Stories From The Chair.
Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22363Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">My life as a Commander!</div> Okay I got this idea of making internet diary about comming few weeks ago.
Now I just finished game with time of 54:34. With this one I can have thrilling start and get a fan-base which can eventually donate me the money for NS2. (forget that one)
My idea is simply to tell one or few games I have commed each time and tell what happened and what I did. Dont come here to get a yber-comm from exi or something like that. I keep myself Good comm, I have commed few pugs and matches but mostly I`m lousy pub comm(worlds best comm is pub comm)
Enough of this chit-chat ACTION!
<span style='color:red'>Part I:</span> <u>the death of ha-lunch onos</u>
I finish one of marine pwnage on hera and find that the timeleft shows 11. I look if im closer to cc than one other comm. After a race to cc I land ip and armory(I made it!) sadly I have to make the ip alone due team scatter.
Getting back to chair I land a 2 rts one downstairs of MS and one to weld entrance of dcd(the one near archive, you know) After this I slap tab and find we have 11 players, "aliens have advantage" swoops in my mind. After 10 minutes of usual rt capping and people harrassing the server is full (18 players).
Now I `ve had a nice bunch of rts and I start to save them due the marines look kinda nubish. After 3minutes I have failed one rush to archive and lost there stuff I bacon my guys and give 7 sets of HA, laughing my **** off due still having 250 res( <3 pub rt-attackking) After a long fight with the nubs and aliens we finally get archive down and kill the million chambers there.
Sadly vent is up same time. I have kept feeding my team with HA and im down in like 150 res. After long time of herding, I get marines to weld the dcd cavern open and armory block one onos there(dont eat my ha!) my team camps with gls there while 2 guys go to vent. feeling happy I hand them tf and pg. Sadly we loose the vent but get the dcd down.
Beeing down in 30 res im really concered with my res but find the res-tick going four-res and head to vent. While getting rt outside vent I scan hives and find them empty I happily head to siege the vent. After few minutes of alien pwnage we have won the damn aliens!
For your wish I think I also put some tech-trees, if i remember them.
What route I went for the win:
a1 asap, as usual
w1 after a small pause (1min max)
w2 now I started to hump res
w3 after having +100 res(quite shortly)
a2 and a3 came while feeding HA
AA was in game little after 10 minutes(with one failed rush in arch without ha)
Catpacks around dcd gl camp, nades also.
Mt after archive win.
PG touched the ground before 5mins
The timeline is kinda fubar but you get the general idea how it went and what I did. Hope you enjoy my stories of the chair!
Now I just finished game with time of 54:34. With this one I can have thrilling start and get a fan-base which can eventually donate me the money for NS2. (forget that one)
My idea is simply to tell one or few games I have commed each time and tell what happened and what I did. Dont come here to get a yber-comm from exi or something like that. I keep myself Good comm, I have commed few pugs and matches but mostly I`m lousy pub comm(worlds best comm is pub comm)
Enough of this chit-chat ACTION!
<span style='color:red'>Part I:</span> <u>the death of ha-lunch onos</u>
I finish one of marine pwnage on hera and find that the timeleft shows 11. I look if im closer to cc than one other comm. After a race to cc I land ip and armory(I made it!) sadly I have to make the ip alone due team scatter.
Getting back to chair I land a 2 rts one downstairs of MS and one to weld entrance of dcd(the one near archive, you know) After this I slap tab and find we have 11 players, "aliens have advantage" swoops in my mind. After 10 minutes of usual rt capping and people harrassing the server is full (18 players).
Now I `ve had a nice bunch of rts and I start to save them due the marines look kinda nubish. After 3minutes I have failed one rush to archive and lost there stuff I bacon my guys and give 7 sets of HA, laughing my **** off due still having 250 res( <3 pub rt-attackking) After a long fight with the nubs and aliens we finally get archive down and kill the million chambers there.
Sadly vent is up same time. I have kept feeding my team with HA and im down in like 150 res. After long time of herding, I get marines to weld the dcd cavern open and armory block one onos there(dont eat my ha!) my team camps with gls there while 2 guys go to vent. feeling happy I hand them tf and pg. Sadly we loose the vent but get the dcd down.
Beeing down in 30 res im really concered with my res but find the res-tick going four-res and head to vent. While getting rt outside vent I scan hives and find them empty I happily head to siege the vent. After few minutes of alien pwnage we have won the damn aliens!
For your wish I think I also put some tech-trees, if i remember them.
What route I went for the win:
a1 asap, as usual
w1 after a small pause (1min max)
w2 now I started to hump res
w3 after having +100 res(quite shortly)
a2 and a3 came while feeding HA
AA was in game little after 10 minutes(with one failed rush in arch without ha)
Catpacks around dcd gl camp, nades also.
Mt after archive win.
PG touched the ground before 5mins
The timeline is kinda fubar but you get the general idea how it went and what I did. Hope you enjoy my stories of the chair!
Any more stories would be nice... and it would be cool if you expanded more on your strategy so people like me can learn what to do better. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<span style='color:red'>Part II:</span> <b><u>Way of nub comming.</u></b>
After one endgame marine camp in ms i hope in chair at eclipse and give armory,ip and shortly followed obs. After putting MT in research, I hand rt to maint and spot hive at cc.
After a minute or to I have 4 rts (maint,horse, triad and saa(station access alpha) now I finally give them arms lab and get w1 immediatly (concernly no-one said anything...) After fighting over the rts I found out that the <!--emo&::hive::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='hive5.gif' /><!--endemo--> is in eclipse!
Mocking myself for a moment I happily click wep3 hearing one guy complaining about missing a1 (Mt wep3 ftw!) Game time showing something like 8minutes I found out that cc is going up I hand my team sgs and put AA coming (duh, I forgot watching res to get asap upgrades.)
After failed rush to cc we are low on rts and one fade less in action. Sadly we dont get that much res up anymore due hive2(MC) are slowly hindred. I save some res for hmg/welder but thats kinda hard with a1 and <!--emo&::lerk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='lerk.gif' /><!--endemo--> (damn you)
After losing those we are raced in ms and few minutes of bacon fun every1 complains me for lose. They didnt get the point they had fun time going with wep3 really in Ns_! Oh well my day-job
MT asap
What you want pictures of?
base/siege layout?
funny things?
4 onos on 1ip?
what?! Im here to help you!
Run to get in the CC.
Marines run off all directions and nobody builds the IP.
Hive is Engine.
I sell the IP just as most of my marines get slaughtered.
I drop a CC on the pipe above engine hive.
I rambo through the vents into engine hive, the only marine left alive, the entire alien team looking for me.
I jump ontop of the hive and build the CC.
I drop about 6 IPs and build all of them, with spawning teammates helping out.
The aliens still haven't realised whats going on when marines started spawning.
A desperate 30 seconds later the entire team is spawned, we stand against a wall, all 9 of us and LMG down the only hive.
too bad demos don't cap commander view <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
take screenshots of whatever you think will make your "story" more interesting. for example:
i deployed 8 HA's and still had 250 rez *screenie* then i occupied archiving for a few mins before i lost it *screenie of rine fighting onos/fade/whatever*
you get?
You have to remember that this was within a few days of ns being released
I had seen many people comm and lose (like 90% of all games back them), and so i decided that i would try to comm and use the same strat that all comms used. I jump in the chair and droped and IP, Armory, and Obs, PG, and started to rush my guy to capture Generator. We Quickly got there and i droped Tf and Pg and Rest on Turrets. Then was able to get some of the Marines To get the Tf outside of Generator where i Dropped Tf and turrets to protect it. Then Was going to Get Sewer's so i sent them to capture the RT, that they werea ble to do and was about to set up the TF and Turrets when i was kicked out of comm and eaten by a skulk. Yes, the whole time a skulk was at the comm chair biting it. saddly to say we lost within 10 minutes...
Lesson: play with sound
(because everyone wants pictures)
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
I call this story the MerryChairGoRound.
NS_Bast 8v8
Game started normally enough. IP, Armory, obs, MT.
Sent 3 marines to Atmosphereic (Double)
Sent 3 marines toward engine
Capped off double with no problem
Capped RT outside engine and in Engine.
Started Phase Tech
No alien attacks yet oddly enough.
Moved the 3 marines from Atmospheric to Feedwater.
Engine Team continued to guard for phase setup.
Mass alien rush on main base! The WHOLE alien team cept 1-2 hit the main base and chewed through Obs, IP and Armory and started on the chair.
I dropped chair in Feedwater (since IMO its easier to defend)
Feed team got it built and 2 IP and Armory were dropped before my chair was killed then I was.
Spawn back in and get back in chair, arms lab and obs back down (we had a good resflow afterall)
Armor 1 started and my guard was replaced as Feed team moved toward Refinery
PGs got put up in Engine and Refinery along with Feed. (my new base!)
Dropped TF in refine up top with the PG (we got a nice placement)
Seige upgraded as weapons 1 had finished and W2 was coming)
Aliens gave some fight for the hive but then got sneaky and dropped Feedwater and movement/fade rushed us.
Refiner died after all but my CC was gone! New CC dropped in Engine, all rebuilt there.
W3 started as we get a farm setup up top of refinery.
Cleared Marine start and got the RT back (good to be able to beacon =p)
Armor 2 and 3 went up without a hitch with marines keeping aliens contained in double (thanks to a PG) and in Tram tunnel. Although the marines lost their ability to aim as they could always drive the aliens OFF but never manage to kill, and because of this they couldn't build CRAP half the time...although we did get some turrets setup in Atmospheric to keep the aliens in Feed.
Protolab set down FINALLY and HA researched
I always forget to upgrade the armory...I'm a dummy like that =p I like W3 and A3 with hand grenades and MT more then burning res most times cept when needed.
We finally secure a spot in tram tunnel under feed. Getting seige setup as our nice happy engine base gets movement ninjaed! apparently they had some movements hidden on far side of refinery and in the water tunnel. 1 onos and a gaggle of skulks shred my base, as feed is dieing. I get a new CC down in tram tunnel and we're back in business.
Finally I'm sick of it and I turret the hell outta tram tunnel to keep myself safe, with some nice teamwork on marines we hold feed, double, and refinery RTs (and the tram tunnel RT) and I even upgradded my armory!
At this point I just cut my marines off to save for a heavy train. My marines were fairly smart so I trusted them with a heavy train.
Finally got the adv armory as we lost double to the impending onos rush (3 onos with a fade) i told two marines to watch refine like no tomorrow and dropped 2 CCs to keep any onos from coming down from feed.
Heavy train built with 3 HMG and 2 GL. Sent em through refinery to march on engine. Got a PG up outside engine and dropped them an armory there. Dropped some mine packs and let em GL the hive to death. even 3 onos have trouble standing up to 3 HMGs with GL spam going on and having to run through a horde of mines to even GET to the marines. Good welder support by a light armor who ignored my command to stay in refinery.
Was a sad game on both sides =p both teams had to relocate so many times it wasn't funny.
Hopped in chair, dropped armory, dropped 5 sg's when it was done, dropped a ton of ammo, hopped out, me and 4 others killed everything
The end
Started off with cargo hive, actually going good... we were spawncamping them to the maxx.... had two armslabs going.. 6 resnodes, and no aliens were out of thier base... I made 5 ip's hoping to kill them quick
Dropped a pg in room with things, and it all went donwhill from here,
Aliens dropped 8 o chambers in the hive room and got 2 lerks and so i researched hand grenades and recycled an arms lab for res (this was around the 2 minute mark, we had A1 and W1, and i started A2
i told my marines to rush out (they were dying from gas) and shoot stuff before they all just died, they wouldnt do it..... so as soon as we got grenades i beaconed and told them to shoot the hive...
Needless to say 3 minutes later, 200 res wasted on medspams and an armory in room iwth things, we now had grenade launches and the hive and 6 0c's were still up... idiot team.....
I wouldnt have cared if they would actually fight, but ALL THEY DID WAS SIT IN ROOM WITH THINGS.... Nidhogg(this was NSA server btw) and NSplayer, a Cal vet were the only people actually shooting stuff, but against 12 aliens they couldnt do much... so i got ****
We were down to 3 resnodes now, and powersilo was going up.....
i dropped 6 (yes, count em, 6) grenade launchers and ordered the OCS to be TAKEN DOWN!!!
This was not done, they spammed grenades EVERYWHERE in room with things but the hive room..... I got a rambo who was smart and went to silo, and got me a pahse up so i recycled room with things and my idiot team, beaconed, and told them to rush that one....
Now i had the pg in foreboding... of my 10 man team.. 4 walked back to cargo, 2 went up the qaud lift towards miasma, leaving 4 who actually go to the hive (it has 6 dc under it)
I try to set up sieges but they wotn build the tf in the corridor because of gas
im screaming over voicecomm and dropping meds all over but all i get is OMG GAS OMG OMG OMG
Nidhogg is once again bitching out his moron team and finally after about 3 minutes and 2 more beacons the TF is built....
Now we are like 15 minutes into this game and i watch as i drop 4 sieges (we have ~4 nodes now but are losing the cargo side ones slowly) and none are built... whining about gas in the face of medspam...
I drop a few shottys, gl's and hmg's and Re inform my team for the billionth time to USE TIRE HANDGRENADES....
I then watch as 3 marines in base let the fade kill the armory (no they arent afk, they just refuse to walk around the armory as he crouches behind it) and instead shoot the armory...
Finally i get 3 sieges built, and begin scanning, drop another armory and BEACON THE TEAM WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO RUSH THE HIVE
.....Most run to cargo.... i yell and beacon again....
...Now they rush to the sieges.... and stop... refusing to go around the corner AT ALL
Nidhogg is trying to get past them swaring over voice and screaming to get out of his way.....
I am pinging, and the hive is faltering... finally the team follows nidhoggs great leadership, and the hive is attacked.... a good 30 seconds go by in which i drop the res and it is half built...
I scan and see no hive and assume it is down..... recycle the sieges, beacon, recycle pg, and tell them to rush cargo....
Once again i see them dicking around in room with things (there arent even o chambers in the hive this time) and finally i beacon with instructions to GRENADE THE HIVE...
I watch as they shoot the fade, grenade the floor of the room, and finally pistol the resnode.... Hive has like 10 percent damage due to the players on my team with an IQ
Repeat, and realize that they ave 3 hives UH OH, but i just killed silo
A scan reveals its fully built with new d chambers....
i tell nidhogg to see if SV cheats is on.... it isnt, and then i talk with the aliens with all talk
Turns out my marines stopped shooting the hive and began building the resnode after killing all the aliens in the room, i scanned but diddnt see it still up (nub on my part) and so we walked out and recycled with the hive at what the aliens say was 2 percent health DAMMNABIT)
Anyways... we get cargo down miraculously and i cap gen miasma, both cargo and foreboding resnodes... and begin re teching and re start the armory
We are at around 20 minutes now.....
I finally get a guy to go down the generator lift.... for some rason it was the plague..... and he knifes down the res node AND builds me a phase gate outside Viaduct (YAAY)
I **** my team out royally and tell them they are to PHASE WITH PRIMED GRENADES, NOT TO RELEASE TEM UUNTIL THEY ARE ABLE TO TOSS TEM AT THE HIVE, and then LMG THE HIVE... amazingly... 11 marines listen and the hiev is down in seconds.... Cargo is rebuilding however and we have lost all our nodes
Another fade takes down the armory behind my back (tooo friggin bad)
i think by now i get armor 3 and w3 and at 25 minutes they once again have 2 hives (we attack and take down silo with my 4 marines who listen, gg to them)
Now i get a rambo into via again, and begin researching jetpacks at about the 27 minute mark...
Nidhogg is till screaming at the incompetant fools, and im bewildered we have made it this long
I watch them take out my obs (they have sens now) with 4 guys in base getting ammo....
I drop another, trying to get a phase gate to my guy in via...
Literally 4 minutes pass of me telling them to build the obs, the rambo dies, another goes, still no obs, he dies, a THIRD ONE gets there, the obs is almost built, but not finished.... i obligingly get out of my chair to finish it, get back in and drop the pg... it never gets up.... Instead i get the guy at silo another PG....
Build it, and beacon....
Once again everyone goes to cargo.... i beacon again, and Nidhogg stays in base to battle the fade outside it with a few marines... i yell at him but when he says what he is doin i say ok, so we do that, now my whole team follows him as they respawn, leaving the pg almost empty
in a fit of rage i jump ou telling them GOD DAMMIT IM GONNA GO DEFEND THE PG...
I die without getting a kill, but my point is made.....
After that i hand out a few jp's and stuff with no effect... they have all the res and sens networks.....
Three more faild pg rushes on cargo (this time due more to the sensory than team ineptitude, though i did drop them an obs and they refused to build it.....
(Definition of POWERBUILD, 11 marines building a structure in like .004 seconds, faster than you could all feasibly die from the aliens assaulting you)
Anyways 3 hive now.. and we is pwned
40 minutes we lose... GFG....
We get into the ready room and an alien goes OMG that was a GOOD game guys
Im fuming, so is nidhogg.....i begin laughing hysterically, nidhogg screams out some profanity about our team if idiot marines........
I diddnt comm until much later today..... that game wore me the hell out
And my voice too from screaming
But its kinda funny to tell the "Tales of Marine Morons"
i think after 15 minutes, i couldnt do anything but leave <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Round is 15vs15 on Ns_lost in g4b2s.
I dont get into the chair instead I take my way to the alpha hive side of the map. When getting near I figure out the hive is alpha and get told the now-old-info by comm. Meanwhile people are inside Equilbrium and doing good job there.
Getting some RFK in alpha side I head my way to Equilbrium too before the PG show up. After getting PG in equilbrium our team is having lots of arguments with comm me included, he was doing good job but refused to drop ammo or med which lead to constant nagging which lead quite much to the losing of Equilbrium.
After a bacon to EQ we get it back up but the Tf is really badly placed including the turrets. Around here Cargo is also finished its maturing process. We are also cut really low on res but happily have JPs and HAs but not much res to spare. Me and 1 other guy pretty much hold the RTs with HMGs killing the bigger life-forms on the side. Also occasional help at EQ which was taking semi-heavy hive2 alien attacks happily no bilers.
Round time is here about 40mins and we urge people to get the comm out at last, we succeed in this and Im torn apart the fact that RTs will go down without me but I could win in chair if we get even slightly lucky. So I drop my HMG and hit the chair!
<u>Comming that saved the res!</u>
I hotkey all the buildings and get a PG going at the upperside of beta deck access(its the \_/ ramp thingy rightoutside ms with rt at bottom) there we weld our way into alpha with some resistance, aliens lack to attack properly though and we get sieges up suprisingly easy--> Alpha down.
Main thing here was to get the PG up near there, it was 14s walk from MS but that was enough to do it. ive sat in the chair for about 7mins now. Naturally with hive going down aliens easened lots on reswar and the few good JPs which had been helping before got the res quite neatly up.
There we had some small fighting breaking into temp and from there we rushed cargo game time being just under hour.
Upgrades went like this and the first comm did good job on them:
a1,w1,w2,a2,w3,a3 without catpacks, so it was the basic though match uptree. I got cats when I went in
Proto was landed around 25minand came with HA followed by jp after around 5mins
<u>Relaiable overflow of RTs</u>
Maps is ns_origin with 9vs9 I drop IP and and armory only to find me team in double and hive in ventilation. I decide to get em some rts while they are there, also comp and laser get occupied. After the aliens rushed double I found my team dead to 2 guys---> I hop out and build the base time being slightly under 4 minnuz.
After getting 2 ips up I get 2 arms labs and equip my team with some guns. I had around 7 rts now as bio,xeno and furnace also went up. Getting w1 and waiting 2 ticks for a2, I tell my team to rush for vent while dropping pg in the upper room of double.
time being around 8 minutes I now have phase+mt coming from obs w2 and a2 running and advanced armory almost done from the aliens faulty play by enjoying luxury of rts eaten...NOT
There we pushed down to ventilation with w3/a2 HMGs <--- could had got cats somewhere there. round ends around 13mins.
<u>How to lose with w3/a2 and pg next to hive.</u>
Map is ns_hera Ill F4 few times to make sure I get into the chair. Hive is found in ventilation and half of my team going hera. Base is built in the big room neglecting the IPs which cant be placed there due CC range.
Anywayz I open the cargo RT flitch by clicking it(one of the few places it still works) and Hera for the hope that the the rines wont stop there. None went to ventilation side.
Armslab is placed asap and a1 getting in thinking-process. I also find the group in cargo in processing shooting gorge and jumping around the rails, Sadly no one with 4 legs gets killed there and im set back, Around here w1 was almost ready.
OBs dropped and 1 scan stucked between the PG was put under research I was doing fine job and getting PG in the room next to DCD by ninja. The phase gate stands quite securily and aliens are forced to concentrate on their hive so I get lots of Rtowers up.
Urging my team to go inside DCD I tell one guy to ninja archive which had been lost after aliens realized they need to down some 4legs-structures. So situation is this: w3/a2 (<-- sign of doom as the title says) phase gate in 2hive with heavy guns and a ninja going to archive.
After a minute I find the PG down in DCD and 3 guys squatting in hera entrance. After seeing my fellows dying in field Tell me team to go for the ventilation for getting it luckily down, 2 guys going the last ladders
from Ms side I drop em PG just to find it 1green bar short and fade chuckling.
From here I stopped playing and did nothing, oh well actually I sold the ARms lab and seing: <a href="" target="_blank">end</a>
I'm slot 2's comm, and we have decided that we don't have much of a chance against them as we just got butt-raped as aliens. I call shotty rush, jump in the chair, listen for the hive and call it out. We all start rushing there as I drop an armoury and wait for them to build it (this was orbital_cal, btw, and the hive was the north one, gen?). I hear a skulk chomping on my chair and i drop out 5 shotties and as many meds as I can before i jump out and manage to kill the lone skulk, then head up. As I'm running through the hallways, I see 3 of us die. I get there to pick up someone's shotty and we finish off the hive, but loose one more man. We have killed 2 of them since the hive went down, and the beep of death started and killed one more before it stopped because someone dropped a hive. We hadn't challenged their res at all, so they had dropped a few.
It is now 3 on 2, both of us have shotties and full health, but neither have full armour. We head out and take out an RT just outside the hive. We head towards atrium and check obs, but it isn't the hive, so we head down. Swinging through j turn, we take out that rt, but are ambushed by two skulks at the end of the corridor. My partner dies, but manages to take out one of them, and I get the other, but was bitten. Just as I fire the last shot, I see the gorge, their last remaining player, bunnyhop through the area running away from obs. I run after him, but he's got a good bit of speed on me. He rounds the corner and I guess he figured he would hide there and spit me as I came down, but he was surprised as I wall-ran up and strafe-jumped the corner. 2 shotty blasts later and a farm team has won in a shotty rush against one of the top NS clans!
The party was long and hard that night on vent
(ok, so it's not a comm story perse, but it's a good story)
Round is tanith version is 3.0
I hop in and spot a hive in satcom 2IPs obs and armory dropped. We have a skilled team on satcom camping them. Aliens rush the cC and get it down but we have 1 ip,armory and MT. We LMG the hive in satcom but fail to get down fusion as the only armory was in MS. THERE ENJOY <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad-fix.gif" />