Acid Rocket Too Powerful?

DarkhandDarkhand Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3012Members
<div class="IPBDescription">I'd like everyones opinion</div> Well maybe it's the splash damage but I dunno. I commanded 3 games and in each game we always had level 3 armour and weps Heavy Armour and High Tech weapons. But the fades acid rockets always seemd to over power the marines quite easily. Maybe not as far as direct damage goes. But if you just splash it a lot around a corner it still seems to chew stuff up. At any rate I lost every game from tons of acid spam.

What does everyone else think?


  • KyuneKyune Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8952Members
    Splash radius may be the thing to blame here. I think the problem though, is that a Fade doesn't have to stand in the open with sustained fire to do his massive damage---he can pop out, chuck his acid, and run back behind the corner.

    When you're standing there with a HMG, that doesn't give you much time at all to hit him.

    With a grenade launcher, There's plenty of time for the fade to back off from the impending explosions.

    And if you're trying to kill him with a shotgun, you're either really brave or really stupid--even at point blank it takes an unnervingly long time to kill a fade that is making an attempt to move.

    The strength of a fade is determined as much by the terrain as it is by statistics and skill, methinks.
  • JooJooFlopJooJooFlop Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9140Members
    Seems to me the splash damage on it should be eliminated.

    Hell, I won't miss it. I just use it for taking out turret factories for the most part.
  • WykedWyked Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9158Members
    not too powerfull, tell your marines to get some balls and chase them out, instead of just sitting at a corner and only shooting when the fades come to them. a HA HMG can stand toe to toe with a fade and smack it around if the HA isnt being conservative and cowardly.
  • ekentekent Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7801Members
    a HA with a LMG will kill a fade easy if he chases after it (and doesn't run out of ammo). I can kill a HA HMG easier because they're so slow. I just wait until they run out of ammo and then swipe them while they take the 5 minutes to reload. The thing about fades is that once someone yells "fade" everyone rushes to spawn and then runs around in circles with their heads cut off.
  • MicroneisaDMicroneisaD Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9161Members
    Taking out one HA + HMG marine as fade is not a easy task at all. If you come to close you can get really slaughtered by the HMG. Grenades are not to hard to advoid though. But i dont think its supposed to be used as anti-fade weap.

    Darkhand why not try play as alien instead? That way you can really find out if its to powerful. Attack some HMG + HA guys and then come back and tell me how you managed.
    Often all these "balanced right?" complains come from people who only play one race, and their complaints are always against the team they have never tried themselvs. You know, there is a possibility that the other team simply is better then yours..... ever thought of that?
  • WykedWyked Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9158Members
    their team better than me??

    thats unpossible.
  • KyuneKyune Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8952Members
    Hehe, Wyked.

    I've found that taking a HA HMG marine out is actually not that hard of a task. In the open, definitely. It's either a matter of being patient, or just spamming him to death with acid rockets.
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