Abnormally High Pings In Beta5

Vader6Vader6 Join Date: 2004-11-07 Member: 32684Members
Ever since I first got NS installed (beta 3) I have been playing servers such as NSarmslab and WDF, getting a ping that never went above 120, but ever since the release of beta 5- my ping SKYROCKETS up to 300-400-500-800!! It is getting me frustrated! I used to frequent these servers but my rdiculous ping is basically making NS unplayable!

System Specs
AMD Atholon XP-2.6Ghz
Geforce FX 5950 ultra-256 megs
1Gigabyte RAM W/ hyper threading
Windows XP home

my connection is over a lan network shared by several other computers in my house, the lan network is connected to a cable modem which is shared by all the computers. But this was never the issue.

What I would like to know is what do I do to get these pings back down? the issue is not FPS since my computer can run NS several times over.


  • exileSoulexileSoul Join Date: 2004-07-04 Member: 29716Members
    what are your rates set at? try these commands in the console and see what they are.


    also, make sure you close any other programs that may affect your ping (msn, kazaa etc)
  • Vader6Vader6 Join Date: 2004-11-07 Member: 32684Members
    Cl_cmdrate: 30
    CL_updaterate: 20
    EX_interp: 0.1
  • typicalskeletontypicalskeleton Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 14011Members
    edited November 2004
    Check other games/internet applications, try to verify if the problem is isolated to NS.

    It could be possible that your ISP is having problems, or that your cable modem is going out (I had this happen to me a few weeks ago -- it resulted in occasional and "violent" ping spikes).

    Check the network and the computers on it, as well. Make sure there are no connection hogs. If you use a router, check router settings and, if you haven't yet, reboot both devices fully.

    Use your judgement, but sometimes resetting router settings to default can help.

    Do general maintenance on all the computers if possible (adware, spyware, virus, etc), make sure everything is kosher and try to isolate the problem. Make sure it is NS related and not network/internet/hardware/software related. Take it from there (should be a lot easier.) =P
  • DragonMechDragonMech Join Date: 2003-09-19 Member: 21023Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2004
    Your rate is very low - try 20,000 and see if that helps. Also, make sure Steam has detected your internet connection speed right. Open steam and go to Settings > Internet and select the appropriate speed.
  • typicalskeletontypicalskeleton Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 14011Members
    'course, always best to start with simple stuff! =P
  • Vader6Vader6 Join Date: 2004-11-07 Member: 32684Members
    Thnx, I found the problem, steam set my connection speed to 28.8k, so I put it back up to 1m. <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
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