Mreq: Starcraft Pack

CrackpotCrackpot Join Date: 2002-10-28 Member: 1671Members
<div class="IPBDescription">description inside</div> as an avid starcraft player and ns player, i think it would be cool if someone would try to create starcraft models for ns, think about it, wont this fit just perfectly:
eggs = Starcraft eggs
skulk = Zergling
Fade = hydralisk
Gorge = Drone
Onos = Ultralisk
Lerk = mutalisk or scourge
Babbler = broodling or zergling


normal marine = civilian or current model
HA marine = Starcraft marine

Res Tower = Extractor
Hive = Hatchery (would be hard because the hive is floating, maybe keep it the same, or use overmind or cerebrate)
Offense chamber = spore colony
Def Chamber = Creep colony?
Movement Chamber = Nydus canal

Commanders console = keep the same, cuz the command center is too large
Turrets(both of them) = keep the same
Armory = Supply depot
Weapons research lab = armory
tech lab = Scienece facility
teleporter = Beacon

as for the weapons, since you cant really get a good look at the weapons in starcraft, keeping the same wouldnt matter, but it would be cool if you could somehoew recreate the starcraft guns

one more thing, i dont really care about the buildings, but i think converting the units would be very very cool


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