Join Date: 2004-11-20 Member: 32907Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow

Right now we have two host: (if you want to host shoot me a pm about it before Thursday ( 2-21-08 ) at 8 pm.
Elections end on Thursday at 8 pm EST, unless we get another host. Then they end Friday at 8pm if they get added on Wednesday or Saturday at 8pm if they get in on Thursday.
9 votes for any host will end the elections right there and then.
EMPDemon ( 4 ) - im_lost, Eternaly_Lost, TheFeniX, Caboose, <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--> Thansal<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> (Deleted Vote )
Theslan ( 1 ) - Xentor
Theslan #2 ( 1 ) - locallyunscene
EMPDemon's Game:
<a href="http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfdvhcvv_12nm5s995b" target="_blank">http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfdvhcvv_12nm5s995b</a>
Game info:
12 Players, 2 Wolves, Seer, Psychic, Guardian standard.
Mini game INFO:
Items: (Names are hidden for theme purposes)
A - (2) - Adds an "antivote" (-1 vote) onto the player that uses it for one day. All players know when this item is used.
B - (1) - For one day, a player that uses this item counts as two votes. All players know when this item is used.
C - (2, immobile) - Select a player. Destroys that player's item randomly (if they have one).
D - (1, immobile) - Reveals a random player's role.
E - (2) - Negates the effect of an active item.*
F - (1) - Protects the player holding the item from being wolfed at night. Once used, its supply is exhausted and cannot be used again.
G - (1) - Revives a dead player at the end of the current day/night.
H - (5) - Allows the player two additional actions during the night.
Scanner - (4) - Lists items that are in the player's sector (quarter of the map), and how many items are in each room, but does not show exact locations.
J - (2) - Shows another player's items. However, it alerts the player to your search.
Rubik's Cube - (2) - Use on another player to prevent them from voting for the day (no phantom vote gained) OR from moving/searching during the night. It will be revealed who it effects, though the user's name will not be revealed.
(Cube's name is revealed because it was mentioned in the channel previously, and I accidentally revealed Scanner.)
All items are one-time use and are usable during night or day unless otherwise obvious (A,B,F).
*Further explanation of E:
-items A, B, and Rubik's Cube (during the day) can be negated once used without further targeting.
-Any other items may be negated by targeting a person. If they do not use an item, then E incurs a "miss".
-If a person uses more than one item at once, the item negated is random.
-One "miss" and the item cannot be used for a full cycle. (i.e. E misses at night 2, it is unusable until the start of night 3.)
-Two "misses" and E is destroyed.
<strike>-If this item is used on another E, the targeted E gets a "miss" and the targeting E is used up.</strike>
-F cannot be negated due to the fact that it is activated after the end of the night, just as the day begins.
Trades in the same room can be public or private (both players must agree to trade and on public/private). Trading at any distance is public. Only who trades is revealed, not what.
Map: ( <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yo3l46" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yo3l46</a> )
Four rooms are in each corner of the map, with hallways connecting each. Each player gets three actions during the night, moving (per room/hallway) and searching each take one move. (enough to move from one room to another in the same quarter and search, or to move from a room in one corner to the main hall in an adjacent corner) Searching is random regardless of PM time, but players that have the most remaining actions have priority. You are allowed to search a room THEN move, however, your priority will be as if you moved first then searched. (i.e. You search room 3 then move twice to room 5. You search room 3 as if you had moved twice to get there before searching.)
Items will be in rooms randomly to start, though players may drop items in corridors if they die there.
Like TWG X, player locations are public.
Question: 3 actions? can I Search, move, search?
Answer: I suppose you could, if you knew there was an item in the hallway (you need two actions to move between rooms in the same sector), but you'd have lowest priority on both searches (due to not having any actions left afterwards).
Question: It says that I recognize an item, did I get it or just see it?
Answer: I have images for when people get items. Even though the text says you "recognize the item", that means you get the item in question, if I send you that image. I'll even confirm it with text in the PM if you still don't like that. Okay?
Question: "D - (1, immobile) - Reveals a random player's role.", Will it only pick some one with a roll (so 'Reveals a random role'), will it effect wolves? ('Reveals a random Role/Wolf'), Define Reveal. Doe it only tell you? or does it tell everyone? :
Answer: It lets you know the role that one random person has. ( Like the goggles from XVII, you just don't get to target it. )
Question: Does it take an action to use an item.
Answer: No, This was a change that was undone, items do not cost an action to use.
Q: Is there 1 scanner per Sector?
A: No, there is 4 scanners that can be used in any section, it matters what section you are in.
Q: When do trades take effect/ any limits on Trades?
A: Trades take effect at the next cycle ( so a day trade would take effect when night starts ). There is no limits on how many trades you do.
Q: How many Items can you hold?
A: You can hold all movable items at the same time, however odds are that you will not get them all.
Q: What happens when use you an E on a person who is using an E on you?
A: You both get misses, to solve this problem. An E used on another E get a miss on both the other and itself rather then deletes itself.
Theslan's Game:
<a href="http://docs.google.com/View?docid=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2" target="_blank">http://docs.google.com/View?docid=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2</a>
Suggested size: 12
# of humans : 10
# of wolves : 2
Ideal size: 14+
# of humans : 11+
# of wolves : 3
- Seer: normal.
- Psychic: normal.
- Guardian: normal. Guardian is allowed to guard anyone he likes.
This will continue the similar trend. The rooms will be 5x5 map. There will be items scattered around the map. There are NO CLUES, but there is a combination for people to guess in the game to get a powerful item.
Each night, everyone is allowed to 'guess' the combination. They cannot change their guess once submitted.
Each night, everyone is allowed to send in a question. The response back will be in a yes/no format. For instance:
Q: Is the first digit 5?
A: No.
Q: What is the range of the first digit?
A. uhh.....
For people trying to break the rules, you can't use these questions to determine the roles of players.
Because of the large amount of guesses, the sequence of the correct numbers is 3 characters, with the first and third character from 0-9, and the second is from a-z. So for instance, 0f4 maybe a correct combination, and so is 4z3, 7i2, and 4b2. 942 and a43 are not in the correct format.
There will be game changing items in the game. The items in this game will most likely be at the borders. For instance, the probability of finding an item at the border is far greater than in the middle.
The closer you are to the middle, the less of a chance that there is an item.
The list of items (names will be subject to change, same as EMP's for theme-related purposes)
All knowing (2): Expendable item that allows you to listen into one person's question and answer. Both question and answer will be revealed to the player.
Big pockets(2): Able to pick up ALL items in the room. Getting all the items is first come first serve.
Investigator (1): Expendable item to determine whether the person is a human or wolf that's dead.
Item scan (4): Expendable item that scans which quadrant you are currently in. If the player is at one of the borders, he can choose which quadrant he wants to look into. This item shows in the quadrant how many items are in which rooms.
Item seeker(2): Expendable item that shows all the items in that room during a search.
GPS(2): Person that obtains this can give/trade items to anyone else in the game secretly. The other person does not need to have the GPS. (No, you cannot trade the GPS away if that's your only GPS).
Listening in (2): Expendable item that allows you to listen into one person's guess (NOT YOUR OWN) and be able to determine which digits he/she guessed correctly. (For instance, person A listens to person's B guess as '5b4' The correct value is '5s1' Person A gets to know that Person B guesses one character correctly. Person A does NOT get to know what Person's B guessed.)
Motion Tracking(1): Able to observe all movement one square away. Has no idea who they are.
Movement card (2): Expendable card that allows you to gain +1 movement.
Panceas (sp?)(1): Expendable item that changes an item's effect to apply for everyone. This item can only be applied to All-knowing, Listening in, Motion Tracking, Item scan. Investigator is being looked into on whether to have this item apply.
Question card (2): Expendable card that allows you to gain +1 guess.
Seer curse (1): Permanent enchantment to flip the side of your alignment. If the seer sees you as wolf, you are human. If the seer sees you as human, you are now wolf. Psychic's ability is not affected.
Trap scanner (2): Expendable item that shows the nearest trap to the player.
If the player guessed the correct combination, he/she gets to choose 1 of the following items:
Body armor: Expendable item that protects against a wolf attack at night. No affect during daylynch.
Major abilities: Kills one player anytime during day/night. Once this item is used during the day, it acts like an instalynch.
Medpack: Able to revive one player from the dead.
Once chosen, there are no other major items available. This means that there is only one major item in the game. Once a player guessed it, it will be announced via story.
There is no limit on the amount of items you can carry. Items can only be used during the night (excluding the Mayor abilities)
Movements is pretty simple. Every player gets one search, and one movement (excluding +guess and +movement cards). Once they are turned in, they are FINAL, no changes. Same thing with guesses. Once a player finds an item, he will be notified the number of items in that room, and will have to choose one of the items. He DOES NOT know what all the items are (excluding item-seeker).
There is a catch. There are 3 movement room traps in the game. If you land into the movement room trap in the game, you cannot search, nor can you USE ITEM. You are allowed to guess. The effect lasts for one day. This is the movement of the movable traps:
The movement trap moves counterclock-wise motion, two at the outer ring, and one in the inner ring. The middle room is a safe spot (guarentee no traps there).
During the night, the order of movement goes like this:
[ Moveable traps move into rooms. ]
[ Players get to move/search (movable traps that goes into the player's room will not affect them unless they stay and find another item ]
[ PMs sent out about choice of items ]
[ Player chooses the items ]
At the beginning of the game, a player can choose to start anywhere they want, or in the middle of the room. If they choose the middle of the room, they get an expendable 'avoid movable trap' card. Should the player start safely in the middle and move out to the edges for items, or chance it by starting elsewhere and get a night or two ahead by finding items? It's up to the player.
Movements are up/down/left/right/diagonal (plus staying).
Wolves get a choice of their abilities. There are currently 5 powers they can choose.
1) Wolf scent: Any wolves that enter into a room that a player has been a night before, the wolves will pick up their scent. Names will be revealed. The scent only lasts 1 day.
2) Befuddled minds (2): Two expendable times that the wolves can choose a player to block abilities. If this is a seer/psychic/guardian, it gets blocked. All guesses get blocked. Movement and searches goes through. They will be informed if they block a special role. Due to time issues with the psychic, wolves must declare who to block during the previous day with a PM. NOTE THAT THIS CAN BE COMBINED WITH PANCEAS.
3) Transparent minds (4): Four expendable times that the wolves can listen into a player's minds during the night. Guardian is not affected by this, but seer/psychic are. Guesses are not included. This cannot be combined with panceas.
4) Wolf 6th sense: Wolves can detect whether a seer is looking at them, and if the psychic died. Wolves will also be able to determine whether a seer's curse has been activated.
5) Wolves' buried items: At the beginning, the wolves can choose to immediately get 3 items. The items will be randomly distribute around the room, and the wolves will have to select a room, and get an item. This will be repeated until they get 3 items. The items will then be randomly distributed again.
Q/A section.
Q: What if you want to get the expendable 'get out of movable trap' item later?
A: You can only get it from the start. Once you start moving, you either have it, or not.
Q: Is there a limit of the amount of items used per night?
A: No.
Q: Would the question, "Does player A have item B?" be valid?
A: No. Question must be about the combination, and in yes/no format.
Q: How complex can a question be?
A: It should take no more then about one minute for me to solve, and not require that I Google anything.
For those who want a nice simple game:
Theslan Game #2:
Suggested size: 12
# of humans : 10
# of wolves : 2
Ideal size: 14+
# of humans : 11+
# of wolves : 3
- Seer: normal.
- Psychic: normal.
- Guardian: normal. Guardian is allowed to guard anyone he likes.
- (possible) Psychopath: A person that has the role of a wolf, except that he is on his own. The only way he can win is if he kills everyone else.
No minigame.
Wolves ability:
There are a total of 4 abilities the wolves can choose. They can only choose 1.
1) Befuddled minds (2): Two expendable times that the wolves can choose a player to block abilities. If this is a seer/psychic/guardian, it gets blocked. They will be informed if they block a special role. Due to time issues with the psychic, wolves must declare who to block during the previous day with a PM.
2) Transparent minds (4): Four expendable times that the wolves can listen into a player's minds during the night. Guardian is not affected by this, but seer/psychic are.
3) Wolf 6th sense: Wolves can detect whether a seer is looking at them, and if the psychic died. Wolves will also be able to determine whether a seer's curse has been activated.
4) Psychopath wolf scare: Wolves scare a person to the point he becomes the psychopath. If chosen, a randomly chosen person will take the role of the psychopath. The game will go into a 3-way game, in which either the wolves, human, or psychopath win.
Elections end on Thursday at 8 pm EST, unless we get another host. Then they end Friday at 8pm if they get added on Wednesday or Saturday at 8pm if they get in on Thursday.
9 votes for any host will end the elections right there and then.
EMPDemon ( 4 ) - im_lost, Eternaly_Lost, TheFeniX, Caboose, <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--> Thansal<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> (Deleted Vote )
Theslan ( 1 ) - Xentor
Theslan #2 ( 1 ) - locallyunscene
EMPDemon's Game:
<a href="http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfdvhcvv_12nm5s995b" target="_blank">http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfdvhcvv_12nm5s995b</a>
Game info:
12 Players, 2 Wolves, Seer, Psychic, Guardian standard.
Mini game INFO:
Items: (Names are hidden for theme purposes)
A - (2) - Adds an "antivote" (-1 vote) onto the player that uses it for one day. All players know when this item is used.
B - (1) - For one day, a player that uses this item counts as two votes. All players know when this item is used.
C - (2, immobile) - Select a player. Destroys that player's item randomly (if they have one).
D - (1, immobile) - Reveals a random player's role.
E - (2) - Negates the effect of an active item.*
F - (1) - Protects the player holding the item from being wolfed at night. Once used, its supply is exhausted and cannot be used again.
G - (1) - Revives a dead player at the end of the current day/night.
H - (5) - Allows the player two additional actions during the night.
Scanner - (4) - Lists items that are in the player's sector (quarter of the map), and how many items are in each room, but does not show exact locations.
J - (2) - Shows another player's items. However, it alerts the player to your search.
Rubik's Cube - (2) - Use on another player to prevent them from voting for the day (no phantom vote gained) OR from moving/searching during the night. It will be revealed who it effects, though the user's name will not be revealed.
(Cube's name is revealed because it was mentioned in the channel previously, and I accidentally revealed Scanner.)
All items are one-time use and are usable during night or day unless otherwise obvious (A,B,F).
*Further explanation of E:
-items A, B, and Rubik's Cube (during the day) can be negated once used without further targeting.
-Any other items may be negated by targeting a person. If they do not use an item, then E incurs a "miss".
-If a person uses more than one item at once, the item negated is random.
-One "miss" and the item cannot be used for a full cycle. (i.e. E misses at night 2, it is unusable until the start of night 3.)
-Two "misses" and E is destroyed.
<strike>-If this item is used on another E, the targeted E gets a "miss" and the targeting E is used up.</strike>
-F cannot be negated due to the fact that it is activated after the end of the night, just as the day begins.
Trades in the same room can be public or private (both players must agree to trade and on public/private). Trading at any distance is public. Only who trades is revealed, not what.
Map: ( <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yo3l46" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yo3l46</a> )
Four rooms are in each corner of the map, with hallways connecting each. Each player gets three actions during the night, moving (per room/hallway) and searching each take one move. (enough to move from one room to another in the same quarter and search, or to move from a room in one corner to the main hall in an adjacent corner) Searching is random regardless of PM time, but players that have the most remaining actions have priority. You are allowed to search a room THEN move, however, your priority will be as if you moved first then searched. (i.e. You search room 3 then move twice to room 5. You search room 3 as if you had moved twice to get there before searching.)
Items will be in rooms randomly to start, though players may drop items in corridors if they die there.
Like TWG X, player locations are public.
Question: 3 actions? can I Search, move, search?
Answer: I suppose you could, if you knew there was an item in the hallway (you need two actions to move between rooms in the same sector), but you'd have lowest priority on both searches (due to not having any actions left afterwards).
Question: It says that I recognize an item, did I get it or just see it?
Answer: I have images for when people get items. Even though the text says you "recognize the item", that means you get the item in question, if I send you that image. I'll even confirm it with text in the PM if you still don't like that. Okay?
Question: "D - (1, immobile) - Reveals a random player's role.", Will it only pick some one with a roll (so 'Reveals a random role'), will it effect wolves? ('Reveals a random Role/Wolf'), Define Reveal. Doe it only tell you? or does it tell everyone? :
Answer: It lets you know the role that one random person has. ( Like the goggles from XVII, you just don't get to target it. )
Question: Does it take an action to use an item.
Answer: No, This was a change that was undone, items do not cost an action to use.
Q: Is there 1 scanner per Sector?
A: No, there is 4 scanners that can be used in any section, it matters what section you are in.
Q: When do trades take effect/ any limits on Trades?
A: Trades take effect at the next cycle ( so a day trade would take effect when night starts ). There is no limits on how many trades you do.
Q: How many Items can you hold?
A: You can hold all movable items at the same time, however odds are that you will not get them all.
Q: What happens when use you an E on a person who is using an E on you?
A: You both get misses, to solve this problem. An E used on another E get a miss on both the other and itself rather then deletes itself.
Theslan's Game:
<a href="http://docs.google.com/View?docid=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2" target="_blank">http://docs.google.com/View?docid=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2</a>
Suggested size: 12
# of humans : 10
# of wolves : 2
Ideal size: 14+
# of humans : 11+
# of wolves : 3
- Seer: normal.
- Psychic: normal.
- Guardian: normal. Guardian is allowed to guard anyone he likes.
This will continue the similar trend. The rooms will be 5x5 map. There will be items scattered around the map. There are NO CLUES, but there is a combination for people to guess in the game to get a powerful item.
Each night, everyone is allowed to 'guess' the combination. They cannot change their guess once submitted.
Each night, everyone is allowed to send in a question. The response back will be in a yes/no format. For instance:
Q: Is the first digit 5?
A: No.
Q: What is the range of the first digit?
A. uhh.....
For people trying to break the rules, you can't use these questions to determine the roles of players.
Because of the large amount of guesses, the sequence of the correct numbers is 3 characters, with the first and third character from 0-9, and the second is from a-z. So for instance, 0f4 maybe a correct combination, and so is 4z3, 7i2, and 4b2. 942 and a43 are not in the correct format.
There will be game changing items in the game. The items in this game will most likely be at the borders. For instance, the probability of finding an item at the border is far greater than in the middle.
The closer you are to the middle, the less of a chance that there is an item.
The list of items (names will be subject to change, same as EMP's for theme-related purposes)
All knowing (2): Expendable item that allows you to listen into one person's question and answer. Both question and answer will be revealed to the player.
Big pockets(2): Able to pick up ALL items in the room. Getting all the items is first come first serve.
Investigator (1): Expendable item to determine whether the person is a human or wolf that's dead.
Item scan (4): Expendable item that scans which quadrant you are currently in. If the player is at one of the borders, he can choose which quadrant he wants to look into. This item shows in the quadrant how many items are in which rooms.
Item seeker(2): Expendable item that shows all the items in that room during a search.
GPS(2): Person that obtains this can give/trade items to anyone else in the game secretly. The other person does not need to have the GPS. (No, you cannot trade the GPS away if that's your only GPS).
Listening in (2): Expendable item that allows you to listen into one person's guess (NOT YOUR OWN) and be able to determine which digits he/she guessed correctly. (For instance, person A listens to person's B guess as '5b4' The correct value is '5s1' Person A gets to know that Person B guesses one character correctly. Person A does NOT get to know what Person's B guessed.)
Motion Tracking(1): Able to observe all movement one square away. Has no idea who they are.
Movement card (2): Expendable card that allows you to gain +1 movement.
Panceas (sp?)(1): Expendable item that changes an item's effect to apply for everyone. This item can only be applied to All-knowing, Listening in, Motion Tracking, Item scan. Investigator is being looked into on whether to have this item apply.
Question card (2): Expendable card that allows you to gain +1 guess.
Seer curse (1): Permanent enchantment to flip the side of your alignment. If the seer sees you as wolf, you are human. If the seer sees you as human, you are now wolf. Psychic's ability is not affected.
Trap scanner (2): Expendable item that shows the nearest trap to the player.
If the player guessed the correct combination, he/she gets to choose 1 of the following items:
Body armor: Expendable item that protects against a wolf attack at night. No affect during daylynch.
Major abilities: Kills one player anytime during day/night. Once this item is used during the day, it acts like an instalynch.
Medpack: Able to revive one player from the dead.
Once chosen, there are no other major items available. This means that there is only one major item in the game. Once a player guessed it, it will be announced via story.
There is no limit on the amount of items you can carry. Items can only be used during the night (excluding the Mayor abilities)
Movements is pretty simple. Every player gets one search, and one movement (excluding +guess and +movement cards). Once they are turned in, they are FINAL, no changes. Same thing with guesses. Once a player finds an item, he will be notified the number of items in that room, and will have to choose one of the items. He DOES NOT know what all the items are (excluding item-seeker).
There is a catch. There are 3 movement room traps in the game. If you land into the movement room trap in the game, you cannot search, nor can you USE ITEM. You are allowed to guess. The effect lasts for one day. This is the movement of the movable traps:
The movement trap moves counterclock-wise motion, two at the outer ring, and one in the inner ring. The middle room is a safe spot (guarentee no traps there).
During the night, the order of movement goes like this:
[ Moveable traps move into rooms. ]
[ Players get to move/search (movable traps that goes into the player's room will not affect them unless they stay and find another item ]
[ PMs sent out about choice of items ]
[ Player chooses the items ]
At the beginning of the game, a player can choose to start anywhere they want, or in the middle of the room. If they choose the middle of the room, they get an expendable 'avoid movable trap' card. Should the player start safely in the middle and move out to the edges for items, or chance it by starting elsewhere and get a night or two ahead by finding items? It's up to the player.
Movements are up/down/left/right/diagonal (plus staying).
Wolves get a choice of their abilities. There are currently 5 powers they can choose.
1) Wolf scent: Any wolves that enter into a room that a player has been a night before, the wolves will pick up their scent. Names will be revealed. The scent only lasts 1 day.
2) Befuddled minds (2): Two expendable times that the wolves can choose a player to block abilities. If this is a seer/psychic/guardian, it gets blocked. All guesses get blocked. Movement and searches goes through. They will be informed if they block a special role. Due to time issues with the psychic, wolves must declare who to block during the previous day with a PM. NOTE THAT THIS CAN BE COMBINED WITH PANCEAS.
3) Transparent minds (4): Four expendable times that the wolves can listen into a player's minds during the night. Guardian is not affected by this, but seer/psychic are. Guesses are not included. This cannot be combined with panceas.
4) Wolf 6th sense: Wolves can detect whether a seer is looking at them, and if the psychic died. Wolves will also be able to determine whether a seer's curse has been activated.
5) Wolves' buried items: At the beginning, the wolves can choose to immediately get 3 items. The items will be randomly distribute around the room, and the wolves will have to select a room, and get an item. This will be repeated until they get 3 items. The items will then be randomly distributed again.
Q/A section.
Q: What if you want to get the expendable 'get out of movable trap' item later?
A: You can only get it from the start. Once you start moving, you either have it, or not.
Q: Is there a limit of the amount of items used per night?
A: No.
Q: Would the question, "Does player A have item B?" be valid?
A: No. Question must be about the combination, and in yes/no format.
Q: How complex can a question be?
A: It should take no more then about one minute for me to solve, and not require that I Google anything.
For those who want a nice simple game:
Theslan Game #2:
Suggested size: 12
# of humans : 10
# of wolves : 2
Ideal size: 14+
# of humans : 11+
# of wolves : 3
- Seer: normal.
- Psychic: normal.
- Guardian: normal. Guardian is allowed to guard anyone he likes.
- (possible) Psychopath: A person that has the role of a wolf, except that he is on his own. The only way he can win is if he kills everyone else.
No minigame.
Wolves ability:
There are a total of 4 abilities the wolves can choose. They can only choose 1.
1) Befuddled minds (2): Two expendable times that the wolves can choose a player to block abilities. If this is a seer/psychic/guardian, it gets blocked. They will be informed if they block a special role. Due to time issues with the psychic, wolves must declare who to block during the previous day with a PM.
2) Transparent minds (4): Four expendable times that the wolves can listen into a player's minds during the night. Guardian is not affected by this, but seer/psychic are.
3) Wolf 6th sense: Wolves can detect whether a seer is looking at them, and if the psychic died. Wolves will also be able to determine whether a seer's curse has been activated.
4) Psychopath wolf scare: Wolves scare a person to the point he becomes the psychopath. If chosen, a randomly chosen person will take the role of the psychopath. The game will go into a 3-way game, in which either the wolves, human, or psychopath win.
Original document: <a href="http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2" target="_blank">http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2</a>
<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->GAME RULES<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
Suggested size: 12
# of humans : 10
# of wolves : 2
Ideal size: 14+
# of humans : 11+
# of wolves : 3
<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Roles:<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
- Seer: normal.
- Psychic: normal.
- Guardian: normal. Guardian is allowed to guard anyone he likes.
<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Minigame:<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
This will continue the similar trend. The rooms will be 5x5 map. There will be items scattered around the map. There are NO CLUES, but there is a combination for people to guess in the game to get a powerful item.
Each night, everyone is allowed to 'guess' the combination. They cannot change their guess once submitted.
Each night, everyone is allowed to send in a question. The response back will be in a yes/no format. For instance:
Q: Is the first digit 5?
A: No.
Q: What is the range of the first digit?
A. uhh.....
For people trying to break the rules, you can't use these questions to determine the roles of players.
Because of the large amount of guesses, the sequence of the correct numbers is 3 characters, with the first and third character from 0-9, and the second is from a-z. So for instance, 0f4 maybe a correct combination, and so is 4z3, 7i2, and 4b2. 942 and a43 are not in the correct format.
There will be game changing items in the game. The items in this game will most likely be at the borders. For instance, the probability of finding an item at the border is far greater than in the middle.
The closer you are to the middle, the less of a chance that there is an item.
The list of items (names will be subject to change, same as EMP's for theme-related purposes)
All knowing (2): Expendable item that allows you to listen into one person's question and answer. Both question and answer will be revealed to the player.
Big pockets(2): Able to pick up ALL items in the room. Getting all the items is first come first serve.
Investigator (1): Expendable item to determine whether the person is a human or wolf that's dead.
Item scan (4): Expendable item that scans which quadrant you are currently in. If the player is at one of the borders, he can choose which quadrant he wants to look into. This item shows in the quadrant how many items are in which rooms.
Item seeker(2): Expendable item that shows all the items in that room during a search.
GPS(2): Person that obtains this can give/trade items to anyone else in the game secretly. The other person does not need to have the GPS. (No, you cannot trade the GPS away if that's your only GPS).
Listening in (2): Expendable item that allows you to listen into one person's guess (NOT YOUR OWN) and be able to determine which digits he/she guessed correctly. (For instance, person A listens to person's B guess as '5b4' The correct value is '5s1' Person A gets to know that Person B guesses one character correctly. Person A does NOT get to know what Person's B guessed.)
Motion Tracking(1): Able to observe all movement one square away. Has no idea who they are.
Movement card (2): Expendable card that allows you to gain +1 movement.
Panceas (sp?)(1): Expendable item that changes an item's effect to apply for everyone. This item can only be applied to All-knowing, Listening in, Motion Tracking, Item scan. Investigator is being looked into on whether to have this item apply.
Question card (2): Expendable card that allows you to gain +1 guess.
Seer curse (1): Permanent enchantment to flip the side of your alignment. If the seer sees you as wolf, you are human. If the seer sees you as human, you are now wolf. Psychic's ability is not affected.
Trap scanner (2): Expendable item that shows the nearest trap to the player.
If the player guessed the correct combination, he/she gets to choose 1 of the following items:
Body armor: Expendable item that protects against a wolf attack at night. No affect during daylynch.
Major abilities: Kills one player anytime during day/night. Once this item is used during the day, it acts like an instalynch.
Medpack: Able to revive one player from the dead.
Once chosen, there are no other major items available. This means that there is only one major item in the game. Once a player guessed it, it will be announced via story.
There is no limit on the amount of items you can carry. Items can only be used during the night (excluding the Mayor abilities)
<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->MOVEMENTS:<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
Movements is pretty simple. Every player gets one search, and one movement (excluding +guess and +movement cards). Once they are turned in, they are FINAL, no changes. Same thing with guesses. Once a player finds an item, he will be notified the number of items in that room, and will have to choose one of the items. He DOES NOT know what all the items are (excluding item-seeker).
There is a catch. There are 3 movement room traps in the game. If you land into the movement room trap in the game, you cannot search, nor can you USE ITEM. You are allowed to guess. The effect lasts for one day. This is the movement of the movable traps:
The movement trap moves counterclock-wise motion, two at the outer ring, and one in the inner ring. The middle room is a safe spot (guarentee no traps there).
During the night, the order of movement goes like this:
[ Moveable traps move into rooms. ]
[ Players get to move/search (movable traps that goes into the player's room will not affect them unless they stay and find another item ]
[ PMs sent out about choice of items ]
[ Player chooses the items ]
At the beginning of the game, a player can choose to start anywhere they want, or in the middle of the room. If they choose the middle of the room, they get an expendable 'avoid movable trap' card. Should the player start safely in the middle and move out to the edges for items, or chance it by starting elsewhere and get a night or two ahead by finding items? It's up to the player.
Movements are up/down/left/right/diagonal (plus staying).
<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->WOLVES:<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
Wolves get a choice of their abilities. There are currently 5 powers they can choose.
1) Wolf scent: Any wolves that enter into a room that a player has been a night before, the wolves will pick up their scent. Names will be revealed. The scent only lasts 1 day.
2) Befuddled minds (2): Two expendable times that the wolves can choose a player to block abilities. If this is a seer/psychic/guardian, it gets blocked. All guesses get blocked. Movement and searches goes through. They will be informed if they block a special role. Due to time issues with the psychic, wolves must declare who to block during the previous day with a PM. NOTE THAT THIS CAN BE COMBINED WITH PANCEAS.
3) Transparent minds (4): Four expendable times that the wolves can listen into a player's minds during the night. Guardian is not affected by this, but seer/psychic are. Guesses are not included. This cannot be combined with panceas.
4) Wolf 6th sense: Wolves can detect whether a seer is looking at them, and if the psychic died. Wolves will also be able to determine whether a seer's curse has been activated.
5) Wolves' buried items: At the beginning, the wolves can choose to immediately get 3 items. The items will be randomly distribute around the room, and the wolves will have to select a room, and get an item. This will be repeated until they get 3 items. The items will then be randomly distributed again.
Q/A section.
Q: What if you want to get the expendable 'get out of movable trap' item later?
A: You can only get it from the start. Once you start moving, you either have it, or not.
Q: Is there a limit of the amount of items used per night?
A: No.
Original document: <a href="http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2" target="_blank">http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d4c72xn_06w5gcvd2</a>
immobile items question:
When I pick this up I must use it immediately? or can I hold onto it, just can't walk around? can I drop it to move?
"D - (1, immobile) - Reveals a random player's role."
Will it only pick some one with a roll (so 'Reveals a random role'), will it effect wolves? ('Reveals a random Role/Wolf')
Define Reveal. Doe it only tell you? or does it tell everyone?
3 actions? can I Search, move, search?
Can I move diagonally?
How many wolf powers do the wolves get.
ATM, I am leaning to Theslan. I like the idea of a 20 questions style mini game. I THINK the game is kinda slanted in Wolves favor, but as we have seen, we need that <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
I am with holding a vote though.
Also, if some random new person shows up saying I vouch for them. I do <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
immobile items question:
When I pick this up I must use it immediately? or can I hold onto it, just can't walk around? can I drop it to move?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That's MY game! D<
You don't have to use it immediately, and you "hold onto it" as long as you're in the room, but you have to leave it behind (not an action) if you choose a leave.)
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"D - (1, immobile) - Reveals a random player's role."
Will it only pick some one with a roll (so 'Reveals a random role'), will it effect wolves? ('Reveals a random Role/Wolf')
Define Reveal. Doe it only tell you? or does it tell everyone?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Bah, I hate my choice of words sometimes, really. It's a seer effect, like the goggles from XVII, you just don't get to target it.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->3 actions? can I Search, move, search?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I suppose you could, if you knew there was an item in the hallway (you need two actions to move between rooms in the same sector), but you'd have lowest priority on both searches (due to not having any actions left afterwards).
Also, since E_Lost pointed this out: I have images for when people get items. <b>Even though the text says you "recognize the item", that means you get the item in question, if I send you that image. I'll even confirm it with text in the PM if you still don't like that. Okay?</b>
Also, while I wait for E_Lost to add it into the post, here's the map: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yo3l46" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yo3l46</a>
Can I move diagonally?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--quoteo(post=1670942:date=Feb 19 2008, 04:34 AM:name=Thansal)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Thansal @ Feb 19 2008, 04:34 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1670942"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->How many wolf powers do the wolves get.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Currently 1.
For the "quadrants" referred to in item scan, I'm assuming this always affects a 3x3 square including a corner of the map?
When someone guesses the combination, what will be revealed? Just that someone found it, or who found it, or what item they picked?
I don't really like the part about room searches being first come, first served, but I know that mechanically it has to work that way. Mostly the fact that I won't ever be around when the day ends, if it ends at any sane time.
Something that seems to be fairly common in these games is to put in a bunch of items that help you find other items. In Theslan's game, only Investigator and Seer's Curse seem to actually affect the game directly, while everything else just helps in getting the third game-affecting item. In EMP Demon's game, A, B, D, F, G, and K affect the game directly, while everything else is there to find/affect items. In EMP Demon's game, there are enough meaningful items to keep the minigame exciting. In Theslan's game, I would probably stand still and ask questions, or I suppose I could move around and try to get items, but most of them don't seem like they actually have much effect on the game. Short of being a wolf or part of the seer network, even asking questions seems like a wasted effort.
I think I just talked myself into voting for <b>EMP Demon's</b> game.
For the "quadrants" referred to in item scan, I'm assuming this always affects a 3x3 square including a corner of the map?
When someone guesses the combination, what will be revealed? Just that someone found it, or who found it, or what item they picked?
I don't really like the part about room searches being first come, first served, but I know that mechanically it has to work that way. Mostly the fact that I won't ever be around when the day ends, if it ends at any sane time.
Something that seems to be fairly common in these games is to put in a bunch of items that help you find other items. In Theslan's game, only Investigator and Seer's Curse seem to actually affect the game directly, while everything else just helps in getting the third game-affecting item. In EMP Demon's game, A, B, D, F, G, and K affect the game directly, while everything else is there to find/affect items. In EMP Demon's game, there are enough meaningful items to keep the minigame exciting. In Theslan's game, I would probably stand still and ask questions, or I suppose I could move around and try to get items, but most of them don't seem like they actually have much effect on the game. Short of being a wolf or part of the seer network, even asking questions seems like a wasted effort.
I think I just talked myself into voting for <b>EMP Demon's</b> game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I can answer the first question about Thensal's game.
You are only allowed to ask yes/no questions about the combination.
You can not ask:
Did player x guess this?
Does player x have this?
Is player x a wolf?
A question for Theslan myself:
Is there an upper limit to how complex the yes/no question can be?
For example witch of these is ok?
Is digit 1 A prime?
Does letter 2 appear in the upper half of the alphabet?
Is the letter( slot 2 ) in your name?
If you where to take the sqaure root of digit 1, is it rational?
Is slot 1 < slot 2?
Is there an upper limit to how complex the yes/no question can be?
For example witch of these is ok?
Is digit 1 A prime?
Does letter 2 appear in the upper half of the alphabet?
Is the letter( slot 2 ) in your name?
If you where to take the sqaure root of digit 1, is it rational?
Is slot 1 < slot 2?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If I can answer the question in yes/no format under 1 minute, then it's valid.
I don't really care what game is play next, I like them both equally.
Therefore I tie the votes with <b>Theslan</b>
im_lost want better reasoning.
I like EMP's map and items.
But I like Theslan's mini game more( the whole guess yes no ).
I don't like the moving traps.
But I really like the whole 3 action points thing.
I will simply vote for the front runner, whomever it is.
EMPDemon ( 4) - im_lost, Eternaly_Lost, TheFeniX, Thansal
Theslan ( 1 ) - Xentor
Theslan #2 ( 1 ) - locallyunscene
I really don't care who wins, and thus I would like the tally to reflect that
EMPDemon ( 3 ) - im_lost, Eternaly_Lost, TheFeniX
Theslan ( 1 ) - Xentor
Theslan #2 ( 1 ) - locallyunscene
In that case, our next host will be <!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro--><b>EMPDemon</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
Anyway, the next signup thread (open now!) is here: <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=103852" target="_blank">TWG XVIII Signups</a>.