TWG XI: Insurrection Omega
Nothing to see here. Join Date: 2005-01-28 Member: 38754Members, Constellation

<b><i><!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->It is now Night One: No Posting!<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></b></i>
<i>Legends tell of a demon ages ago, whose dark magic was only stopped by a group of heroes, each matching the demons’ magic with their own. In the end, the heroes were able to seal the vile demon <b>Rontes</b> away. Since that time, technology has replaced magic as the dominating force in the world, and all tales of <b>Rontes</b> had been forgotten...
However, the seal was not able to last forever, and a mistake by an overzealous researcher released <b>Rontes</b> once again, to attempt to take the world by force. Commanding an army of unwilling soldiers and beasts not seen in millennia, only one organized force remains to try and destroy <b>Rontes</b> once and for all…</i>
In the Quanta Militia briefing room, Captain <b>Freak83</b> was receiving his orders for the organized operation meant to bring and end to <b>Rontes</b>’ threat once and for all…
“Captain <b>Freak83</b> reporting as ordered, sir!”
“Captain, you are aware of <b>Rontes</b>’ headquarters, the old fortress six days east of here?” The general of the base stared at <b>Freak83</b> as he said this, as though gauging the Captain’s reaction.
“Of course, sir.” <i>Who hasn’t</i>, thought <b>Freak83</b>. The fortress was a natural defense, surrounded by mountains in every direction, and since <b>Rotnez</b>’ return, the fortress had been bristling with heavy weapons and fully armed soldiers. The few soldiers who returned from scouting the area also remarked about “unseen horrors”…
At this point, the general of the base passed <b>Freak83</b> a disk and a sheet of paper. “Your orders, and your crew roster. They’ve all been informed, and are ready to go at any-“
A muffled explosion cut the general’s statement short. <b>Freak83</b> decided to finish, “At any time?”
General <b>Comprox</b> motioned for <b>Freak83</b> to leave, then turned on an intercom and shouted, “Crew of the <i>Insurrection Omega</i>, report to Launch Bay Delta immediately! All other personnel, stand by to repel incoming troops!”
As <b>Freak83</b> headed for the stairwell to Launch Bay Delta, he decided to take a look at the paper <b>Comprox</b> had given him...
<i>The disk with this letter contains your orders. Be aware, though, as there may be infiltrators amongst the crew. <b>Rontes</b> may have given any of his operatives unknown abilities. However, I have included some of my finest officers within the crew, a few of which have unknown abilities of their own. Defeat the infiltrators, and complete your mission.
The best of luck to those selected for this mission. You'll need it.
<u>Crew Roster</u></i>
1. Captain <b>Freak83</b> [EST]
2. Commander <b>Eternaly_Lost</b> [EST]
3. Commander <b>im_lost</b> [PST]
4. Lieutenant <b>Xentor</b> [EST]
5. Lieutenant <b>Chakuu</b> [EST]
6. Lieutenant <b>Gwahir</b> [EST]
7. Lieutenant <b>Zor2</b> [GMT]
8. Private <b>TheMuffinMan</b> [GMT]
9. Private <b>doomchica</b> [PST]
10. Private <b>Mouse</b> [AEST/GMT+10]
11. Private <b>Isamil</b> [EST]
12. Private <b>Aldaris</b> [GMT]
13. Private <b>Thansal</b> [EST]
14. Private <b>Harrower</b> [EST]
15. Private <b>iggymatrixcounter</b> [EST]
16. Private <b>microcosm</b> [EST]
17. Private <b>wonedslackystyle</b> [EST]
18. Private <b>Ana</b> [CST]
19. Private <b>lolfighter</b> [CET/GMT+1]
A reminder to all players that the story (and the ranks I threw in) does not in any way reflect roles.
Night One will end at <b>Feb. 21st, 8:00 PM EST (5:00 PM PST)</b>
At this time, only the Seer must send me a PM.
<i>Legends tell of a demon ages ago, whose dark magic was only stopped by a group of heroes, each matching the demons’ magic with their own. In the end, the heroes were able to seal the vile demon <b>Rontes</b> away. Since that time, technology has replaced magic as the dominating force in the world, and all tales of <b>Rontes</b> had been forgotten...
However, the seal was not able to last forever, and a mistake by an overzealous researcher released <b>Rontes</b> once again, to attempt to take the world by force. Commanding an army of unwilling soldiers and beasts not seen in millennia, only one organized force remains to try and destroy <b>Rontes</b> once and for all…</i>
In the Quanta Militia briefing room, Captain <b>Freak83</b> was receiving his orders for the organized operation meant to bring and end to <b>Rontes</b>’ threat once and for all…
“Captain <b>Freak83</b> reporting as ordered, sir!”
“Captain, you are aware of <b>Rontes</b>’ headquarters, the old fortress six days east of here?” The general of the base stared at <b>Freak83</b> as he said this, as though gauging the Captain’s reaction.
“Of course, sir.” <i>Who hasn’t</i>, thought <b>Freak83</b>. The fortress was a natural defense, surrounded by mountains in every direction, and since <b>Rotnez</b>’ return, the fortress had been bristling with heavy weapons and fully armed soldiers. The few soldiers who returned from scouting the area also remarked about “unseen horrors”…
At this point, the general of the base passed <b>Freak83</b> a disk and a sheet of paper. “Your orders, and your crew roster. They’ve all been informed, and are ready to go at any-“
A muffled explosion cut the general’s statement short. <b>Freak83</b> decided to finish, “At any time?”
General <b>Comprox</b> motioned for <b>Freak83</b> to leave, then turned on an intercom and shouted, “Crew of the <i>Insurrection Omega</i>, report to Launch Bay Delta immediately! All other personnel, stand by to repel incoming troops!”
As <b>Freak83</b> headed for the stairwell to Launch Bay Delta, he decided to take a look at the paper <b>Comprox</b> had given him...
<i>The disk with this letter contains your orders. Be aware, though, as there may be infiltrators amongst the crew. <b>Rontes</b> may have given any of his operatives unknown abilities. However, I have included some of my finest officers within the crew, a few of which have unknown abilities of their own. Defeat the infiltrators, and complete your mission.
The best of luck to those selected for this mission. You'll need it.
<u>Crew Roster</u></i>
1. Captain <b>Freak83</b> [EST]
2. Commander <b>Eternaly_Lost</b> [EST]
3. Commander <b>im_lost</b> [PST]
4. Lieutenant <b>Xentor</b> [EST]
5. Lieutenant <b>Chakuu</b> [EST]
6. Lieutenant <b>Gwahir</b> [EST]
7. Lieutenant <b>Zor2</b> [GMT]
8. Private <b>TheMuffinMan</b> [GMT]
9. Private <b>doomchica</b> [PST]
10. Private <b>Mouse</b> [AEST/GMT+10]
11. Private <b>Isamil</b> [EST]
12. Private <b>Aldaris</b> [GMT]
13. Private <b>Thansal</b> [EST]
14. Private <b>Harrower</b> [EST]
15. Private <b>iggymatrixcounter</b> [EST]
16. Private <b>microcosm</b> [EST]
17. Private <b>wonedslackystyle</b> [EST]
18. Private <b>Ana</b> [CST]
19. Private <b>lolfighter</b> [CET/GMT+1]
A reminder to all players that the story (and the ranks I threw in) does not in any way reflect roles.
Night One will end at <b>Feb. 21st, 8:00 PM EST (5:00 PM PST)</b>
At this time, only the Seer must send me a PM.
<i><u>Launch Bay Delta</u></i>
From the outside, the <i>Insurrection Omega</i> merely looked like an incredibly oversized tank. On the inside, however, were the supplies and capacity for a large group of soldiers to withstand weeks of travel, over any expected obstacles.
As troops were scurrying around to their stations, <b>Freak83</b> headed over to the nearest entrance of the <i>I/O</i>, as the team in charge of constructing the behemoth preferred to call it. Upon reaching the eastern entrance, there was a pause as <b>Freak83</b> entered in his password to a nearby keypad, causing the door to slide open. <b>Freak83</b> rushed over to the bridge...
"This is Launch Control to the <i>Insurrection Omega</i>. Confirm launch preparation."
At the moment, Lieutenant <b>Chakuu</b> was the only one on the bridge, frantically preparing as most of the crew was either still boarding, or in their respective positions at other parts of the <i>I/O</i>. He almost missed the message, but heard enough of it to reply, "Most of the crew is still boarding! We need more time!"
"We need to launch you as soon as possible, <i>Insurrection Omega</i>. Where is Captain <b>Freak83</b>?" A bit of impatience in the launch controller's voice was quite easy to hear, and near the end, you could almost hear the tension going on by the impending attack.
The deck shook again, reminding <b>Chakuu</b>, and likely everyone else on board, that there was no time to lose. The bridge's entrance swung open, and Lieutentant <b>Xentor</b>, along with Privates <b>Isamil</b> and <b>Harrower</b>, entered and took their seats at various consoles.
<b>Chakuu</b> decided to ask the new arrivals, "Did either of you see Captain <b>Freak83</b>?"
"I'm right here," a voice from behind <b>Chakuu</b> responded, "Sorry I'm late."
"C-Captain!" <b>Chakuu</b> turned around to see <b>Freak83</b> standing right behind him. <b>Freak83</b> ignored <b>Chakuu</b>'s flustered expression and turned to the communications console.
"Captain <b>Freak83</b> reporting. What's the situation, Launch Control?"
"Your land-based route is compromised by enemy forces, we're sending you through the underground route to Checkpoint Nu. We have no intelligence as to the current state of the tunnel system, however we can assume it to be relatively clear of enemy forces. Maintain radio silence until you reach Checkpoint Nu."
<b>Freak83</b> moved over to another switch to signal all stations, "All stations report status."
Within a few minutes, <b>Freak83</b> had recieved updates from <b>Gwahir</b>, <b>Eternaly_Lost</b>, <b>iggymatrixcounter</b>, and <b>doomchica</b>. With all the non-bridge stations checked and fully manned, <b>Freak83</b> turned his attention to the officers on the bridge. "Navigation?"
"Course recived from Launch Command, and confirmed." <b>Isamil</b> sounded slightly nervous, but there was not a person on the craft that wasn't.
"Ready for launch." <b>Harrower</b> was one of the best tank drivers in the Militia, so he was practically guaranteed the chance to drive the <i>I/O</i>.
"Reporting in, all systems green to go." <b>Xentor</b> wasn't exactly the smartest person on the ship, but his knowledge of small-scale and large-scale tactics was second to none.
"Ready, for what good it does..." <b>Chakuu</b> sounded disappointed, and quite rightly so. With radio silence in effect, he would pretty much be limited to relaying orders and status reports from around the rest of the craft.
General <b>Comprox</b> entered the overlook control room of Launch Bay Delta, and just as he came in, he could hear <b>Freak83</b>, "All systems ready to go."
Commander Zokuban pressed a switch that sent the platform the <i>Insurrection Omega</i> was parked on down to the lower level where the tunnel system started.
General <b>Comprox</b> decided to give the <i>I/O</i> one last sendoff, but as the ground shook again, he rethought that, giving <b>Freak83</b> just one last line before they launched, "Good luck <i>Insurrection Omega</i>. We're all counting on you up here!"
<b>Freak83</b> heard <b>Comprox</b>'s last message, and sat down near the tactical station. He thought for a moment, then turned to <b>Chakuu</b>. With a brief pause, he ordered, "Lieutenant, re-broadcast that message over the craft." Then, as <b>Chakuu</b> complied, <b>Freak83</b> turned to the front, and then said, "Helm, maximum speed. We've got a schedule to keep."
None of the crew knew it, but as the <i>Insurrection Omega</i> dashed out of the launch bay, they sealed their fate - and that of the world in which they lived...
<u>Crew Roster</u>
1. Captain <b>Freak83</b> [EST]
2. Commander <b>Eternaly_Lost</b> [EST]
3. Commander <b>im_lost</b> [PST]
4. Lieutenant <b>Xentor</b> [EST]
5. Lieutenant <b>Chakuu</b> [EST]
6. Lieutenant <b>Gwahir</b> [EST]
7. Lieutenant <b>Zor2</b> [GMT]
8. Private <b>TheMuffinMan</b> [GMT]
9. Private <b>doomchica</b> [PST]
10. Private <b>Mouse</b> [AEST/GMT+10]
11. Private <b>Isamil</b> [EST]
12. Private <b>Aldaris</b> [GMT]
13. Private <b>Thansal</b> [EST]
14. Private <b>Harrower</b> [EST]
15. Private <b>iggymatrixcounter</b> [EST]
16. Private <b>microcosm</b> [EST]
17. Private <b>wonedslackystyle</b> [EST]
18. Private <b>Ana</b> [CST]
19. Private <b>lolfighter</b> [CET/GMT+1]
Day One will end <b>Friday, Feb. 23rd at 8:00 PM EST (5:00 PM PST)</b>
Also remember that you can send any logs you care to via PM at any time. (I've actually already recieved a few, heh...)
He must die and not add another game to his sig.
- The guardian will block the vigilante.
- If both the Vigilante and the Wolves target the same person, nothing special happens, just one death that night.
- If both the Vigilante, the Wolves, AND the Guardian target the same person, then the Guardian will block both. However, if the Guardian is acting on a reduced chance to protect, it's re-rolled for both the Vigilante and the Wolves.
I'm not going to vote randomly with absolutely nothing to go on. If it comes down to it and every player is active, i'll take the vote myself before i do a
In terms of a possible gameplan, it's just important that we all keep talking in the irc channel and posting on the forum. Communication is key, and hopefully we'll be able to gain more information in these first few days if people are regularly talking to each other in the open. Who knows, a wolf might even slip up and provide us with an easy kill for the day. Happy hunting <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
<Eternaly_Lost> Hello freak
<Freak83|HUMAN> hi there!
<Freak83|HUMAN> what can i do for you today sir?
<Eternaly_Lost> are you realy a human?
<Freak83|HUMAN> of course i am
<Freak83|HUMAN> i know you dont think so though
<Freak83|HUMAN> cause i read the chat above
<Freak83|HUMAN> so let me ask you - what's the real reason you think i'm a wolf?
<Eternaly_Lost> Becuase you are pushing the fact you are human with the name
<Eternaly_Lost> That makes me think you have something to hide,
<Eternaly_Lost> Be it a role or a wolf
<Eternaly_Lost> and the wolf is more likely
<Freak83|HUMAN> you think so
<Freak83|HUMAN> is that the real reason
<Freak83|HUMAN> or because i'm the only one who's done something weird and random like this so far?
<Eternaly_Lost> I told you my reason
<Freak83|HUMAN> fair enough
<Eternaly_Lost> You are not the first to do somethign weird
<Freak83|HUMAN> but as far as i'm concerned, that's a very stupid thing for a wolf to do
<Freak83|HUMAN> make themselves stand out
<Eternaly_Lost> So it would be a sure thing for a wolf to do
<Eternaly_Lost> The best place to hide is in plain sight
<Freak83|HUMAN> reverse psychollogy eh
<Eternaly_Lost> Make everyone think you are a standing out too much to be a wofl, so that no one suppects you
<Freak83|HUMAN> you can throw that out there if you want
<Eternaly_Lost> I took the path last game, and it did well, Had i not noice my big error in staying that I was incotacte wiht the seer
<Freak83|HUMAN> but overall, as long as what i do can ensure activity i'm happy
<Eternaly_Lost> Im trying to do that too
<Freak83|HUMAN> you should see my random stunt i'm going to pull to cast my first random vote tomorrow
<Freak83|HUMAN> well unless i have reason to cast a real one by that point
<Eternaly_Lost> I think I will look forward to it
<Freak83|HUMAN> i know
<Freak83|HUMAN> cause then you can build on it with your theory XD
<Eternaly_Lost> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
<Eternaly_Lost> so what is the stunt you are pulling?
<Freak83|HUMAN> you'll have to wait and see for my vote
<Freak83|HUMAN> it's so serious you'll be like
<Freak83|HUMAN> whoa
<Freak83|HUMAN> that's serious
Now before I cast my vote I need to show the extreme logic I have behind it. See this line here from the convo?
<Eternaly_Lost> and the wolf is more likely
Now pay attention,
<Eternaly_Lost> and <i>the</i> wolf is more likely
The word "the" is clearly not commonly used and definatly a suspicious acroynm. After consulting with many sources including secret government agents and rocket scientists, we've managed to come up with the most likely acroynm that Eternaly_Lost has been using with this. I do believe this is what he's trying to say:
T = This is the first letter of this word
H = Here is the letter that indicates I (Eternaly_Lost) am a wolf
E = Elephant
Due to this flawless logic, I feel compelled to vote for <b>Eternaly_Lost</b>.
lolfighter (1) - Isamil
Mouse (1) - im_lost
Eternaly_Lost (2) -microcosm, Freak83
I cast my vote on <b>Private Aldaris</b>.
Oh and here something for people to read
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
[17:42] Eternaly_Lost: Hello freak
[18:39] Freak83|HUMAN: hi there!
[18:39] Freak83|HUMAN: what can i do for you today sir?
[18:42] Eternaly_Lost: are you realy a human?
[18:45] Freak83|HUMAN: of course i am
[18:45] Freak83|HUMAN: i know you dont think so though
[18:45] Freak83|HUMAN: cause i read the chat above
[18:46] Freak83|HUMAN: so let me ask you - what's the real reason you think i'm a wolf?
[18:46] Eternaly_Lost: Becuase you are pushing the fact you are human with the name
[18:47] Eternaly_Lost: That makes me think you have something to hide,
[18:47] Eternaly_Lost: Be it a role or a wolf
[18:47] Eternaly_Lost: and the wolf is more likely
[18:47] Freak83|HUMAN: you think so
[18:48] Freak83|HUMAN: is that the real reason
[18:48] Freak83|HUMAN: or because i'm the only one who's done something weird and random like this so far?
[18:48] Eternaly_Lost: I told you my reason
[18:48] Freak83|HUMAN: fair enough
[18:49] Eternaly_Lost: You are not the first to do somethign weird
[18:49] Freak83|HUMAN: but as far as i'm concerned, that's a very stupid thing for a wolf to do
[18:49] Freak83|HUMAN: make themselves stand out
[18:49] Eternaly_Lost: So it would be a sure thing for a wolf to do
[18:49] Eternaly_Lost: The best place to hide is in plain sight
[18:50] Freak83|HUMAN: reverse psychollogy eh
[18:50] Eternaly_Lost: Make everyone think you are a standing out too much to be a wolf, so that no one suppects you
Oh freak already post the whole thing.
Oh, and grumble at Freak for creating that wonderful bit of circular logic that does absolutely nothing (aside from making me remember why you should never get into a battle of wits with a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!)
At the time of this vote:
1 vote for mouse
and 2 votes for 3 people!
2 against
Why Aldaris and not mouse?
Because he posted above me!
At least as good as Freak83, but with less flair. You need at least 15 pieces of flair.
Mouse (1) - im_lost
Eternaly_Lost (2) -microcosm, Freak83
Aldaris (2) - Eternaly_Lost, Gwahir
Considering I have nothing to go on, I'm gonna take a stab at my attacker
It's looking good so far, and the I/O really perked my interest.
In any case, if I were in the game, I'll vote for Freak83 for his infallible logic on voting for Eternally_lost. The logic is just so simple if you just see it in his perspective.
So again, I vote for <b>Freak83</b> (note: this doesn't count.)
Current tally:
lolfighter (2) - Isamil, Aldaris
Mouse (1) - im_lost
Eternaly_Lost (2) -microcosm, Freak83
Aldaris (2) - Eternaly_Lost, Gwahir
im_lost (1) - Mouse
Oh, and just so you know: From this post on, I'm going to vote for anyone who writes my name with capital letters. You have been warned.
Anyway, <b>Isamil</b> is of course right: We're tied. Since there's nothing to go on, he might as well be the first death so there's no risk of 'im overtaking me.
Of course we're not really tied. He needed a special role in each of his games in order to win, while I only needed it once - and I could have won without it anyway. Also, his victories are in early games, while many are predominantly in late games. It is, of course, much easier to win early on because people are less experienced. Furthermore, he required six games to scrape together three victories, while I needed only four. Clearly I am the much better player.
<lolfighter> 'bout what?
<themuffinman|YNWA> about isamil being better at twg than you
<lolfighter> I might be if he was.
<lolfighter> But it is readily apparent that he is not.
<lolfighter> ARE YOU SIDING WITH HIM?!
<themuffinman|YNWA> i think he is <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
<lolfighter> YOU'RE GOING TO VOTE FOR ME!!
<lolfighter> YOU'RE ALL OUT TO GET ME!
IRC wars!
On a side note, I'm surprised it's taken this long for SOMEONE to vote for me (even though it doesn't count) considering I know so many of you are still suspicious of my name change.
(Eh, I have nothing to go on, and most of the IRC chatter has been people whining about the forum being down)
On a completely random and seperate note, who are the lovers? I don't really see any benefit in them keeping their roles to thereselves. From what I understand the lovers can be anyone, wolf or human so in this case knowledge is power and if one is a wolf they don't have to worry about giving their wolfishness away.
If anyone sees a reason for them not to reveal themselves please speak up, but IMO I don't see any reason for them to have to hide it.
Also, if they are both human, the wolves can wolf 2 people in one go.
For you failing at logic (And I know you are smarter then that) I will vote for you <b>FreakEightyThree</b>
On a completely random and seperate note, who are the lovers? I don't really see any benefit in them keeping their roles to thereselves. From what I understand the lovers can be anyone, wolf or human so in this case knowledge is power and if one is a wolf they don't have to worry about giving their wolfishness away.
If anyone sees a reason for them not to reveal themselves please speak up, but IMO I don't see any reason for them to have to hide it.
If they're both human, revealing themselves would be the equivalent of saying to the wolves, "Kill one, get one free!" And even if one is a wolf, the human one doesn't know that.
lolfighter (2) - Isamil, Aldaris
Mouse (1) - im_lost
Eternaly_Lost (2) - microcosm, Freak83
Aldaris (2) - Eternaly_Lost, Gwahir
im_lost (1) - Mouse
Isamil (1) - lolfighter
Freak83 (2) - Xentor, Thansal
Still have to vote:
Though if one of the lovers is a wolf and a human(or wolf + wolf), it is a different story. One of the lovers can be a wolf right?
I do not think there is any reason for lovers to reveal themselves for a while but if we do have lovers who reveal themselves and the wolves have not killed them, it's possible to assume that one of the lovers has a wolf and that humans should lynch them.
Then again, the wolves could not kill the lovers(When they reveal) and try to make them look like a wolf so humans can lynch them for a 2 for 1 deal as well as deceiving humans into believing that one of them was the wolf but a psychic can see through it of course and then get a clue to who the real wolves are.
Humans could also just seer both of the lovers, but that may be a waste of seering. If it turns out they're both humans and they're not getting lynch from the humans because humans know that the lovers are humans, then the wolves would just kill them. If it turns out one of them is the wolf, humans can go for the kill but sacrificing someone else.
In other words: Even if we do know who the lovers are, it'll be an extremely tricky situation. Only with the help of the psychic can we confirm anything if the lovers are killed.
- If both lovers are on the same team, then they win when the team wins. Otherwise, one's a wolf and one's a human, in which case...
- The human lover only wins if the wolf lover is the last wolf to be lynched.
- The wolf lover only wins if the human lover is still alive when the wolves win.
- Both lovers win if they happen to be the only two players left, period.
Hopefully that answers everyone's questions.
I'm not saying the lovers should reveal who they are, there have already been lots of good reasons listed not to make it openly known, but it's just one more piece of information to throw out there.
And since I wanted to sort the vote counts by highest count first, I'm reposting it.
Current tally:
lolfighter (2) - Isamil, Aldaris
Eternaly_Lost (2) - microcosm, Freak83
Aldaris (2) - Eternaly_Lost, Gwahir
Freak83 (2) - Xentor, Thansal
Mouse (1) - im_lost
im_lost (1) - Mouse
Isamil (1) - lolfighter
Still have to vote:
And I guess I'm gonna have to make sure Isamil and lolfighter don't survive this game, because I need to catch up to them in games won. I've never been voted out of a game as a human, so it isn't my fault that they are ahead of me. The wolves in these games just don't like me apparently.
Im sorry, was such a crutch last game and I really don't like it im_lost. I do agree freak83 is acting weird, too weird Id say...
If one of them does happen to be a wolf, then the pair will stay alive until the last possible second. There's no way a wolf would wolf his lover partner, and if we lynch one of them, then essentially that wolf has two people he needs to make sure doesn't get lynched.
If the lover's are on opposing teams, then sheer luck and behind the scene action will take care of it better than knowing it publically.
As far as setting up an alliance, I think there are two possibilities to consider, a hidden one, and a public one.
the seer goes to his first seered person and tells him that he's the seer and will be working with him. After each new green comes in, this first seered person tells each member who is in the alliance and who was added. Should make for an interesting swing on voting patterns though.
wasn't sure if this site knew about it, but basically have the seer'd pawn come out and after ample time blues hump him and they work accordingly. You run the risk of an ineffective guard but the wolves may not be willing to risk the chance.
Vigi is a fairly good role since I'm told that not only is the role hidden, but it works multiple times? I've only played games where it works once so it's interesting to see it working a lot. Only when we get towards the end of the game and the "even-odd number of players" factor comes into play should we consider not using it. Until then i suggest that along with our normal votes, we suggest a vigi target so the wolves don't get a lucky shot at someone and will know when the wolves got to pick as the vigi.
That's all for now, I have no idea who to vote for since I usually vote inactive players off first so if someone can post a list of the top 5 most commonly inactive players? I believe activity should be a great protection against a lynch since if you lose activity, you lose the game.
I also will be rereading the defending/accusing logic of others since I find it interesting that some players are defending other player's integrity without, theoretically, knowing anything about them.
Should be enough for now XD.