A New Mustang...NS 1.04 and NS2

VigisVigis Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60225Members
edited July 2007 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Mix the old and the new to achieve a great game.</div>Alright who here has played NS since 1.04? I know that their are a few of you out there. Remeber the days when the aliens had lost all of their hives? And the last gorge put up another one. Then the aliens came back and won the game against heavies and jps (it was not because the aliens were better, but that they were able to function as a team while marines were hardly able to at that point). Do you remember those days? I do. I love those games that take high doses of team cooperation in order to get anywhere. I believe NS 3.2 has lost some of that team cooperation and I hope it does not pass that torch down to NS2. I want NS2 to be the best ever. What I am saying is that some elements of NS 1.04 should be applied to NS2 or at least new elements are applied that achieve the same results. Such as and average game of 40 minutes. Now anyone can go on a 3.2 game and predict who the winning team is after the first 5 minutes. That happens far too much. It is an epidemic. All that the marines need now to win anything is a Rambo and a General Eisenhower (very good comm) and the rest of the team could be cannonfodder. It has gotten to where one Rambo rine rushes the hive along witha few others in the very beginging and makes the aliens lose because they can't get out of the hive. If I remember correctly aliens were much faster in 1.04. I think it would be great if they were given more speed. If they were faster it would decrese the chances of marines being cheesey and torturing us when we are aliens in these cases.

Also, the 3 hive and life forms system. With only 1 hive you can only be a lerk, gorge or skulk. With 2 hives you could be a fade, and with 3 hives you could be an onos. This was no doubt a great system. A little harsh I have to say, but it would be nice if some kind of system was imposed upon the aliens besides just the 3 hives and 3 chambers system. It would force the aliens to work more as a team.

I also think that the gorges should get the resource bonus again. Along with that lerks should be stronger. They have been made far too week. It only take two lmg's to take it down in just a second or two. Give them more armour or hp. Give them the spikes back as well. That would be nice. The fades and the onoses are fine as far as I am concerned.

Now for the marines. I think gorges and skulks should be able to use their pg (phase gate) again, maybe not onoses and fades, but those two life forms should. That made the game much more interesting. It handed the marines a double-edged sword. Other than that I can not find anything wrong with the marines. I believe they pretty much have been perfected.

Well there you have it. It is a new mustang. It is new. It has that new flavor, but it has that 60's flavor as well. NS2 should be the same in my opinion. Give us the long and good games back, yet new, exciting, and unpredicatble. Hey maybe that will give these rage quitters some hope of winning when times are bad and they won't rage quit. Anyone else want to say something or add something?

God speed.



  • VigisVigis Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60225Members
    edited July 2007
    Oh yeah I have another idea. Marines should be given smoke grenades. That would be awsome. Of course neither team would be able to see each other, but hey it would have its uses.

    Another thing I would like to add is that the marine's lmg should be given the use of its scope. I know it would be rare for them to even use it, but their are times when it could be useful. I mean why give marines an lmg scope when you can't even use it? I know i said earlier that marines are pretty much perfected, but hey ideas do come to me. What do you think?

    God bless.

  • kingmobkingmob Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3650Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1638374:date=Jul 11 2007, 03:52 AM:name=Vigis)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Vigis @ Jul 11 2007, 03:52 AM) [snapback]1638374[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
    ...I think gorges and skulks should be able to use the pg again, maybe not onoses and fades, ....

    What the hell is pg?
    Is it the teleporter...if so I would suggest the following.
    ALL aliens can use it.
    The commander has the option of disabling it (ONLINE/OFFLINE) if it becomes a problem.
    ...limit the power of this online offline ability by a timer...
    You get both the 'oh no they are coming into the base' factor
    yet the commander has some sort of recourse.

    Good post. Clarified what people loved about NS. The ebb and flow.
    The last minute saves.

    The unpredictability.
  • VigisVigis Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60225Members
    edited July 2007
    Yeah I meant phase gate. I just edited it. I do not know if they would allow all of the aliens to use it though. People may scream, "unfair!", but hey who said life was fair? I think it would be great to have the onos and the fades and the lerks able to use the phase gate. NS has become trench warfare basically when their are any good games. It grinds to a halt at one or two points on a map. Enableing the alien use of the phase gate would decrease this a lot and make the game much more interesting. I also think it to be a great idea to give the comm the ability to disable the phase gates, but I think that should be limited to the base phase gate. I may change my mind on that part, but I am kind of cautious of what disableing and enabling phase gates would invite. It may only result in the trench warfare again. Trench warfare is nice, but only in moderation. BTW, thank you for your comments on my post.

    God speed.

  • kingmobkingmob Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3650Members, Constellation
    Dude just put the disabling enabling on a timer.

    Lets be ridiculous and say its a 5 min timer.
    IF the com decides to disable it...and the marines manage to reestablish their point.

    the marines would be screaming at the com for it to be enabled
    and he would see 'helptext' or a timer animation indicating it was disabled.

    thus making it a powerful feature and limiting its use to emergency situations.
  • VigisVigis Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60225Members
    edited July 2007
    <!--quoteo(post=1638431:date=Jul 11 2007, 03:54 PM:name=kingmob)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kingmob @ Jul 11 2007, 03:54 PM) [snapback]1638431[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
    Dude just put the disabling enabling on a timer.

    Lets be ridiculous and say its a 5 min timer.
    IF the com decides to disable it...and the marines manage to reestablish their point.

    the marines would be screaming at the com for it to be enabled
    and he would see 'helptext' or a timer animation indicating it was disabled.

    thus making it a powerful feature and limiting its use to emergency situations.

    Wait let me make sure of what you are saying. You are saying that the comm can only disable the phasegate for a set time and only disable it again after being enabled after a set amount of time. After being disabled it can not be enabled until the timer goes out. If that is what you are saying then that would be great. As long as the timer is set to a reasonable amount of time. That would be no more than 30 seconds in my opinion. I would probably settle for 15 or 20 seconds. Then their should be a 10-30 second timer before it can be disabled again.

    Also, anyone have any comments about my smoke grenades or my lmg scope?

    God speed.

  • VigisVigis Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60225Members
    edited July 2007
    I think that the marine grenade launcher should be weakend a bit as well; not too much, but only a small amount. With the dc's (defense chambers) being changed around in their capabilities to where they heal one one at a time I think it to be only fair and balanced for the grenade launcher to be reduced a little in power. Also, something needs to be done about the grenade launcher in CO. It is way too powerful, and I find it cheesey that it is used when the aliens can not even build structures. It needs to be weakened a lot in my opinion for CO (combat) maps; that is if CO is even in NS2. I have mixed feelings on that one.

    God speed.

  • kingmobkingmob Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3650Members, Constellation
    yup you understood me.

    on your scope idea...it sounds pretty cool.
    It could be an addition to the tech tree.
    it might also eliminate the pistol...which would mean you started with LMG and knife.
    maybe go the other way and scope the pistol? make it the long range you start with.

    would make starting weapons closer to halo's lmg = mid-range spray, pistol = long range (scope optional)

    on the phase gate...i had a couple other ideas
    Automatically name the phase gate.
    based on map entities which label rooms/locations.
    this will help communications.

    A Menu showing all available phase gates when i step up to one.
    I don't want to hop the phase gate train to miss my stop
    ...or findout the one i want to go to is gone.
    IF the one i am jumping to is not in the list...i ask ..someone tells me we lost it

    Remove teleporting from the aliens tech tree.
    Just let them pick the hive they want to spawn at.
  • DrfuzzyDrfuzzy FEW... MORE.... INCHES... Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21094Members

    but i will agree that marines run too slow. I'm a fan of old school gloom and the marines run as fast as the aliens unelss the aliens jump, makes it much more fun since you can actually avoid what is attacking you
  • VigisVigis Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60225Members
    The phase gate option idea is a good one. I hate going through 5 phase gates to finally get to the one I want. I do not think that the aliens should have their teleporting ablility taken away, but the idea of the aliens getting the choice to pick at which hive they spawn at is a great idea. It would give the aliens another way to work together as a team and plan great strategies. It will also help prevent spawn camping in some cases. This idea should really be considered.

    Now as for the marines being able to run faster, I think their current speed as all right. It would not hurt though to make them a bit faster, but not as fast as a skulk or onos.

    If their is ever a new version of NS1 before NS2 then I hope these ideas are taken into consideration. Maybe I should post some of these suggestions in the NS1 section. What do you think?

    God speed.

  • kingmobkingmob Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3650Members, Constellation
    no keep them focused on NS2.
  • MasterPTGMasterPTG Join Date: 2006-11-30 Member: 58780Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1638438:date=Jul 11 2007, 04:56 PM:name=Drfuzzy)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Drfuzzy @ Jul 11 2007, 04:56 PM) [snapback]1638438[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
    but i will agree that marines run too slow.

    I concur.

    But i think the aliens should be sped up a bit to compensate. The marines' running speed is just...slow. I played TFC for 3-4 years and...it's a lot faster game even compared to the aliens (except for the celerity lerk and fade). The faster the better so long as it's not ridiculous or unbalanced.

    Maybe make the marines jog as the default, or at least as an option. As a side effect, this would allow NS2 maps to be larger, but that may be a negative. At the minimum though, it would speed up gameplay a bit and probably make it a bit more bareable to watch (faster paced games are normally more fun to watch :x).
  • JohnieJohnie Join Date: 2006-10-09 Member: 58062Members
    The aliens are supposed to be the ones with an advantage in speed....
  • the_x5the_x5 the Xzianthian Join Date: 2004-03-02 Member: 27041Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1638622:date=Jul 12 2007, 01:45 PM:name=Johnie)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Johnie @ Jul 12 2007, 01:45 PM) [snapback]1638622[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The aliens are supposed to be the ones with an advantage in speed....

    Indeed. Melee, agile, and mobile units -versus- Ranged, squad grouped units. The Kharaa attack classes and their upgrades should be all about closing the distance, TSA marines are all about killing the attacker before it closes in on you.

    That's one of those interesting dynamics of NS and why certain plugin upgrades *cough* cybernetics *cough* should be alien upgrades instead.
  • korzeckorzec Join Date: 2006-11-12 Member: 58553Members
    personally i think the action is a bit too fast in ns for me to play effectively ;d, my brain is a bit too slow for that ;d, well i enjoy ns anyway as i dont care much for my score ;d , i often focus on building and some strategy o.o

    for me everything could be a bit slowed down
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