Defense Towers

HannibalHannibal Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6359Members
<div class="IPBDescription">What do they heal?</div> As far as I can tell, defense towers in v1.01 don't heal themselves or hives. This makes defense of our hives on our LAN almost impossible when my roommate is on. We were playing a game with 2 marines and 4 aliens and had all 3 hives. Even with defense towers galore (somewhere between 8 and 10), my roommate would fly on top of the hives with a jetpack and single-handedly take out all of our hives. Even with the four of us aliens, it seems a little ridiculous that one marine can defeat an entire alien team. I understand that the defense towers shouldn't make things invulnerable (I like the new limits in v1.02), but if they can't heal hives, they're almost useless against a good player.


  • Teufel_EldritchTeufel_Eldritch Join Date: 2002-01-28 Member: 124Members
    Did you stack your OT and DT's so the jetpacker couldnt get thru? Also it has been my expierence that DT's do in fact heal hives. I placed 4 under a hive yesterday while it was getting shot at by Marines and those 4 DT's healed the hive long enough for my teammies to get there.
  • DonkeyWranglerDonkeyWrangler Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4924Members
    defense towers heal everything, but only 3 defense towers can heal a particular structure at a time. If you have more than 4 defense towers at a point with lots of offence chambers, the rest are redundant (the 4th is so that there are 3 def towers to heal the other def tower).
    the defense towers can only heal 30 damage per second.
    HMG can do buttloads in a second (i dont know, but its more than 30 by a huge amount)
  • ShadowicsShadowics Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7652Members
    For your example:

    In v1.01 they would each heal 10 hp per second, 40 hp per other building per second for a total of 200 hp per second.

    In v1.02 they would each choose 3 random targets to heal 10 hp per second, 30 per DC per second, for a total of 120 per second.
  • ShadowicsShadowics Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7652Members
    Sorry, I'll try to explain it better.

    In v1.01 each Defense tower would heal everything in it's range by 10 hp per tick. So if there were 4 Defensive towers they would collectively heal anything in range by 40 hp per tick. And if there where 5 damaged Offensive towers nearby they would heal them each by 40 hp per tick. A total of 200 hp per tick in healing for the 5 Offensive towers.

    In v1.02 each Defensive tower will randomly choose 3 things in it's range to heal by 10 hp each tick. So if there were 4 defensive towers they would heal anything within range up to 40 hp per tick, or less it there were more buildings or other players nearby. So if there where 5 damaged Offensive towers nearby they would each heal 3 of them by 10 hp per tick. A total of 30 hp per Defensive tower, 120 total hp per tick in healing for the 5 offensive towers.
  • DonkeyWranglerDonkeyWrangler Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4924Members
    erm... im sorry about my previous post, it is inaccurate with the new patch.

    With the new patch, since each tower randomly selects 3 structures to heal every second, having masses of them would be best. That way, chances are that pretty much that all the offense chambers would be getting healed.
  • HannibalHannibal Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6359Members
    Hmmm, maybe it was just a bug or something. But he did come around and kill the hive several times, but left the towers intact. It didn't look like the 8-10 defense towers were slowing him down.
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