Anyone else think this would be hilarious?

RedDragonGeckoRedDragonGecko Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10564Members
<div class="IPBDescription">using my own voice to make a sound pack</div>I was thinking for reloading the HMG something along the lines of "I'm reloading, I hope there aren't any aliens around" said nice and loud.

Then of course the regular guns such as the knife "slice slice", pistol "pop", sub machine gun "rat-a-tat-tat", grenade "click, woosh, BOOM", and even the walking sounds of "squish" or "clank" depending on the surface. Building stuff would play "ok, so I insert tab A into slot B... wait, what slot b... who wrote these instructions in German?!?"

Well, you get the idea.


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