Ways To Avoid A Bad Game

NiteowlNiteowl Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
<div class="IPBDescription">Signs that you'd better leave early?</div> - nobody communication,; no one is responding to your tactical ideas, or msging their own

-5 gorges and no one knows how to make buildings

-cmdr and at least half the marines using leet speak and being uncivil

-cmdr being totally unresponsive, not setting wp if you are waiting patiently in spawn , for > than, say, 2 minutes.

-flame wars going back and forth

can't think of anything else. any other general cues that the match is going to be a poor one? and time to ditch?


  • DSYStaufDSYStauf Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4429Members
    -At the beginning of the match, every marine on the team gathers around the buildings that the commander spawns with their backs to the base entrances
  • WingWangManWingWangMan Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5856Members
    Or as commander, if they don't even follow your orders at all and constantly run off on their own
  • pielemuispielemuis Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 72Members, NS1 Playtester
    You're losing your hair while playing
  • Pie_oh_pahPie_oh_pah Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7584Members
    Everybody starts quitting...
  • FlatlineUTDFlatlineUTD Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7695Members
    The commander doesn't give waypoints,


    none of the marines follow waypoints.
  • SpidermanSpiderman Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9417Members
    - the most active ppl on the voice comm are speaking a language you don't understand and won't speak english so that the rest of the players can understand them. (I know there are other languages than english in the world... just it is more likely that you know English than any english speaking person or even someone from another country will necessarily be able to speak yours. These guys could speak and type in english but chose not to. plus they were dominating the voice com with their babble so no one else could talk.) Best to just move on in that situation. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    - excessive bitching about the commander

    - onos in your spawn point when you join in <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    - lerk gas bombs in your spawn point when you join in (onos are probably just regenerating atm) <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    - base is half built up but there is no commander (good chance your team is too far behind to come back at that point or they had a good commander but he got frustrated and left because his team wouldn't listen)

    - you have 2 hives but NO upgrades. and ppl are screaming at the gorges to build defense and movement hives and the gorge or gorges responsible are screaming back "I only have 3 things i can build: Offense towers, resource towers and hives!!!!"
    (I actually walked into this once... i went gorge but it took so long to get resources, that before i could build the first defense/movement tower the hive i was in got overrun by a huge marine squad.)

    -If the commander is not really doing much and is not talking on the voice com or setting waypoints and doesn't respond quickly to simple requests for welders/waypoints etc when you are leading a group of ppl around, you might as well just give up at that point. Take your squad and rush the hive... chances are if you have to evict a commander who really hasn't built anything other than some basics around the command post and more than 20 minutes has passed then you are probably screwed anyhow.

  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    No one has mentioned this yet:

    Leave when everyone is banned from commanding.
  • DSYStaufDSYStauf Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4429Members
    edited November 2002
    -When you join, you have two hives and both of the upgrades are for Sensory and Movement <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • ShingyBoyShingyBoy Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9086Members
    edited November 2002
    - leave wen the game as bin taking agez before u got there and has bin going on a stalemate for agez
    - no communication between wen u try aliens and marines both
    - commander doesn't listen to u but does to everyone else
    - stuipid commander not setting waypoitns `n stuff at essential areas
    - ur gettin a boot whopping and u dont like losing so u join other team of just bugger off
    - no one will listen to u
    - asking for medpacks backup etc are ignored
    - the commander is a n00b and doesn't know nothing
    !im just stuipid so plz dont flame me if i am being a complete royal pain in je backside
  • PseudoKnightPseudoKnight Join Date: 2002-06-18 Member: 791Members
    It could be that the defensive chamber hive was destroyed.
  • DemerzelDemerzel Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9181Members
    the marine who chooses to command is so new that in the first two minutes of the game he fails to build a single building.

    your whole team apart from you is gorge and refuse to change.

    no-one will go commander and everyone stands around saying "some1 go comm ffs".

    you join late in the game and the commander suddenly leaves his booth to get the armour & hmg he gave himself - repeat 3 times in 2mins by same guy.

    within 2 mins of start of game the teams are 4/5 marines and 8 aliens and no alien will switch - "i dont play marine".

    the gorges on your team build offence chambers exclusively and leave the mucky business of resourcers to the marines.

    your commander will not build in a hive and instead builds on isolated resource pts with an accompanying turret factory & 4/5 turrets - "we must get resources first you idiot"

    your marine team all scatters to the wind and will not support you to seize/defend an important location.

    "you build/shoot and I'll guard and then vice-versa" is ignored by your surrounding marine team mates and a skulk kills all three of you whilst you are busy.

    you get in the commanders chair and someone initiates a eject commander vote within 5 mins because you won't/didn't give him a hmg/armour/shotgun/jetpack/wedler/medpack/ammo ( delete as appropriate ).
  • DSYStaufDSYStauf Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4429Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--PseudoKnight+Nov 20 2002, 08:14 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (PseudoKnight @ Nov 20 2002, 08:14 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->It could be that the defensive chamber hive was destroyed.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    True. But usually you can tell if it's midgame or if the it's been going for much longer (ie. the aliens had time to make 3 hives and the marines are spread out).
  • KnightOwlKnightOwl Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9189Members
    edited November 2002
    - All of the sudden 5 fades show up in the mess hall and wipe out 3 of your team in under a second and start eating the turrents.

    - You hear your commander say 'Oh <censored> they're taking the last hive!' (which you were pretty sure 5 minutes ago couldn't ever be taken with all the turrents jammed in there)
  • FamFam Diaper-Wearing Dog On A Ball Join Date: 2002-02-17 Member: 222Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    - Your nose falls off whilst you are attacking the Marine base.
  • ChromeAngelChromeAngel Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 14Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    When gorges build 10 turrets before the hive the turrets are supposed to defend, then complaining they don't have any resources.

    Your teamamates are called NSPlayer.

    When the player with the best ping has 2000+
  • InjuryInjury Mahou Shoujo Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7992Banned
    When everyone insists on "recycling resources"!
  • Poor_YurikPoor_Yurik Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8164Members
    When you have a whining kid (DarkDevil14 (sez hes 14, put it there to be helpful) on my local server) that a) uses voice com excluseively b) is yattering 50% of the time c) Is an idiot. And his voice is about 10 octaves above comfortable.
  • NiteowlNiteowl Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    lol, "ten octaves above comfortable ! <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> "
  • Teufel_EldritchTeufel_Eldritch Join Date: 2002-01-28 Member: 124Members
    You find out the Khaara are using the Rdy Room exploit.
  • WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
    When I'm in the readyroom, I always press Tab, and I always see the aliens losing. Time to get ready for an excersize in frustration.... <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • mlkmlk Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8434Members
    <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> The commander refuses to set way points, and just shouts at "his/her" army
    <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> The comms pod is dead
  • ekentekent Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7801Members
    It's a good idea to leave if there's one idiot off by himself that the commander is ignoring (because he's ignoring the commander) and just because he says "vote eject!" <i><b>everyone does</b></i>.
  • WarpZoneWarpZone Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6264Members
    You just joined a server, and it's 2 vs 6.
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