Resident Evil 4
Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18951Members

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so I realized just now that this was considered the biggest 'must-have' game of '05, so I figured I might as well pick it up and see what I missed. I can tell it's probably a good game, I'll just never know, because I'm *terrible* at it. about my 15th "You Are Dead" message from the first real damn room of the game is pulsing on my screen right now. they just keep coming, and I just keep getting cornered, or run out of ammo at the wrong time, what have you. now, the last RE game I played was 2 and I loved it and was reasonably good at it. but I'm getting zerged all to hell here. I mean, I see what they're trying to do here - give you lots of options on how to wage your little war against the villagers, jumping through windows and kicking down ladders and stuff, but they seem to keep coming just the same. I also love how you can't strafe or dodge in any way. villager decides to throw a gardening tool at your head? your options are to either move toward the weapon, maybe to hope it goes clean through you, or back away from it, maybe hoping trajectory will make it hit you in the groin instead of the chest.
Anyway, feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong and why the game is supposed to be so awesome, or just discuss it at your leisure =p I hear it's coming out on PC soon, I wish I waited for that. I can't imagine how easy it will be with a mouse. every shot would be a headshot so you'd never run out of ammo... god, I hate FPS type games on consoles <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad-fix.gif" />
Anyway, feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong and why the game is supposed to be so awesome, or just discuss it at your leisure =p I hear it's coming out on PC soon, I wish I waited for that. I can't imagine how easy it will be with a mouse. every shot would be a headshot so you'd never run out of ammo... god, I hate FPS type games on consoles <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad-fix.gif" />
Shoot at the things they throw at you. If your shot is anywhere near the object, it will fall down harmlessly.
Just stand your ground until they get close. When they are close enough to get you, do the 180 degree spin and run to another position.
You can also try shooting them in the head, which makes them stagger back. When they are doing that, you can run up to them and the game will tell you to press the (A or X) button to kick them, which will usually knock back his buddies too.
I just ran about obliterating the hordes with a combination of headshots and roundhouse kicks :/
The way I do it is to run about, shepherding them so they're in a nice tight crowd and then get a lil distance in the main courtyard, pop one of the baddies in the middle of the crowd in the head (at these ranges this should be easy, if not then you probably just need practice or something) then when it does the stunned animation you run in and slap the action button, round-housing the entire crowd.
Do that for a while and you should come out pretty much unhurt and with loads of ammo.
As for the stuff getting thrown at you, if you're already moving then it should be easy to dodge, otherwise just shoot it out of the air. Only takes one bullet and it worked fine for me :3
I, for one, am enjoying it quite a lot. Easily the best Resident Evil game I've played.
round-housing the entire crowd.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What are you, Chuck Norris?
Oh, and I must be the only person in existence to have never played a single RE game <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad-fix.gif" />
Against Certain enemies you'll do a cool move instead of the roundhouse kick (I'd say what move it is and what enemies but I'll leave you to discover it on your own :3 ).
It easily has about 10 hours of replay after you beat the game the first time, and depending on how much of a perfectionist you are, possibly up to 30 hours. I beat the game in about 14 hours the first time, 8 the second, and 5 the third (normal, normal+, then the new hard mode).
Zombies coming up the hell right now! Take that shotgun! You dont need to load it, we did that *stuff* for ya! ######, zombie's in the room! HIS AXE IS ON FIRE! HE KILLED YOUR PARENTS! SHOOT 'EM IN THE HEAD!
Best rant ever. That whole thing was pure gold; <a href="" target="_blank">it has bad words but it's totally worth it</a>.
yeah I'm definitely getting the hang of it a bit better, but it sure is hard - either that or my reflexes are just slowing as I get older =p the Indigo Prophecy type minigames with the button-pushing are killing me almost as much as the villagers... but I'm through the first chapter and met the weapon salesman dude. What's worth buying, what's worth upgrading and what's not? :>
If you've got to the part with the blue medallions hanging all over the place, I highly recommend you take the time to shoot at least 10 of them. Your reward for shooting 10 (you need to go see the merchant guy) will be the Punisher, a fairly powerful handgun with the ability to shoot through one enemy and into another. If you collect ALL of the medallions it'll have its firepower upgraded twice when you get it. Even if you don't plan on using it you can sell it for a good amount of money. I'd recommend you eventually migrate to the red9 or the blacktail though.
The TMP is a must-have. Its useful right until the end of the game. Get the stock asap, and then upgrade it from time to time when you have the cash.
I personally skipped the riot shotgun and went straight for the auto shottie, and i'd recommend you do the same in order to save cash.
The mine thrower I never really used seriously; only for messing around after i'd already completed the game once. Seems to be more of a novelty than anything else but damn is it ever fun.
The key words when playing through for the first time are <b>ammo conservation</b>. You're not Gordon Freeman or Master Cheif, there are not convenient stores of ammo lying everywhere. Well ok, there <i>are</i>, but they generally don't contain enough ammo for you to kill everything you come across. Bear in mind <i>you don't have to fight everyone all the time</i>. Enemies drop ammo sometimes, but usually not nearly enough to make up for the ammo you'll expend killing them. If they're not an immediate threat or in your way, try to go around them. This goes for some bosses too.
Oh, and something to bear in mind if you want some free ammo: when you upgrade a weapon's ammo capacity, your clip will be filled up too. So make sure your gun is dry (or close to dry) before upgrading and you'll get a whole bunch of rounds for free.
Aldaris: GET THIS GAME! You don't need to have played any of the others to "get" it because the storyline is almost completely unrelated, and its by far the best of the series. I recommend either the PS2 version or waiting for the PC version, as they seem to come with the most extra goodies.
wow... people hid in the houses and stuff?
I just ran about obliterating the hordes with a combination of headshots and roundhouse kicks :/
<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->My friend goes into the houses because it feels like NoTLD. Eventually he has to jump through the window.
Make sure to shoot the birds at the start, as one will frequently drop a frag grenade and you can sometimes find a second one in a box if you are lucky. Best way to kill the chainsaw guys is to throw a grenade at their feet and then shoot them in the head with the pistol until they die. Shotgun also works. Getting the shotgun is a good idea in any case because if you get it, then the villagers you kill during the attack will sometimes drop shotgun shells.
If you are a complete wuss, you can complete the event without firing a shot. In order to do so, climb up the clock tower. Count to five, and then leap down again. When you reach the ground, there will be no villagers there since they are preparing to throw firebombs. Climb back up the ladder. When you reach the top again, repeat. This has minimal danger, but also gives you no money and ammo from the enemy hordes you kill.
Finally, if you are taken by a bout of machesemo, shoot the bell on the church after the event ends to summon more waves of villagers to kill. They will eventually get bored and stop coming, however.
...35 hours here.
105 times killed, hit ratio 80% -_-
of course some of those hours were probably me going AFK and letting the timer run, but still, it was not a short game the way I played it =p
all in all it was fun, but frustrating... not crazy about a game where I die so often. I don't know if I just suck at it, or I'm too reckless, or too conservative with ammo, or the combination of both... I ended the game with about 200 shotgun shells, 50 magnum rounds, 50 rifle rounds, and a near-empty pistol. Always worried that I was going to hit some really hard boss and fall short on ammo so I just kept hoarding and hoarding... and then the last boss of the game took about 2 pistol rounds, 4 shotgun shells and 4 magnum rounds... gonna make my next play-through a breeze anyway
I don't know if it's just my memory, but I think I liked RE2 better. scarier, and not as frustrating. though the whole "need to beat the whole game without saving in under 2 hours" to unlock crap was QUITE annoying. this iteration reminded me more of Parasite Eve than Resident Evil for some reason
I wonder how RE4's gonna play on the PC when it comes out. seems like it would be wayy too easy if they let you control it like a normal FPS. BOOM headshot, BOOM headshot...
I've been playing mercenary mode a bit. That is DAMN hard. I can't see how I'm going to get five stars with all 5 characters when every time I turn around I see a crazy woman with a chainsaw stalking me.
The TMP is a must-have. Its useful right until the end of the game. Get the stock asap, and then upgrade it from time to time when you have the cash.
I never used the TMP so much as once in the entire game. I never even bought the damn thing, I just sold off all the ammo. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" />
That makes two of us D:
That makes two of us D:
But I believe that's been a staple in every RE game since the first one. Really, it's the only way to unlock things in the RE series.
In RE2 there are a couple of other secrets you can get stuff for. If you get to the PD without picking up handgun bullets (or the shotgun/crossbow that the gunstore owner drops) and then go down the stairs outside the PD there's Brad Vickers (or something like that...I think the helicopter pilot from the first game - and you see him at the beginning of the third) who you can kill and get a key for the red room/save point under the stairs near the evidence room/2 statue puzzle (or under "where Mr. X comes to visit you" one of the times).
Also: if you beat it without using heal sprays (and an A ranking?) you can get a submachine gun with unlimited ammo.
If you beat it without saving (and possibly an A ranking), besides the scenario swap file, you get a sweet gatling gun (...I don't think it's anywhere in the game otherwise).
As cool as the submachine gun and gatling gun are...the shotgun is so much cooler (and Claire's weapons suck)...
There's also the whole "unlock Hunk and Tofu" garbage...Hunk is at least remotely interesting, but Tofu is, much like the food tofu, annoying, tasteless and hated.
I've never had the patience or the inclination to see if beating it in 2:30 hours or less nets you a rocket launcher...I'm content with my gatling gun (...kinda panicky when I missed with the first rocket, too, heh). I, however much I like RE1, 2, 3 and CV, do not have the necessary console for 4. I consider 3 the most replayable, but 1 is still the coolest (I'm sure the GC version is even better, especially with new areas). 3 actually had a slightly different means of unlocking things - you just played the special mode for 'money' that you then used to buy special items...really easy to get the rocket launcher.
...Of the ones I've played 2 has the coolest weapons. The uber shotgun and the completely useless tazer gun that takes up two slots are both cool. Apparently in the version that let you use the dual shock sticks to move around there was also a battle game that was two players, which sounds pretty cool, but the hell if they think I'm going to buy a game twice <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" /> .
Thus ends the barrage of useless information.
I never used the TMP so much as once in the entire game. I never even bought the damn thing, I just sold off all the ammo. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" />
Ditto, couldn't make room in my inventory for the gun along with everything else. The shotgun and rifles IMO are must have. And if you get a magnum too (which is very nice to have for bosses) you can't collect ammo with a TMP as well. I guess you could go without a pistol, but seriously, it's the pistol...
Didn't really need anything else as each weapon when fully geared up was more than enough for everything. The pistol I used in particular had automatic bursts making it the equivalent of a TMP on it's own... or it would if my TMP wasn't the equivalent of an assault rifle thanks to the stock and ludicrous cartridge size :D
The game: Sucks. I didnt like it, its not really resident evil other than the character.