Non-WASD key layouts
Honourary Euro Join Date: 2005-01-06 Member: 32966Members, NS1 Playtester

<div class="IPBDescription">Just wondering</div>Hey guys,
Even though I played competitive NS for years I was never able to make the switch from wasd to esdf or some other layout. I tried esdf for like three days and got frustrated with how stupidly slow my reaction time was (not that it's not already stupidly slow).
So I'm just wondering, has anyone managed to make the switch from wasd to esdf successfully? Did you do anything in particular to help yourself get used to it or did you just grind through it? I ask because I've been playing NS and a little DoD:S lately and since I'm not playing matches anymore I figure it's a good time to switch things around.
Even though I played competitive NS for years I was never able to make the switch from wasd to esdf or some other layout. I tried esdf for like three days and got frustrated with how stupidly slow my reaction time was (not that it's not already stupidly slow).
So I'm just wondering, has anyone managed to make the switch from wasd to esdf successfully? Did you do anything in particular to help yourself get used to it or did you just grind through it? I ask because I've been playing NS and a little DoD:S lately and since I'm not playing matches anymore I figure it's a good time to switch things around.
Anyway, I don't intend for this thread to be about whether esdf is a better choice than wasd, I'm interested in actually using it. I'm still working on converting my config to the new binds (which is annoying). And anyway that advice came from the player who I am positive still holds the world record for the fastest lerk death in a competitive match (and separately in a pcw!), so maybe I shouldn't bother?
What's hard to get used to? Put your fingers on wasd, move your hand one key to the right, close your eyes and pretend you're back where you started. Yes/No?
noes! it's the pinky that feels awkward with esdf. you'll have to even more right. rdfg is the way to go
just give it a week and dont play any officials in the mean time :>
I think as long as your going to the trouble of moving from wasd>esdf you might as well move over a bit more and give yourself even more room.
More topic related: Adjustment times can change a lot from person to person. I tried switching to esdf for a week, but it left me fustrated and confuddled and I eventually gave up since I simply couldn't help automatically placing my fingers on the wasd keys. Other people seem to be able to switch almost instantly without any problems. :\
I've always had my crouch on shift and +speed on capslock so there wasn't any weird feelings as my pinky laid on the same key. Also when i did switch I rebound all my slots: w r and f for slots 1-3 instead of 1-3 for slots 1-3. Other than the anti-console-kill thing the only good thing about switching to esdf is that i like the little nubbin on my f key under my index finger, never lose finger spots and it just feels normal to have it there now :>
for some reason, my keyboard/motherboard limits simultaneous key presses to just 2 with certain combinations.
e.g. i can do ctrl+w+d (crouch forwards+right), but the keyboard locks out if i try ctrl+w+a (crouch forwards+left).
CS:S pro zallvan gave me his source config- he uses ESDF and i had no problems doing those movements when crouch was x. people say i shold check my motherboard settings but i cant find anything related to key presses. weird.
I've only met a single person outside of my family that is right handed and uses the mouse left handed. This is most of the reason I use the arrow keys.
i'd be scared if you used z.
Scared me a moment... I may have to try esdf once <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
<b>A</b> = Strafe Left <b>S</b> = Backwards <b>D</b> = Forward <b>F</b> = Strafe Right
Takes a few hrs to get used to, but once you figure it out its a lot faster as you have a finger above each key at all times, rather using one finger to do back/forward for WASD type layouts
I'm using ASDF
<b>A</b> = Strafe Left <b>S</b> = Backwards <b>D</b> = Forward <b>F</b> = Strafe Right
Takes a few hrs to get used to, but once you figure it out its a lot faster as you have a finger above each key at all times, rather using one finger to do back/forward for WASD type layouts
Heh, I know Mustang used that... Does it actually help at all?
When I first moved from arrow keys, I tried using WASD for a little while but just couldn't get used to it. I decided to move to ESDF since I would have some more keys available. Works just fine as I use A for crouch and Mouse2 for jump. Only thing I don't like about my key set-up is the fact that I use LALT as my ventrilo talk key. My thumb aches after a while.
Heh, I know Mustang used that... Does it actually help at all?
YES. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
I use fghj (leftsstrafe forw backw rightstrafe)
also I got U for use, space for jump, M for duck, C for voice, y and t for chats, k for walking, d for flashlight, r for reload.
It does help, the only reason I never hit uberspeed on hop is cause I suck. the layout is great. I learned it when I first played HL1 (now thats long ago huh) and always used it. Its far from stressfull for the fingers, easy to find due to the f and j keys having marks, it heas easy access on all keys surrounding it. If I want to jump, crawl, use or w/e I can 'sacrifice' the strafe fingers. Movement always stays on top.
For blind typing you keep your fingers in 1 line aswell, so it was a logical next step.
Always thoughed I was alone in a config like this
bind "UPARROW" "+forward"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"
bind "LEFTARROW" "+moveleft"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "+moveright"
bind "ENTER" "+use"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+jump"
bind "INS" "+map"
bind "DEL" "+speed"
bind "PGDN" "impulse 100"
bind "PGUP" "impulse 80"
bind "END" "impulse 3"
bind "KP_HOME" "impulse 11"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "togglepist"
bind "KP_PGUP" "toggle"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "slot3"
bind "KP_END" "slot1"
bind "KP_INS" "+voicerecord"
bind "KP_DEL" "impulse 201"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "slot4"
bind "MWHEELUP" "slot2"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+popupmenu"
bind "MOUSE3" "+reload"
bind "MOUSE4" "slot4"
bind "MOUSE5" "slot5"
I live, breathe, and think with the arrow keys. All of the slower types of actions, like building things, are left to the letters. Everything else is on my mouse, arrow keys, Del/End/PgDn and numpad.
Same here. I even tried a n52 Speedpad, but because I couldn't get its D-Pad to handle strafing while moving forward/backward (ie: moving forward while moving to the right) and it would only do one or the other, I abandoned it.
I like my Razer Copperhead though. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
I'm using ASDF
<b>A</b> = Strafe Left <b>S</b> = Backwards <b>D</b> = Forward <b>F</b> = Strafe Right
Takes a few hrs to get used to, but once you figure it out its a lot faster as you have a finger above each key at all times, rather using one finger to do back/forward for WASD type layouts
I set that up for myself when I first got into FPS gaming (in original UT). I realized, though, that there's never a time when you're going forwards and backwards simultaneously, so you're completely wasting a finger by keeping 2 of them dedicated to forward and backward movement. One is fine, and it frees up your pinky for all those other keys.
Thanks to many years of Rainbow 6 I can never ever leave my arrow keys.
You too?
Rainbow Six has forced me in to the arrow key corner as well. I can't break from it. Really tough with games requiring many keys, but for NS and halflife, I have the perfect setup.
<img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
No major benefit of going either way, alot of good players here, some mentioned, all different types of key layouts.
Anyone else use different keys for diferent classes/roles?
You too?
Rainbow Six has forced me in to the arrow key corner as well. I can't break from it. Really tough with games requiring many keys, but for NS and halflife, I have the perfect setup.
<img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
Your keyboard layout (I mean the physical layout of the keys) disturbs me greatly.