Rainbow Six: Vegas
The longest seven days in history... Join Date: 2003-03-21 Member: 14759Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow

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<div class="IPBDescription">Holy Crud.</div>I've never been one for most tactical shooters- America's Army was the only one to ever hook me, and thats because it was authentic in a way that wasn't ridiculous(many so-called tactical shooters are ridiculous on the count of you moving so agonizingly slow, and many fans recite "zomg 100lbs of equipment!" as a reason- frankly, 100lbs of equipment all over my body won't help me any if I can only go a maximum of 2mph. And I'm pretty sure the military agrees with me, as I've seen them run much, much faster in combat example videos). Weaponry always seemed too powerful for much of it, and certain things didn't make tactical sense- leaning around corners, for example, while logical, didn't make sense often, as you end up sticking your legs out because of animation problems.
On Gabe & Tycho's reccomendation, I downloaded the SP a few weeks ago, and enjoyed it, lightly. At the time I was on a GoW high, so playing a game like that definately didn't jive with me at the time.
But I've been playing the MP nonstop for the last 2 days. Hanging upside down outside of a casino by rappel line, pistol in hand, and taking a shot off of some poor kid is one heck of a thrilling experience. So is killing the kid on the rope when your SMG. Or mastering the incredibly-hard-to-use sniper rifle, and netting the nicest shots. Or landing that perfect grenade.
See, what finally makes this nice is, is they've finally decided to add theatrical realism- things such as rappeling down a building, zip roping down, as well as things on the other end. Combine this with good map design, a customization feature that, honestly, has me salivating(the stuff in the demo is already great, and thats without the ranking system that allows you to unlock more guns/armor/clothing/accessories). And executing a perfectly strategized plan is still as enjoyable as it was back in the NS days- even moreso when you perform a pincer attack on the demo MP level by having one team of two fast rope down the elevators, and the other down the side of the building, completely locking off one spawn point(some MP games allow unlimited respawns, some limited, some none), and then moving through a pretty amazing looking area(even if the MP looks so much worse than the SP- its still rather impressive in how destructable it all is) to get your objective, then making it almost all the way back up only to be stopped by a sniper right by your getaway copter- its truly a harrowing experience.
Anyone else try this demo on XBL? I guess its coming for PC too, but I need achievements! <3
On Gabe & Tycho's reccomendation, I downloaded the SP a few weeks ago, and enjoyed it, lightly. At the time I was on a GoW high, so playing a game like that definately didn't jive with me at the time.
But I've been playing the MP nonstop for the last 2 days. Hanging upside down outside of a casino by rappel line, pistol in hand, and taking a shot off of some poor kid is one heck of a thrilling experience. So is killing the kid on the rope when your SMG. Or mastering the incredibly-hard-to-use sniper rifle, and netting the nicest shots. Or landing that perfect grenade.
See, what finally makes this nice is, is they've finally decided to add theatrical realism- things such as rappeling down a building, zip roping down, as well as things on the other end. Combine this with good map design, a customization feature that, honestly, has me salivating(the stuff in the demo is already great, and thats without the ranking system that allows you to unlock more guns/armor/clothing/accessories). And executing a perfectly strategized plan is still as enjoyable as it was back in the NS days- even moreso when you perform a pincer attack on the demo MP level by having one team of two fast rope down the elevators, and the other down the side of the building, completely locking off one spawn point(some MP games allow unlimited respawns, some limited, some none), and then moving through a pretty amazing looking area(even if the MP looks so much worse than the SP- its still rather impressive in how destructable it all is) to get your objective, then making it almost all the way back up only to be stopped by a sniper right by your getaway copter- its truly a harrowing experience.
Anyone else try this demo on XBL? I guess its coming for PC too, but I need achievements! <3
We played a bit of terrorist hunt and stuff and the AI is amazingly aggressive and unpredictable in this game mode; makes for enjoyable, tense play and lots of replay value too.
We also played a bit of standard coop which was fun too... love the snake cam ^^
My only complaint so far is that the weapons in each category feel fairly samey to me. Each sniper rifle feels much like the last as any assault rifle feels like any other gun in it's category.
I suspect the unlockable ones probably differ more but my lil borrowed account didn't have a rank :o
Any good on pc?
Not out yet. I'm holding off until I see if they pull a Lockdown again.
God, that game was horrible. Infinite pistol ammo and teammates who threw a frag grenade at the door which bounced off and killed them when ordered to clear a room. That was awful.
Your health also recharges (ala gears of war) but you're fragile so you won't die from being grazed constantly unless it's all at once... but a point blank shotgun in the face will END YOU! (as will one or two direct hits from most weapons) :3
From the reviews I've read that also mentioned lockdown, they seem to think vegas is redemption from the supposedly awful experience that was that game.
They didnt pull another Lockout.
Lockout sucked, Vegas owns.
I'm having a hard time deciding between this and COD3. Is the turn speed capped in R6V like in some other Tom Clancy games, such as a couple of the original Xbox Ghost Recons? I hated that, because anyone who happened to get close to you with an automatic gun could easily outstrafe your crosshair's turning.
R6V runs right over COD3 IMO.
Anyone want to play online? I need me a new co-op fix.
I got a copy of R6V for the 360 on the Day of Festive Gift Giving.
Anyone want to play online? I need me a new co-op fix.
You've already got my info. See you on it soon.
I played Vegas online MP demo, in fact, the very first time I tried live! online with an FPS. I loved it. Went out to buy it, instead picke dup GRAW for less than 30 US. I'll be grabbing Vegas once I'm done with GRAW, which is amazing with in itself, I play online nightly now.
Meh, GRAW's online sucks, if you ask me. Doesn't feel right at all.
I agree with the cover system being a pain at times; I've actually been killed on a few occasions because my character wouldn't fire her gun due to it. Ick.
As for not being able to kill people up close? You're using the wrong weapon!!! :p
if you're up close and the gun in your hands isn't a sub or a shotty then don't expect much. They've definitely balanced the weaps out so that they all have valid ranges.
I tend to stick to subs as they're lethal at close range, fabby for blind fire and with a bit of aiming you can even use them at long range (though assault rifles are better for mid to long obviously).
compared to what ue3 can do (ut2k7/gow) this is rather a pathethic attempt graphically at what the engine can do - anyhoo is there pc demo yet?
just to note this is a UE3 game. and a very ugly one at that!
compared to what ue3 can do (ut2k7/gow) this is rather a pathethic attempt graphically at what the engine can do - anyhoo is there pc demo yet?
I dont know how it is on the PC version, but on the 360, offline the graphics are really good, but online they dumbed them down to what looks like an xbox1 game.
Still an awsome online game, just wished it looked better.
Definately an improvement over GRAW.
I never get tired of the door stacking actions. Especially breach & clear. So awesome.
just to note this is a UE3 game. and a very ugly one at that!
compared to what ue3 can do (ut2k7/gow) this is rather a pathethic attempt graphically at what the engine can do - anyhoo is there pc demo yet?
I thought the demo looked very fine... maybe you've seen the MP only on a non-hd TV.
First, and foremost, the most annoying problem is the lack of a VoIP system within the game. Even pre-recorded emotes would have been more helpful than the current chat system, which is woefully sluggish and clumsy to use.
Secondly, the blindfire mechanics in this game bring much disappointment to the table. Don't mistake my complaint - I don't want to snipe someone from three hundred yards away while only exposing my arm - but the fact that I can have my P90 buried into a player's chest on multiplayer and miss every shot is absolutely shocking (this has happened several times, both on player versus player games and terorrist hunts). In my opinion, the blindfire mechanic should have been a tool for the player to use against rushing, not allowing other opponents to simply walk around the cover and pop them in the face while firing on full auto with a heavy machine gun. Being able to kill a pee pee dancer while hes closing in on you at five feet around the corner would have helped to preserve the tactical feel of the firefights.
Third, the grenade mechanics overall. Frag and incendiary grenades are almost impossible to get away from if thrown correctally by an opponent and usually are a guarenteed kill if you know where an enemy is and they're within throwing range. The short fuse timer combined with slow movements within the game makes it a very frustrating to deal with them. More often than not, if you're not near a corner, you're screwed (mind you that around the corner is the person who threw the grenade in the first place). Flashbangs are widely unuseable because of their unpredictablity. Because you can simply "LOOK AWAY!" from a flashbang they become almost useless in online play. But not only that, its also that the player model's facing does not dictate whether or not you are flashed, but the camera itself. Throwing a flashbang into a room after opening a door will flash you as well if you're pressed up against the wall beside the door, completely blocked by the flashbang's effects, but your camera is facing it. With both the ease to use frag/incendiary grenades and the flashbang's unpredictablity, flashbangs are nearly useless in multiplayer combat. Smoke grenades only provide cover from sniper fire (as inferred vision limits your 'draw distance,' if you will, only letting you see near your player), but because of the complete lack of any real sniper maps, they also seldom see useage. Finally, when your player goes to throw a grenade while in cover, the sheer amount of exaduration and time that goes into popping out of cover, lobbing the grenade and taking cover once more often gets you killed in a firefight to begin with.
Fourth, the cone of fire changes when you switch from fully auto to burst or single shot. Firing one shot while on full auto is more inaccurate than firing one shot while in single shot mode. I'm absolutely baffled as to why. Whats the best route to take? Stay on burst fire, and jam on your button. You get the lovely tightened cone of fire with the benefits of full auto. An extremely flawed system that really irritates me, especially in 'longer range' fights.
Fifth, the total lack of need to a sniper rifle, as well as their unpredictablity. Picking up a hefty assault rifle and smacking a scope on it does just about as much good as a scout tactical would in long range combat, as you also can easily combat in close quarters combat as an added bonus. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if sniper rifles were actually one shot kills consistantly, but after hitting players directally in the heart, forehead, stomach, hell - anywhere, and they still being able to return fire flawlessly, the sniper rifle has lost any value it had in this game. If you like sniping, stick to the AK-47 with a scope attached, you'll thank me later.
Sixth, the fickleness of the cover system. An uncountable amount of cover within the game (most noticeably on multiplayer) exposes either the full arm of your character, the top of his head, an entire leg, or any other portion of your body that you would naturally believe should remain 'in cover' at all times. Why my hardened war veteran can not stoop down another mere inch to save the top of his scalp from someone 'sniping' me with their AK-47 'half way across the map' is a question that may go strangely unanswered for too long of a time. Its a real annoyance, and a real let down to one of the only good things about the game. Getting drilled in the arm or leg four times or the top of your head sheered off while you have absolutely no opportunity to return fire is an absolute killer to what could have been a fun firefight. Chances are, however, the opposing player could have just lobbed a frag in your direction and you would have been screwed anyways.
Seventh, the lack of urgency when getting on/off ladders, fast roping, or repelling. After breaching into a window from a repell line, or fast roping inside from the roof, your character simply stands for a good few moments to... observe the surroundings. Now, this 'standing still' duration is only about one to two full seconds in length, but everyone that has played an FPS online knows that standing out in the open for a full moment, let alone being forced to, is guarenteed death. The same goes for climbing up after scaling a building, as your character heaves himself over the railing (very casually, I might add), and gives his surroundings a good looking at before you can control him again.
Eighth, the fact that I can't turn 180 degrees on a repell line to shoot behind me. What the hell?
Ninth, the lack of more than a handful of animations. While you might look at the 'in cover' animations and believe them to be acceptable (as they actually are, believe it or not), outside of cover the animations are acceptable at best. There is no difference to other players when you have your ironsights up or down, and strafing animation/backpedel animation looks positively painful to the player themselves. When you have a game that does all this with such fluidity like Half-Life 2, its hard to find it acceptable anymore. It was in the original counterstrike, but now its become only an annoyance to see someone's character's torso remain in the same position while his legs rotate a jerky 90 degrees to the left and proceed to walk again.
Tenth, the same 'clicky' feeling to moving the mouse still plagues the Tom Clancy games, and not only makes 'sniping' someone (with my AK-47 and scope attachment!) a pain in the ######, but it makes the spectator mode feel like its running over a river of bricks while getting beaten on by cinder blocks. Its just plain choppy and annoying. 'Clicky,' is how it can be described, and those that have played it understand what I mean.
Eleventh, the time it takes to simply get the game <i>working online</i> is frustrating beyond all belief. It took me three days to get it working online, when I finally figured I just had to restart my router. Never before have I had so much trouble with a game and getting it to work online than I have had this.
Overall, this is a game thats "fun with friends" but only tolerable without. I wouldn't reccomend purchasing it unless six or seven of your buddies are as well. Also, the single player might be alright and entertaining, but I never took to it to begin with as my main reason for buying this was the multiplayer.
I'd give it a 4/10 if I were reviewing for strictly the multiplayer. The cover system is pretty wicked, but everything else (including flaws in the cover system itself!) will get you down after a solid two weeks after purchase. If you're looking for fun 'tactical' online play, you'll have to find friends for it to happen. Online play is a grenade spam fest and a bum rush theatre.
Agreed. And sometimes I want to breach a room even though I'm in infiltration mode...
I believe you can swap the modes quickly after/before giving the order. IE; ordering to breach and clear then pressing G (default) to switch back.
And if you miss the siliencers your teamates attach when going infiltration; just put it on yourself, your teammates will follow with theirs.