New life form



  • yodayoda Join Date: 2003-11-27 Member: 23619Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->this still needs a good hard long think<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I think he did have a good long hard think, and then some when he <b>came</b> up with this idea?
  • ZONKZONK Join Date: 2003-10-20 Member: 21795Members
    I'm sorry but I agree with the posts in the beginning. The game has a good amount of alien types compared to the marines. If anything discussion on medic, assault, scientist or something classes for marines. We don't want this to turn into a Team Fortress, however since we have 5 types of aliens, which is enough, maybe should have more types of marines, but not anymore then 4 or 5.
  • DominingDomining Join Date: 2007-09-27 Member: 62452Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1653890:date=Oct 3 2007, 08:26 PM:name=yoda)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(yoda @ Oct 3 2007, 08:26 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1653890"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I think he did have a good long hard think, and then some when he <b>came</b> up with this idea?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I heard that there won't be hives in NS2 so then I was like - aliens spawn how? Eggs duh. (Charlie said that eggs will probably be in as well) How do aliens get eggs? Gorges build them? Why do gorges have to do all of the building on the alien team, and why do the builders have to be a defensive class?

    Anyway, in the what, 6 years!? I've been playing this game, I've always wondered why this game is so slow paced, you have to walk around for 3 minutes to find an alien to kill. Most good players found the solution to that problem, they just walk in the hive and find ample aliens to kill inside of it. And then bad pubbers complain about spawn camping, yadda yadda yadda.

  • NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
    we need a giant spider, but hey i am all for a wyum, just not a gas prapled flying one, there really is no room if you want it big enough to lay eggs.
  • HisaoHisao Join Date: 2006-12-31 Member: 59349Members, Constellation
    edited October 2007
    no we need a tortoise thing with wheels that rides the monorail lines with gorges on its back.

    <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />

    Jk, please dont kill me.
  • XainXain Join Date: 2007-09-13 Member: 62281Members
    edited October 2007
    your idea is pretty rough but I like it, and instead of making it fly make it a worm that (giving it defensive purpose) can only survive on the infestation. The ability to make an egg is pretty cool and the ability to teleport it wouldn't overbalance aliens (aka FREAKIN PHASE GATE) this form wouldn't have any major attacks yet instead of being just a worm make it spiked and every time a marine hits it spikes shoot at the marine (kinda like an OC but triggered when attacked) the egg ability would be cool too, but instead make the egg start deflated or empty and instead of limiting to 1 you can create as many as you want but at the cost of 15 res a pop, the egg will serve as a spawn booster (aka 10000 MILLION IPS, yes Ive seen it, it freakin rocks socks basically insta spawn) each egg reducing spawn time of the first alien that comes respawnable. it could also (if implemented flamethrowers or weapons to destroy the infestation) barf on the infestation to heal it.
  • AngeluszAngelusz Harmonic entropist Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18072Members, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1653980:date=Oct 4 2007, 07:51 AM:name=Domining)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Domining @ Oct 4 2007, 07:51 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1653980"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I heard that there won't be hives in NS2 so then I was like - aliens spawn how? Eggs duh. (Charlie said that eggs will probably be in as well) How do aliens get eggs? Gorges build them? Why do gorges have to do all of the building on the alien team, and why do the builders have to be a defensive class?

    Anyway, in the what, 6 years!? I've been playing this game, I've always wondered why this game is so slow paced, you have to walk around for 3 minutes to find an alien to kill. Most good players found the solution to that problem, they just walk in the hive and find ample aliens to kill inside of it. And then bad pubbers complain about spawn camping, yadda yadda yadda.

    MOAR ATMOSPHERE PLX!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Well, at least it's good to see that you have the ability to produce a half-decent post. Your idea in general has it's merits. It would be nice to have another alien life form sort-of taking the role of the previous hive. The shape of the being, as well as the abilities however, do still need some work. Thing is, I wouldn't like to see this lifeform flying around, would be too mobile. (Spawning in vents etc. wouldn't be a good thing from my point of view) Also, you claim to have played this game for 6 years. First of all, it was released in october 2002. That is now 5 years ago. Secondly, if you have played near as much, you will know that how fast-paced the game is depends on several factors, not only the hive. Besides, you've got combat for fast-paced now, go knock yourself out.

    <!--quoteo(post=1654114:date=Oct 4 2007, 04:23 PM:name=Xain)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Xain @ Oct 4 2007, 04:23 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1654114"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->your idea is pretty rough but I like it, and instead of making it fly make it a worm that (giving it defensive purpose) can only survive on the infestation. The ability to make an egg is pretty cool and the ability to teleport it wouldn't overbalance aliens (aka FREAKIN PHASE GATE) this form wouldn't have any major attacks yet instead of being just a worm make it spiked and every time a marine hits it spikes shoot at the marine (kinda like an OC but triggered when attacked) the egg ability would be cool too, but instead make the egg start deflated or empty and instead of limiting to 1 you can create as many as you want but at the cost of 15 res a pop, the egg will serve as a spawn booster (aka 10000 MILLION IPS, yes Ive seen it, it freakin rocks socks basically insta spawn) each egg reducing spawn time of the first alien that comes respawnable. it could also (if implemented flamethrowers or weapons to destroy the infestation) barf on the infestation to heal it.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    This post is a good nudge in the right direction for the initial idea in my opinion. However, don't give it the teleport ability. The aliens can move around easily enough. The aliens simply don't <b>need</b> it. If the worm's attacks would be passive, I can imagine it'd be a pain to play, since you'd lose a great part of control over your lifeform, degrading the gaming experience. Having it lay eggs and spread infestation sounds good. Then again; don't forget the gorge in all this; wouldn't two construction classes take up too many of the team's slots?
  • DominingDomining Join Date: 2007-09-27 Member: 62452Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1654115:date=Oct 4 2007, 05:49 PM:name=Angelusz)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Angelusz @ Oct 4 2007, 05:49 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1654115"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Well, at least it's good to see that you have the ability to produce a half-decent post.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->It would be nice to have another alien life form sort-of taking the role of the previous hive. The shape of the being, as well as the abilities however, do still need some work.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I agree with both statements.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Thing is, I wouldn't like to see this lifeform flying around, would be too mobile. (Spawning in vents etc. wouldn't be a good thing from my point of view)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Actually, aliens were always meant to be mobile. There are 2 exceptions to this in NS, the first one is a gorge, which I agree fills the role of the defensive class fine, then there's the onos. The onos needs to be removed, it doesn't belong in this game ATM. Maybe I'm wrong and we'll see a use for it when NS2 comes around. What I also don't like is how the builder class is always meant to be defensive, what gives?

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Also, you claim to have played this game for 6 years. First of all, it was released in october 2002. That is now 5 years ago.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Sec, let me go grab my calendar.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Secondly, if you have played near as much, you will know that how fast-paced the game is depends on several factors, not only the hive. Besides, you've got combat for fast-paced now, go knock yourself out.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Of course I do. Movement speed, speed of building, rt hitpoints, mobility provided by buildings all add to it. What I said was that aliens weren't always near marines, meaning that marines would generally see 2 battles. One on their way to the resource tower and one while they are shooting it. A good break in between.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->This post is a good nudge in the right direction for the initial idea in my opinion. However, don't give it the teleport ability. The aliens can move around easily enough. The aliens simply don't <b>need</b> it.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I don't know about you, but I'd love to see a lot more action in NS2. And running around the map for 30secs at a time isn't my idea of action.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->If the worm's attacks would be passive, I can imagine it'd be a pain to play, since you'd lose a great part of control over your lifeform, degrading the gaming experience.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Well you'd have to accelerate and point your mouse at the marine, ram him and then snap 180degrees and hit slot#2 and fly away before you're shotgunned by the guy you just hit or his buddies.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Having it lay eggs and spread infestation sounds good. Then again; don't forget the gorge in all this; wouldn't two construction classes take up too many of the team's slots?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Nobody really stays gorge throughout the whole game - or even a significant portion of it. (hive gorge stays gorge the longest, I'm hoping this will be fixed in NS2) And this is also exactly why I'd like an offensive builder class. I'd like it because it doesn't take the offensive slot off of the team.

    I'd also like NS2 competitive to be geared towards 8-8/9-9. Not more and not less. If its more, it'd be too hard to get all of those people on at the same time and if its less, pubbers will complain about one of the sides being unbalanced.
  • killkrazykillkrazy Join Date: 2007-09-10 Member: 62238Members
    You talk like if you aren't shooting something the game is stale...
    This is an RTS/FPS... the game is about strategising a win, not just shooting your way to victory, having breaks in action serve to make the action more intense and valued when it happens ("Distance makes the heart grow fonder").

    Think of it this way: Action movies have 70% of the film without action... omg, write to hollywood!!!!!. or, have a ponder why. It's because not having action makes you long for it, and when it comes you are pleased. if you do not long for the action, it does not please when it arrives.

    If the game was constant action... all flying penises all of the time... then it'd get boring SO FAST... which is the reason I quit playing NS1 (co_)
    You act like making the game more atmospheric (to raise entertainment in low-action periods) is a bad thing, and that adding giant flying phallus creatures will take away the low-action periods removing the need for atmosphere / entertainment.

    "All action all of the time" belongs in games such as UT, Quake, Deathmatch Games (hl, wolfenstein, painkiller, doom etc) not in a RTS Hybrid where the down-time is just as important and thrilling as the pewpewing (wow terms since you strike me as an avid wow player.)
  • XainXain Join Date: 2007-09-13 Member: 62281Members
    I hope UW implaments my 2nd tier evolution =( maybe the gorge can evolve into this hive like creature. btw if we dont have a hive or a life form that acts as the hive. . . where the hell do baby aliens come from?
  • invader Ziminvader Zim Join Date: 2007-09-20 Member: 62376Members
    edited October 2007
    The stork brings them, the eggs are rapped up in a white sheet and he flys them in

    theres been alot of sarcy discussion on this thread. And i recon there is room for some inuendo and sarcasm in the game. But only a very small amount cos otherwise it'l kill the atmosphere. E.g if the onos could vommit or ecreate on marines that wud be kinda funny, but not too rash.

    A mechaniod or synthetic type of alternative rine mention earlier is a cool idea but it wud hav to be clearly defined in its role. Maybe it could interface with the computers around it and have more detailed contact with the comm. It has been mentioned on some other threads that the comm shud be able to get first peron views from marines or only be able to hear stuff nearby them. If a more mechaniod marine was included it could be more related to the comm. As in the comm could see its first person view, and give it info about other parts of the map, use it as a mobile obs, or teleport it round the map. Some of these ideas may seem a bit far fetched but i think theres scope for another class of rine
  • NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
    The flame thrower is already another class for marines, depending which slot item it is. It could mean twice as many classes or at least mixtures of weapons armor and upgrades.

    But a Robo cop would be kinda cool, its a mini obst, can be killed by bile, it has 1 hp and 300 armor, cant be hurt by lerk spore, can only be parasited for a short window of time, can be beconed for free or some such, in which case you really just opened up about another 6 classes for marines, but me personally I have always thought rines need a female ninja nurse/ medic class, I mean the gorge was clearly made to appeal to the ladies, give the guys something to oggle over, we have been dedicated fans for long enough, its about time we got our less imagination is better woman for NS.

    I would like to see 2-3 more Kharaa life forms / evolutions, but they really need roles, I personally think some think more attack between sulk and fade, maybe a class right after sulk, smaller tiny, but ultra deadly. and i think a class or two some were down the tree and one near the start that has heaps of emphasis on ambushing, like a snare or trap like class, slow to move across the board and choke points, but strong enough to hold a choke from a few marines, unless they call for back up, and coordinate.
    I support these evolutions because, from a weakly free sulk its 10 - 30 res for a pair of support classes, if you want to attack and do damage, its a 50 res investment, and if you die... game over. that and ambushing right now isn't viable, unless its competitive, or a few good mates, every one wants to bunny hope at the targets and be cannon fodder. in which case the crap marines get eaten, and the skilled marines own. something that is forced to pull up shop and guard area's is needed, something that is a power house that when other sulks see it set up they know hey if we hold up here we are going to do some major damage, then ill have that extra 8 res for fade in no time, something that is slow to move and has a venerable set up time. *like a trebuchate from AOE.

    From nature there are several hundreds of species that have survived for millions of years some up to 350 million years by setting up shop a base of operations and waiting to ambush and strike. Thats some of our most prehistoric species still around today, evolution at its finest, have gone through there lives by making a living off ambushing, Trap door spiders, scorpions, most arachnids, Amazonian ants, ambush bugs
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    some sharks, carpet sharks
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Eastern Dobsonflies as larva, Hellgrammites
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    tiger, cheetah, eel, snake, lizards, kumodo dragon, frogs, birds, jelly, fish, eel, crab, cray, penguin,sea horse, butter fly, sea slugs and plants such as the Venus fly trap. actually theres a lot more than i care to list literally it would take me hours.

    allot of them use camouflage, sounds/audibles, mimicking, hypnotism, snare's, traps, false scents and some even use them selves as bait.

    Back on topic.

    I just think that damage dealing evolutions need to be smoothed out a bit more, and i think there needs to be a separate other evolution or two based Sollie on ambushing.

    Honestly I don't think marines would like it if they had to spend 40 res, to upgrade armory to utilities armory which unlocks grenades mines welders, cat packs, for the first two minutes of the game, so support items/weapons. Before having to spend a additional 3 minutes upgrading to advanced armory to get shotguns and so on. Why are kharaa limited to support classes for the first 4 minutes of the game. when people hardly go those classes, as they are all saving for fade.
  • kyliegirlkyliegirl Gorge Master Australia Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10586Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited October 2007
    I would love to see new aliens..

    actually i would like to see the current aliens evolve for ns2.. to show they are improving to adapt to the marines new technology.

    i would like to see this fellow in the game.. hes a chakra

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    i designed him in 2006.. generally its a blind type alien with one mouth with 4 jaws, he hunts by sonar instead of sight.
    Although its blind its very responsive to movement and has a significant amount of damage it can give, it even devours marines.
    the tentacles from its mouth can temporarily paralyze its prey. it is an extremely quick creature, and can chase down a jetpacker at ease.

    the downfall of this creature is it has less armour than the onos (or it could take the onoses role to replace the cowy model). While bullets may hurt this creature alot, it has fireproof skin, making it a good asset to the team if the marines have a group of flamethrowers attacking the hive.

    it can more or less be considered the hive defender, as its largest role is to prevent anything coming near the hive. It can however be a great damage output for ambush attacks. Making it an upgrade from the skulk later in the game to survive the heavy machine guns and grenade launchers.
  • efektzefektz Join Date: 2003-11-28 Member: 23665Members, Constellation
    edited October 2007
    awesome design!

    I think it needs moar veins (bulkier like its on crack) and have the original onos color, (red/yellow/greenish) and or thicker spikes. I originally thought this was a gorg but I saw the scale.

    Your design gives me an idea for a dragon design for lerk. Red gas (like flames).
  • Wyattx3Wyattx3 Join Date: 2003-07-23 Member: 18386Members
    I've Always liked that alien concept, and If there is a chance at a new alien, it would be nice if it was a fade - Onos level alien. More diversity near end game is always nice and refreshing.
  • efektzefektz Join Date: 2003-11-28 Member: 23665Members, Constellation
    map dev's need more secret rooms!
  • dragonsowldragonsowl Join Date: 2007-10-08 Member: 62578Members
    Personally, i like any idea of adding extra races, to add more spice to the game.
    Beyond the ranting of the to forum titans here, they both offered ideas for extra races.
    It would be great if both were incorporated.

    What if they had a slightly more advanced evolutionary tree.

    Instead of going straight up in a liner evolutionary pattern, what if it branched out.

    Instead of having gorge's and this flying pipe being equal or such
    what if you had to be a gorge before evolving into the flying pipe. The gorge branch overall would have its own weaknesses, and strengths, (such as low hit points and vulnerable, but helpful for healing or transportation or building) meant for building and support.

    Likewise, the skulk branch would be for scouting, and light infantry

    And the others would be able to be there own branch for heavy infantry as it is now.

    A major point for this would be as you go up the branches, you would become a more specialized race. Such as, as one would go up the skulk line, it would become more and more specialized toward scouting, loosing fighting abilities, for the abilities to locate enemy forces and point them out to allies.

    Likewise, as one would go up the gorge tree, they would become better support, but mabey loose all abilities of combat (mabey putting gorge on the top of the tree, instead of bottom for heavy healing, teleportation, and building)
    The first gorge tree organism, could mabey preform basic buildings and help with infestation, then as they do better, they could become the worm, allowing better support, (addition of teleportaion) and finally they would become gorge, allowing full building potential, teleportaion, and massive healing (where as the earlier version could only heal a little)

    Of course the early gorge stage would be able to attack better than the latter 2, but wouldn't be as effective at anything else, besides building mabey deffense turrets, and offensive turrets (it could build hive of course, but slower than reg/supper gorge)

    These would actually be the class that the marines would want to take down first, considering the teleportation ability.

    The skulk/ scout group may have a moderate attack in the beginning, and have it actually increase slightly considering that it would be on the front lines. As it would go up its tree, it may get the ability to "smell" the enemy while moving, or invisible, or even while attacking. It would also have a stronger parasite, or something where a marine would need a health pack in order to cure. Or make it so that with the latter versions, anytime this tree touched a marine, it would instantly have a parasite (with the second stage) or the stronger parasight with the third.
    THis entire tree would be more agile, have better sensors, but have problems taking down targets solo.

    this tree's final stage may have the ability to carry the other trees to increase there speed (as in the gorge tree)

    The final tree would be the own that would contain the solders, mabey the first one on the tree would have the power of a skulk focus bite, but be slower, with more armor, but make more noise. Then it would continue up the tree to lurk/ fade then ownose.

    These guys may need the support people to get places fast, where the support people would move faster with the help of the scout classes. The scout and the support would need the heavies for protection and making assaults work. The support would be needed for healing, scouts for information, and heavies for attack and defense.

    I know that this hole idea has many holes, you can point them out if you would like, but u have to admit, it would spice up the aliens a bit. It would mean a bit more work though, coming up with attacks and stats for all these. It would mabey mess up balancing a little. Making aliens dependent on eachother? wierd! lol
    but the mariens would also need stronger wepons to take out the heavies, and longer tech trees, so countering the scounts won't be as easy for com. Mabey make the scout classes able to blink off radar permenitly, or make the support aliens able to do it to areas for short amounts of time?

    Personally, if the crew wouldn't mind doing this, i think it would add a huge dinamic to the alien playing field. But thats just my opinion...

    Please leave comments, i will also be adding this to a new topic, so if you read it here don't read it again <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />

    FOR NS2!!!!!
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