Weekly Calcast Information

AmplifierAmplifier Join Date: 2004-02-19 Member: 26708Members, Constellation
Date: Sunday June 26th
Time: 5:30pm PST/8:30pm EST
255 Man HLTV#1:

CC Caster: Albino
PBP Caster: Amplifier
Producer: Edge

Exigent - URL: <a href='http://team-exigent.net' target='_blank'>http://team-exigent.net</a> - IRC: #exigent
Terror - URL: <a href='http://www.team-terror.net' target='_blank'>http://www.team-terror.net</a> - IRC: #terror

Terror choses ns_origin Exigent choses ns_veil

Get ready for the CAL NS FINALS. #NSRadio is bringing you live coverage of the best matches as CAL-ns wraps up its sixth season. Expect to see live match coverage, predictions, interviews, and fun and games in each one of our weekly casts.

The CALCast begins 15 minutes before match time.

HLTVS MAY CHANGE!! CHECK #FINDSCRIMNS and/or clan channels for more info at match time.

SHOUTCAST: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>


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