a button and marines are full invisible anywhere, and i think there is much room for growth, i.e. all that ability does is turn them orangeish. I'm looking for the full works i.e. the picture.

The idea is that when a (skulk) uses cloaking, his viewable area becomes dark, as in very very dark, but not so dark that you can't make out walls, and instead of your normal colouration, skulks use heat detection

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

This idea pretty much, only the map would be more visible.

This would:

A. Add dynamics
B. Add more positives and negatives to cloaking
+ Heat detection --> effectively seeing in the dark
+ Scary lurking skulks of doom
- Of course harder to run round
C. Make cloaking that much cooler.

Whats your thoughts? I think because aliens are sort of animal like, this idea is perfect, if not only implemented for the skulks. It fights the class perfectly. Additionally, if they implement something like, on the fly character model enhancements when you level up, the addition of some huge dangerous glands utop the skulks head would be pretty super.

This would certainly add depth to cloaking, and make it an even more unique ability.

What do you all think?


  • Killer RicochetKiller Ricochet Join Date: 2008-12-03 Member: 65639Members
    This remembers me Farsight XR-20...

    But there is the F key. Aliens already have something similar in NS1, using F key makes everything alive (marines, aliens and alien structures) gets bright. It's very useful, I say.

    I'm not fan of heat detection, but the idea of contrasting the background from your prey can really help up. It could stop of aliens walking around with F key enabled, and just use when needed. This would be cool.
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    I don't see a reason to piggyback it with cloaking, but there should definitely be a cooler effect for the alien flashlight than the goofy looking bright transparent marines we have now and maybe some sort of reason not to use it. Say it makes darkens your view of the map with an orange-ish hue but marines are surrounded by yellow particles like you can see their body heat.
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