Mic Cutting In And Out

ZenduZendu Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5138Members
Some people were telling me that my mic was crappy, so i upgraded, and im still getting the same comments, messed around with my rates and all that, nothing, i turn on loopback, and lo and behold. My mic seems to be cutting out whole words! In setup when i test the mic it works fine, echoing back everything, but for somereason in game, its not coming back 'clean from the servers'

I dont think its the mic, because its brand new, i know its not my computer because it can run WoW perfect, and NS is a cakewalk for it. I'm pretty sure its not my internet because ive set my rates, and im getting around a 120 ping on most servers. Any ideas/variables i can set to fix this?


  • Lt_PatchLt_Patch Join Date: 2005-02-07 Member: 40286Members
    This sounds like it might be a duplexing problem.

    Basically, duplexing is the technical term for "Two Way", in other words, data in both directions. It's commonly used for networking, when old systems couldn't send and receive data at once. A fax machine is a good example of a half-duplex system, as it can't send and receive faxes at the same time, even with a digital line...

    If a soundcard is classed as half-duplex, it means that it quickly changes from input to output, to input, to output etc as soon as a imput is detected as being active. This is the most common reason as to why the sound stutters. If you can post up EXACT details of your soundcard, then I can tell you what duplexing modes it can do.

    Failing that, update your soundcard drivers, from the manufacturer's website, and see if that fixes it.

    If this problem is a duplexing one, then all games will show the problem. Check other games, especially other engined games, like Counter-Strike: Source, if you have it, or UT2004...
  • ZenduZendu Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5138Members
    Allrighty im dling the newer drivers now, my sound card is Realtek ac'97 onboard my asus av8 deluxe motherboard.
  • Cm_FranksCm_Franks Join Date: 2005-04-16 Member: 48657Members
    I heard that a low cl_cmdrate setting causes it.
    Try at least a cl_cmdrate of 60, if not 100.
  • Lt_PatchLt_Patch Join Date: 2005-02-07 Member: 40286Members
    It's not a duplexing problem then, AC'97 on all ASUSTek motherboard since the start of the k7 series has been Full-Duplex.

    Try the newer drivers...

    Does this problem only occur within NS, or is it global to all HL mods?
  • ZenduZendu Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5138Members
    Tell the truth i havent tested it with any other mods, i will give it a shot, along with that cmdrate thing.
  • ZenduZendu Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5138Members
    newer drivers didnt work, the cl_cmdrate thing did, thanks for the help!
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