Pandemic 2

AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Flash game where you design an apocalyptic virus</div><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
There's a how to play section included, but it should be fairly self-explanatory. You get evolution points for infecting more people as well as over time(very slowly), but nothing for deaths. Spend them on resistances, or symptoms, or methods of spreading in the DISEASE menu.
Oh, but start on Relaxed mode, else you'll have to wait ages for anything to happen. Actually you'll be waiting a lot anyway towards the beginning and end, but...


  • OmegamanOmegaman Join Date: 2004-01-11 Member: 25239Members
    Madagascar is impossible ;_;
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    edited July 2008
    The population of Greenland has been exterminated. I presume the still running hospitals, airports and harbours are being staffed by robots. Damn those robots. >_<

    End result: Managed to wipe out all but New Zealand, Madagascar and the robot population of Greenland.

    Also, why do people bother making online high score lists for stuff like this? I don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't hacked.
  • XythXyth Avatar Join Date: 2003-11-04 Member: 22312Members
    Seems that the trick is to keep your visibility super low until you have a few infected in every country, then purchase the good abilities like heart-failure to kill everyone.
  • SvenpaSvenpa Wait, what? Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25012Members, Constellation
    Oh you ######, I just managed to complete the first game and now the 2nd one is out? baww.
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    I was able to get everyone on earth except the Argentinians for some reason. Final score 94404.
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    Apparently expediency is of the essence as well. My parasite, as mentioned earlier, got everything except New Zealand and Madagascar, but scored in the 90k area, probably because it took so long.

    My virus on the other hand only managed to get about 5 milliard people (and only 13 of the hospitals), but was much faster. Scored a little over 100k.
  • DiscoZombieDiscoZombie Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18951Members
    creepy game. can't quite get the perfect strategy going. you don't get evolution points quick enough. my theory was that you should have zero symptoms for as long as possible for zero visibility, but apparently the countries catch on anyway. how important are heat/cold/moisture resistance?
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    High resistances also draw attention, but merely being widely spread is enough to make governments panic. Understandable.
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    Game has some interesting bugs.
    Hospitals will continue working, even when everyone in the whole country is dead.
  • moultanomoultano Creator of ns_shiva. Join Date: 2002-12-14 Member: 10806Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    Needs some way to speed it up beyond the current scale. I get the whole world infected except for a few islands with closed ports, and it takes forever to kill them all off.
  • Nil_IQNil_IQ Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15520Members
    I don't get it. Why would you choose a symptom like liver failure for instance? It increases leathality and visibility... both of which are bad! Surely you want to kill as few people as possible and just choose the symptoms which will spread your disease the fastest without being noticed? And even then there inevitably seems to come a point at which "critical mass" occurs and all of the non-infected countries close their borders simultaineously making it impossible to infect them, so how do I avoid that?

    Also, I called my virus Eboner.
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Join Date: 2008-06-17 Member: 64467Members
    ........It took me forever to beat the first one and now this T.T , o well better start playing now <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    I don't think you can avoid lockdown. You "simply" need to prevent it long enough to infect all the regions.
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1683993:date=Jul 19 2008, 08:23 PM:name=Nil_IQ)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Nil_IQ @ Jul 19 2008, 08:23 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1683993"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I don't get it. Why would you choose a symptom like liver failure for instance? It increases leathality and visibility... both of which are bad! Surely you want to kill as few people as possible...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Once the vaccine development starts you want to kill peeps before it can be deployed.
    Also a faster killing means a higher score <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
  • DiscoZombieDiscoZombie Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18951Members
    the whole closing borders thing is BS too. The US has closed borders to Mexico, and no Mexicans get into the US illegally, right? The Argentina region managed to avoid getting infected in my last game. It has thousands of miles of border with the Brazil region. how they managed to cordon it off is beyond me.
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    Gave it another shot and was able to get everyone except Madagascar (around 140k pts). Seems like a good place if you want to be part of the effort to repopulate the Earth.

    My strategy has been to use a virus and get rid of the symptoms, build up a little resistance and let it spread only through rodents until every area is infected. By then you've racked up enough points to make it very infectious and finally kill everyone off. Unfortunately there's always one country that manages to shut down all its borders/airports/docks before it gets infected.
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1684006:date=Jul 19 2008, 02:21 PM:name=DiscoZombie)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DiscoZombie @ Jul 19 2008, 02:21 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1684006"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->the whole closing borders thing is BS too. The US has closed borders to Mexico, and no Mexicans get into the US illegally, right? The Argentina region managed to avoid getting infected in my last game. It has thousands of miles of border with the Brazil region. how they managed to cordon it off is beyond me.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    How they manage to keep every rat and mosquito out of the country is equally impressive...
  • SvenpaSvenpa Wait, what? Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25012Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1683958:date=Jul 19 2008, 12:25 PM:name=RuBy)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RuBy @ Jul 19 2008, 12:25 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1683958"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I was able to get everyone on earth except the Argentinians for some reason. Final score 94404.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I had same problem, they had not even shut their borders, then everyone just thought it was totally a cool idea to develop a cure for a local fever that doesn't kill you.
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    Sorry but this was just too funny:

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
  • EpidemicEpidemic Dark Force Gorge Join Date: 2003-06-29 Member: 17781Members
    edited July 2008
    Deaths give more evolution points.

    Edit: Alrite, I was mistaken!
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    I haven't noticed that. Seems more like it's infections that give points. Once everyone is infected, doesn't seem to matter whether they die or not, you don't get a lot of points anymore.
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Join Date: 2008-06-17 Member: 64467Members
    LOL nice comic strip, Great way to get some lolz <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" /> , also it's very true. The small Island takes forever to infect at all <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad-fix.gif" /> .
  • SvenpaSvenpa Wait, what? Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25012Members, Constellation
    Oh I loled.

    I had something similar:

    "There are currently 200 million infected with a new virus!"
    "Dear god, what are the symptoms?"
    "None sir"
    "Then what are the effects?"
    "None sir"
    "Then what are we..."
    "So be it! Here's a 200 billion dollar budget to synthesize one for each individual on the planet and distribute it fully within 72 hours after completion"
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    I was finally (finally!) able to get destroy humankind. Took no resistances + no symptoms + a lot of time. And I ended up with fewer points than my other runs somehow (73k). I guess time is an important factor.
  • douchebagatrondouchebagatron Custom member title Join Date: 2003-12-20 Member: 24581Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    i killed off all of humankind on my last game. i removed all effects, and built up immunities so the vaccine took enough time so i could get every person infected on the planet, then i added in kidney failure and all the hospitals closed down before the vaccine could even finish.
  • RellixRellix Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13572Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    At work I managed to infect everyone except for our tiny virophobic friends on their island. Started my extermination phase as the hospitals had all shut down, then the boss was walking by and I closed instead of minimising <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad-fix.gif" /> ah well, there's always tomorrow!
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    The only real challenge I've seen so far is getting every region infected before they close themselves off. Once that's accomplished, the rest should be a cakewalk. I've never actually managed that, but in general, once I have most of the world infected (and the rest has isolated itself) I can comfortably kill everyone off before a cure is deployed.
  • PvtBonesPvtBones Join Date: 2004-04-25 Member: 28187Members

    I got everyone infected and ever though a cure was developed my disease mutated and became immune to all new vaccines.

    I had cleared out green and madagascar was about to go when I hit the close tab button XD!
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1684017:date=Jul 19 2008, 11:36 PM:name=Svenpa)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Svenpa @ Jul 19 2008, 11:36 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1684017"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"Then what are we..."
    "So be it! Here's a 200 billion dollar budget to synthesize one for each individual on the planet and distribute it fully within 72 hours after completion"<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Wouldn't governments in real life be ######ting bricks too? I mean.. all it takes is one errant mutation and then everyone is in trouble.
  • SvenpaSvenpa Wait, what? Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25012Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1684056:date=Jul 20 2008, 10:28 AM:name=Align)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Align @ Jul 20 2008, 10:28 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1684056"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Wouldn't governments in real life be ######ting bricks too? I mean.. all it takes is one errant mutation and then everyone is in trouble.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Like the other fifty thousand types of currently harmless bacteria in our body? Many which we don't even produce ourselves. Also, don't bacteria/virus/parasites need some kind of attempt to exterminate them before they can even evolve?
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