Why Would Aliens V Aliens?

SupernornSupernorn Best. Picture. Ever. Made. Ever. Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7608Members, Constellation
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Why the aliens would attack each other? Here's a possible answare:

The aliens moved over to planet A and there they went to B and C (which has very different environment). On planet B and C they evolved in each diraction and got separated hive mindes. Then the aliens on B (or C) went to D and a bit later the others did the same. And when these two alien groups met again they attacked each other because they didnt look at each other as of the same race any longer. Tada.

Just a thought.

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Makes sense.

And of course when Aliens V Aliens, does eventually appear, maybe the team colours could be explained by this:

when the aliens seperated and went to different planets, their skin colour adapted to their environmet.
Then when they got to the Marine colony, they saw each other as different, then Natural Selection takes place
(with gore! yay)

Any one want to discuss this further?


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